Returning Evo 3D for new Sprint Motorola Photon 4G? Compare.

Are you returning your E3D for the Motorola Photon?

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Sep 5, 2010
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I don't think I will ever understand this rationale. Basing decisions on the name of a phone? Or is my sarcasm meter broken?
Names of things trigger emotional responses, which are never based on logic.

It amazes me too but my higher end photo packages started selling better just by changing their names.


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May 25, 2010
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Re: Not impressed with the all

I liked the photon. I could not get past the screen door effect, but the way they did the screen does greatly increase battery life. I expect to see more phones with Pentile screens as the processors get faster, and they take more power. That power has to come from somewhere. Increasing the battery size won't do it as people would just complain about how heavy and bulky the phone is.


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Jun 15, 2010
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Re: Not impressed with the all

I'm going to be honest, I am jelly of the camera, kickstand, and battery life (because don't deny it the camera is garbage) but apart from that i absolutely love the evo! After tinkering with the photon at a sprint store I walked away without buyers remorse in the slightest. The screen looks pixelated, the corners look stupid and in my opinion the benchmarks don't mean squat and I believe the Evo 3D simply has a better processor. And while it does have world phone capabilities, I definitely would use the 3d feature much more often than the gsm in the photon. Besides you cant show off a gsm radio right?

But, this is just my opinion everyone is entitled to theirs too.


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Oct 16, 2009
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Re: Not impressed with the all

I have the EVO 3D and Photon. I have to disagree. They both have positives that aren't found in the other. My main problem with the EVO is the poor call quality, low volume and poor signal strength. Those features are more important for me because I am on my phone all the time. The EVO wins on several other points, but it comes down to each persons needs.


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May 17, 2010
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Re: Not impressed with the all

I have the EVO 3D and Photon. I have to disagree. They both have positives that aren't found in the other. My main problem with the EVO is the poor call quality, low volume and poor signal strength. Those features are more important for me because I am on my phone all the time. The EVO wins on several other points, but it comes down to each persons needs.

those are more Important for me as well and thats why that phone was just unacceptable for me.. My girl still has her Evo 3D because she isnt as critical about those things as I am.. I need a Phone for its functionality not for its pretty screen. But thats just me. If Evo 3D owners are happy with that device then thats all that really matters. There are plenty of devices that cater to the needs(and wants) of everyone out there. :)


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Jul 13, 2011
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Re: Not impressed with the all

I've never visited the Photon thread, because I do not own one. I own a 3D so I posted MY opinion of the Photon in the thread of the device that I own. It's worth mentioning how awful the Photon's screen is and also I am pointing out the bias I see in editorials. To me the Photon's screen is unacceptable for a 2011 smartphone, but somehow the optional and awesome 3D feature is a negative.

rock on Vick. you tell it like it is and there is nothing wrong about that.

I just got my EVO3D on the 5th.
while waiting at the corp store for the next sales person, I checked out all the phones I liked. the epic4g , the photon all set up with keyboard and monitor to help show off the extras, and the evo3d.
with the epic4g having no sd card slot being a big deal breaker, it is still a nice phone. the photon was also nice, but I hated the motoblur and the screen sucked big time in my book. I already knew the good and bad things about all the phones from reviews or the forums, and I was hoping that I wasn't making any mistake with the evo3d with all the bad things being said in reviews and such. battery life being a big deal for me.

I did want to wait for the SGS2 as I love that phone as much as the evo3d, but it seems to not auto resize the type on websites when you zoom in without hitting another button. as silly as that sounds, it was a big deal breaker for me. a lower rez 4.3" screen also seems stupid to me when I'm going to do a lot of reading type, viewing movies, and playing video games.

now that I've been rocking the evo3d for two days, I have to say that I'm so happy that I went with the e3d. while in direct sun the screen stinks, but everything else seems to be working great. my call volume is so loud that I have to tun it down sometimes (see above thread) even with an ottobox defender installed. I get great call quality and my friends say I sound fine. I even get 4g service in my apartment (think 1950's brick buildings that have sheetmetal and concrete walls (AKA:fire walls to prevent the spread of fires).

