Reset Galaxy S III Home Button


New member
Jan 5, 2013
Somehow, my home button no longer takes me to the middle screen like it did when I first bought my phone. I don't know how it happened, but I would like to reset it. And I would like to reset without downloading any additional software. Thanks.
press the home key button, then pinch that screen to bring up all your screens, there is a lil house icon in the right corner of each screen. tap the little house in the right corner on your original home screen and that will make it your default home screen again. When you press your home key button, it should work now.
From any home screen.......Menu-Edit Page.
You will see all of your screens and notice the little arrow on the top right hand corner of each screen.
The one that has a blue arrow is the one that is your default home screen, and when you push the home button, that is the screen you get.
To change ,just click on the arrow of the screen that you want your default home screen to be..

You can also move the screens around.
Re: Reset Galaxy S3 Home Button

Sorry Makaroni,By the time I finished typing your reply was up.
Didn't know about the pinching thing though.
Re: Reset Galaxy S3 Home Button

Sorry Makaroni,By the time I finished typing your reply was up.
Didn't know about the pinching thing though.

It's cool fam. It's all love here! We're all here to help when we can. You gotta get your words per minute typing game up homie lmao J/K . Hey Original Poster, hit the "thanks" button on both of our posts and we'll each take half the credit.
Re: Reset Galaxy S3 Home Button

Thanks to both of you, but I find droidrider's method to be a little easier. Can't get the pinch right. :)
Re: Reset Galaxy S3 Home Button

Dear, my home button does not work properly. It does not lock home screen. How to set it as lock button?
The Home button doesn't have that functionality - the Power button causes the screen to lock immediately if you have that setting enabled.

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