Replacement Pixel XL, How do I know if it's a Google Play Version..


Active member
Sep 14, 2011
I have not been able to find this answer any where. A little while back I got my replacement Google Pixel XL through Asurion on my Verizon warranty due to burn in. When I received the phone I noticed the Verizon account webpage showed it as a blank picture instead of the picture of the Pixel like it should. I am wanting to unlock my bootloader, of course I am on 7.1.1, but in developer options the oem unlock button is able to be switched on instead of being greyed out, which makes me curious if this is a Google Play version and I still have some luck on my side. I have no idea where to check if this is indeed the Google Play version of the phone though. Where can I check? From all the information I have seen, if you have a Verizon version of the phone the oem unlock button is permanently greyed out, this one is not. I don't really want to run through the whole fastboot process and accidentally wipe my phone and it not even be worth it.
And to piggy back off this, I just checked my son's Verizon Pixel XL, and his oem unlock switch is indeed greyed out. His is not a replacement phone.
I don't know this for sure but from what I am reading the only difference from the Verizon Pixel and the Google Store Pixel is the unlockable bootloader. So it seems you may have gotten lucky and gotten a Google version as a replacement.

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