Received 7 defective Nexus 7's and Google is now refusing RMA's


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Aug 3, 2012
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Re: Received 7 defective Nexus 7's and Google is now refusing RMA

Or if forces Google to raise the bar on their production and QA when they have piles of legitimately flawed tablets, which were returned. Broken products come back.

No, actually you are incorrect in your assumption that his many returns (and when others mimic his consumer behavior) don't ultimately impact ALL OF US, in the form of higher prices and/or restrictive return policies. So don't be surprised when I, and others are peeved at him.


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Re: Received 7 defective Nexus 7's and Google is now refusing RMA

Or if forces Google to raise the bar on their production and QA when they have piles of legitimately flawed tablets, which were returned. Broken products come back.

You seem to think that most of the N7's are defective. I think otherwise. (HINT: we will never agree, on this topic of returning a large number of devices, rather than BUYING SOMETHING ELSE)


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Why should he have to buy something different? The N7 is top of the food chain right now. Every forum I'm on has a gazillion members pimpin' this tablet like none other than it are worth considering.
Apparently the N7 is better than sliced bread so if everyone loves THEIRS so vigourously, why cant the OP get one he can love with the same zeal?

Tap'n from my White SGT2 7.0 SE
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Re: Received 7 defective Nexus 7's and Google is now refusing RMA

Why should he have to buy something different? The N7 is top of the food chain right now. Every forum I'm on has a gazillion members pimpin' this tablet like none other than it are worth considering.
Apparently the N7 is better than sliced bread so if everyone loves THEIRS so vigourously, why cant the OP get one he can love with the same zeal?

Tap'n from my White SGT2 7.0 SE

What he said. There are no other quad core tablets on the market for $250. They advertised a tablet and fail to produce one that is without flaws. This isn't difficult to understand. If you want to resolve our permanent disagreement, perhaps you would like to spend your money and buy me a Nexus 7, since you seem to be so quick to suggest what I should do with my time and money.


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Re: Received 7 defective Nexus 7's and Google is now refusing RMA

Why should he have to buy something different? The N7 is top of the food chain right now. Every forum I'm on has a gazillion members pimpin' this tablet like none other than it are worth considering.
Apparently the N7 is better than sliced bread so if everyone loves THEIRS so vigourously, why cant the OP get one he can love with the same zeal?

Tap'n from my White SGT2 7.0 SE

ah, perhaps because he doesn't think much of the quality control, and therefore will NEVER EVER be happy with an N7??? It's really hard to conceive that someone would rationally swap a device 10 times, rather than purchasing something else in its place--or simply wait for something "better" to come along, that is more to his liking. it is CLEAR to me that he doesn't REALLY like the n7, other than the IDEA of an N7. His REALITY is that the N7 SUCKS and hence he keeps returning them ad infinitum. and THAT, I don't agree with, being as that behavior will not benefit other consumers, despite claims that it sort of holds the mfgr "accountable". in practical terms, it does nothing of the sort.

It is irrelevant that other people like the n7. The OP has demonstrated that in his mind, it is flawed.


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Re: Received 7 defective Nexus 7's and Google is now refusing RMA

Lots of caps in this post...very passionate.

I never said that I swapped my device 10 times, but if I did, would that make me less rational than anybody else? Particularly, someone who infers someone's entire personality based on consumer habits?

I'm glad it's clear to you that I do not like the Nexus 7, as I believe I've even told other rational members of this community that I enjoy it very much.

My behavior will not benefit other consumers? Do you have any facts or statistics to substantiate that claim?

You talk a lot about my we know each other?

If you have a problem with my behavior, perhaps you should save yourself some stress and stop reading this thread....because it's not going to stop. Last I checked, I have the freedom to do as I please so long that it's not illegal. I'm very passionate about freedom. What is it particularly about freedom that you seem to hate?

ah, perhaps because he doesn't think much of the quality control, and therefore will NEVER EVER be happy with an N7??? It's really hard to conceive that someone would rationally swap a device 10 times, rather than purchasing something else in its place--or simply wait for something "better" to come along, that is more to his liking. it is CLEAR to me that he doesn't REALLY like the n7, other than the IDEA of an N7. His REALITY is that the N7 SUCKS and hence he keeps returning them ad infinitum. and THAT, I don't agree with, being as that behavior will not benefit other consumers, despite claims that it sort of holds the mfgr "accountable". in practical terms, it does nothing of the sort.

