restore nexus 10

Tyler Lietz

Well-known member
Dec 9, 2012
I got my tablet from Samsung and they did fix the part. The said they replaced something but not what. Well my apps and settings are not redownloading after I factor reseted and signed in. I chose yes but its not working. I didn't back up my tablet before I gave it to them but auto backup should have done this not to mention I've had this for a year and done it before

Tyler Lietz

Well-known member
Dec 9, 2012
Under settings/Backup & reset, is automatic restore checked?

yeah its checked. though it says restore app data when downloaded. I just want it to auto go back to what it was before I wiped it. Feels like I just bought it with everything stock with non of my apps downloaded and seems like alot of work to redownload 16gb of apps and games manually