I didn't fool around with the camera settings, but I can see that at times, some people here need to understand that the default settings on this camera phone NEEDS to be changed. yet all my photos came out great for the piece of crap that ALL camera phones are (note: I'm a photograher and even pro digi SLRs need to have thier settings taken off of default in order to have proper white balance/saturation/ect.

today I took some videos (with and without the flash/light turned on) of my chameleons shooting with thier tounge, a cricket from my fingers in 3D. they all came out so great. I really need to post them on youtube for you to look at them. sadly I'm sure that the members of the chameleonforums wont have a TV or this phone to view them, but they should look cool in 2D as well.

to get back to your topic, I can understand why review sites would hype up any new phone that comes out. after all, how many demo phones would they get if they say that the phones being reviewed sucked?
but to not like the evo3d because it has a feature that you don't have to use is silly. let's also not forget how bad the review sites say the battery life is when people are getting 12-24 hours of battery life with non-damaged phones/batterys.

now I understand that some people don't mind motoblur. personally, I hate it. (I'm also not too fond of touchwiz but I can live with it if I went with the SGS2)
but how can review sites NOT knock the pentile screen of the photon? I would be ashamed to show off my new phone to my friends. I would even say that the screen would bother me so much from the poor quality that I would never use it and would have to return a perfectly good phone because of it.

all phones have pros and cons. all phones right out of the gate have bugs or problems.
but with hTc putting out not one but two updates in the first month that the evo3d came out, I'm quite happy that I went with the phone I chose.
like the idea or not, how many companys will even let you unlock their phones without a crack? (I'm looking at you motorola)

so is the evo3d for everyone? no. nor is the photon.
in a few months when both the new iphone and the SGS2 are out I guess that I wont be in the "in crowd" again. but can they take 3D videos of their chameleons eating?
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Jul 19, 2011
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The reviews should mention the pentile screen, but I like it. I've lived with pixels all my life, and if this screen chews up less battery life it is a better screen for me than the gorgeous powerhog on the evo3d. ;)
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Feb 3, 2011
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Re: Not impressed with the all

those are more Important for me as well and thats why that phone was just unacceptable for me.. My girl still has her Evo 3D because she isnt as critical about those things as I am.. I need a Phone for its functionality not for its pretty screen. But thats just me. If Evo 3D owners are happy with that device then thats all that really matters. There are plenty of devices that cater to the needs(and wants) of everyone out there. :)

I agree that poor reception and call quality are unacceptable. If my EVO 3D had those qualities I wouldn't keep it either. The problem with this whole subject imho is that it is being presumed that all EVO 3D phones have this and all of the other problems listed in the poll and throughout this forum and mine, as well as others' do not have any of them. It is being suggested that those of us who are satisfied with ours are lowering our standards and that is simply not the case.
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Jul 13, 2011
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Re: Not impressed with the all

I know I already posted an ultra long post of my thoughts on page 6, but I also want to state that nobody should lower thier standards and should return the phone if defective or not to your liking (ie: it's just not for you).

when I spend this much money on anything, with my limited budget, there is no way I would keep anything if it dosen't please me 110%.


let's take a look at a few things that we have all seen online with the evo3d...

first off, a gadget website complains about a battery test that lasts 14 hours....SHE HAD ALL THE RADIOS ENABLED, and TWITTER, (just not bluetooth), durring this test.
how is this battery life test bad? 14 hours with 4G and GPS turned on is outstanding for any phone.

in her second test she snapped about 80 photos and captured four short videos (about half of this content was in 3D). her battery went from full to 60% in an hour and a half.
how is 40 3D photos and 2 3D videos along with the rest bad for her battery test when everyone knows that shooting in 3D will drain your battery?
now I don't know about you, but when I used to shoot football games from the sidelines, even I didn't shoot 80 photos (with my motordrive firing away at 5 frames per second) in an hour and a half (ok, maybe I did, but would the avg person ever do what I used to do when I used to be a pro photographer?).
so basicly she had her screen on for almost 2 hours straight shooting 80 photos, 4 videos, half of them in 3D and she lost 40% of her battery...I'll bet all her radeos were turned on too. HOW THE HECK IS THIS BAD AGAIN, for any phone?

then she also hates sense 3.0...WTF?
it's so polished for any newbee to use. the evo3d is my first android phone and it's so mush better in my eyes then touchwiz and makes motoblur look like it's defective. as a tech geek who has built my own computers since 1988, you would think that I would be rooting my new phone shortly. but I love sense 3.0 so much that even my friends are amazed that I'm not going to any time soon, if at all. it just works great right out of the box and is far smoother then anything else out there at stock.