It is irrelevant that other people like the n7. The OP has demonstrated that in his mind, it is flawed.


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Sep 15, 2010
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Re: Received 7 defective Nexus 7's and Google is now refusing RMA

...perhaps you should save yourself some stress and stop reading this thread....because it's not going to stop.

Yeah, but hopefully you get a good device and this thread dies. Because basically some people think you are nuts for sticking with the N7, while others think you should swap 100 if you have too. And we just keep going back and forth, so why keep it going?

I think there is some validity to what @dave1812dave said about once someone has in in their mind something is flawed, then it will always be flawed, or they will "find" a flaw. I remember getting my Verizon GNex after reading about all the horrible signal strength issues. What was the first thing I did when I got it? Install Signal Strength Meter (an app) and obsess over it. I swapped out two of them. Then I just ignored it and enjoyed the phone. I read posts from people taking their N7 into a dark room, going all black on the screen just to find light bleed. Some people will find a flaw no matter what. I'm not saying you are going that because you seem to have the same issues as others.

The down side to all of this is you never get the pleasure of the N7 because you keep having to swap it out. It really is a nice device and you can't go wrong for 200/250 bucks. So good luck to you. Maybe try a Staples. While not my favorite retailer, I normally have good luck there.


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Jul 26, 2012
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Re: Received 7 defective Nexus 7's and Google is now refusing RMA

Why should he have to buy something different? The N7 is top of the food chain right now. Every forum I'm on has a gazillion members pimpin' this tablet like none other than it are worth considering.
Apparently the N7 is better than sliced bread so if everyone loves THEIRS so vigourously, why cant the OP get one he can love with the same zeal?

Tap'n from my White SGT2 7.0 SE

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Jun 19, 2012
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What he said. There are no other quad core tablets on the market for $250. They advertised a tablet and fail to produce one that is without flaws. This isn't difficult to understand. If you want to resolve our permanent disagreement, perhaps you would like to spend your money and buy me a Nexus 7, since you seem to be so quick to suggest what I should do with my time and money.

Lmao...why, you'd simply return it?!?

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Re: Received 7 defective Nexus 7's and Google is now refusing RMA

You're absolutely right, I will probably never have the same excitement for this device now. But, I would still enjoy one that is minus defects. Just won't feel like my birthday, but eh, not a big deal. I'm only going to swap out a couple more and then just wait for something to trump it. However, it is an excellent device. I just swapped out the blown speaker one at WalMart and landed one that has perfect color calibration and no light bleed, but a small patch of about 4 pixels, which are slightly darker than the others. I thought it was a smudge, but it isn't. Something is trapped between the screen and the LCD. Oh well, I really might keep this one. Probably will still try a couple more out of curiosity and because I don't care how many bad tablets Google takes back. As much drama as everybody thinks this is for me...I can only find it funny at this point. I really only started this thread so that other users out there who are in the same boat as I am don't tick off Google by asking too much. Also, for any new customers to know what may be ahead of them before they plunk down their money, as I did during the Google I/O conference. Google and Asus were my favorite companies in that order and they're missing the mark. I really wish Samsung would come out with a quad core $200 tablet...that would be sweet!

Yeah, but hopefully you get a good device and this thread dies. Because basically some people think you are nuts for sticking with the N7, while others think you should swap 100 if you have too. And we just keep going back and forth, so why keep it going?

The down side to all of this is you never get the pleasure of the N7 because you keep having to swap it out. It really is a nice device and you can't go wrong for 200/250 bucks. So good luck to you. Maybe try a Staples. While not my favorite retailer, I normally have good luck there.


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Re: Received 7 defective Nexus 7's and Google is now refusing RMA

I think you missed the point. If you'd like to ridicule me, I'm simply going to report you. Every time. Seems easier than arguing and derailing the purpose of this thread.

Lmao...why, you'd simply return it?!?

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Re: Received 7 defective Nexus 7's and Google is now refusing RMA

Consider this the last warning: no more personal attacks, insults, etc. Keep it civil, keep it on topic, and share your opinions in a communal and respectful fashion.
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Not only do I not know the OP, we are not one in the same as you suggest. I happen to be a female. Also I'd ask that you not continue to attack me merely because I happen to agree with him.

Like you I have the right to read and respond accordingly. I didn't know I was supposed to be upset and livid at the OP for exercising his rights as a consumer. If you already have the N7, his returns will in no way affect the perfection you've found in yours.

The reason I don't see anything wrong with the number of returns is because he's one person. Had this thread been filled with a bunch of people who've returned their device multiple times for whatever reason, no one would bat an eye then the thread would turn into how bad Goggles QA is.


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Jun 8, 2010
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Re: Received 7 defective Nexus 7's and Google is now refusing RMA

Not only do I not know the OP, we are not one in the same as you suggest. I happen to be a female. Also I'd ask that you not continue to attack me merely because I happen to agree with him.

Like you I have the right to read and respond accordingly. I didn't know I was supposed to be upset and livid at the OP for exercising his rights as a consumer. If you already have the N7, his returns will in no way affect the perfection you've found in yours.

The reason I don't see anything wrong with the number of returns is because he's one person. Had this thread been filled with a bunch of people who've returned their device multiple times for whatever reason, no one would bat an eye then the thread would turn into how bad Goggles QA is.
Well said, I'll take it a step further. Maybe if all of us as consumers were as diligent as the OP we might see better products put out. Maybe we wouldn't see so many phones and etc. being released with the number of bugs and problems they are released with only to be asked to be patient and wait months sometimes for ma/pa bell ie VZW/AT&T to get off of their collective seats to push out updates.


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And some people find faults that others don't notice or care about. I don't buy the notion that Asus needs to be excoriated for the quality of the n7

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Well said, I'll take it a step further. Maybe if all of us as consumers were as diligent as the OP we might see better products put out. Maybe we wouldn't see so many phones and etc. being released with the number of bugs and problems they are released with only to be asked to be patient and wait months sometimes for ma/pa bell ie VZW/AT&T to get off of their collective seats to push out updates.

And THIS is why I will no longer subject myself to the will or whim of the manufacturer or carrier.
Back during my PPCGeek days HTC and Sprint couldn't decide whose fault the blame should go to so they blamed each other for a phone that was so worthless it should've never left the testing labs.

Many people were content to settle for the flaws and excuses both companies were providing. Many people decided to "hold out for a fix." The problem here was holding out meant relinquishing our right to return the phone within the time frame allotted. And THAT'S when all hell broke loose.

And just like the case with ASUS where some people are getting RMAs and others being denied, it was no different for us. We wanted either HTC or Sprint to upgrade our phones to the newest model on their dime AND not have it affect upgrade eligibility. Many of us as Sprint customers felt like we were sold a plot of dirt.

In the end Sprint did make things right but not for everyone. In retrospect I can relate to the OP cause although it's different companies, his situation and mine are very similar so I guess I feel his pain. And anyone from PPCGeek whose on this forum may remember exactly what I'm talking about.....(oh those were the days.....)

That fiasco taught me a valuable lesson. Lesson being it's my money and I can spend it as I please. I can also return as I please and it's no ones fault but my own if I don't return something defective in time. If more people do as the OP is doing it would force companies to provide is with defect free devices. After all, that's what we're paying for.
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Re: Received 7 defective Nexus 7's and Google is now refusing RMA

I'm sure Asus would prefer that you just buy the tablet and not the QA issues associated to it.

And some people find faults that others don't notice or care about. I don't buy the notion that Asus needs to be excoriated for the quality of the n7

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