she goes on to say:
"The EVO 3D is a well made handset that improves upon the EVO 4G in terms of raw horsepower -- as such, it lives up to its flagship status. That being said, it's also a step back in some areas (the lack of kickstand comes to mind). While the qHD screen provides a welcome boost in pixel density, the overall display performance still lags behind the competition. Sense 3.0 leaves us cold..."
"...But our biggest gripe with the EVO 3D is its terrible battery life, which is even worse than what we observed on the already lackluster EVO 4G. "

huh, the display lags behind the compitition? the battery life is worse the the evo4g? is she kidding or is she getting payed under the table? I really want to know. I think Vick feels the same way and is why he posted his thoughts. other website reviews are not much better, so I wonder just like Vick, what is going on?
while yes there are a few bad evo3d phones or batterys that made it out to the public, I just can't understand the reviews I'm seeing online.


next, let's look at the votes from this poll...

over 40% of the voters claim that the evo3d is the best phone from sprint. not even 10% of the voters say the photon is the best. do you know what this tells me? it says that regardless of our thoughts, a whole ton of people ran out to get a evo3d and only a handfull of people went to buy a photon. I wonder why that is if the photon is that much better then the evo3d.../sarcastic

there is no perfect phone in my eyes for everyone. the photon is great for some people, the same can be said about the evo3d. that is what makes this world a great place...we have choices.
But I'm sorry to say that once again, nobody is lowering thier standards when thinking of buying or keeping the evo3d. that is just silly in my book.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2010
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Re: Not impressed with the all

I agree that poor reception and call quality are unacceptable. If my EVO 3D had those qualities I wouldn't keep it either. The problem with this whole subject imho is that it is being presumed that all EVO 3D phones have this and all of the other problems listed in the poll and throughout this forum and mine, as well as others' do not have any of them. It is being suggested that those of us who are satisfied with ours are lowering our standards and that is simply not the case.

I would be ignorant to think that all of them have problems, however, my Evo 3D my girls Evo 3D, a co worker and not to mention a bunch of people on this forum all have most of the same problems so I just figured that most of them have issues. thats Enough for me not to want to take another chance with that device.


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May 17, 2010
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Re: Not impressed with the all

then she also hates sense 3.0...WTF?
it's so polished for any newbee to use. the evo3d is my first android phone and it's so mush better in my eyes then touchwiz and makes motoblur look like it's defective. as a tech geek who has built my own computers since 1988, you would think that I would be rooting my new phone shortly. but I love sense 3.0 so much that even my friends are amazed that I'm not going to any time soon, if at all. it just works great right out of the box and is far smoother then anything else out there at stock.

I was In love with sense 3.0... thats one thing I actually miss about my Evo 3D.


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Jul 13, 2011
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Re: Not impressed with the all

I would be ignorant to think that all of them have problems, however, my Evo 3D my girls Evo 3D, a co worker and not to mention a bunch of people on this forum all have most of the same problems so I just figured that most of them have issues. thats Enough for me not to want to take another chance with that device.

the chances are your area was sent a bad batch of phones. you were wize not to walk into a sprint store and get another bad phone. I'm also sorry to hear that you miss sence 3.0. if you like it so much you can always call up sprint, tell them your story, and ask them if they will send you another evo3d for you to try and then send back the phone that performs the worst for you.

sprint's customer service has gotten alot better since back in the day. the lady who helped sell me the phone at my store was so ultra nice that I want to call up sprint and tell them how nice she was to me...she even let me run out of the store to meet my friend downstairs at the mall while he was on a 10 min break from work so we can have a smoke together outside. when I came back and the update was ready, she even setup my emails, and installed my contacts without even me begging her to do so. she then installed my ottobox defender and made sure everything worked before handing me the phone. she was kind and pleasure to deal with the whole time I was there. in the past, this was never the case with the sales help or tech support.

I wish you luck with what ever phone you use. again, the photon is a great phone so enjoy it if you deside to keep it.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2010
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Re: Not impressed with the all

the chances are your area was sent a bad batch of phones. you were wize not to walk into a sprint store and get another bad phone. I'm also sorry to hear that you miss sence 3.0. if you like it so much you can always call up sprint, tell them your story, and ask them if they will send you another evo3d for you to try and then send back the phone that performs the worst for you.

sprint's customer service has gotten alot better since back in the day. the lady who helped sell me the phone at my store was so ultra nice that I want to call up sprint and tell them how nice she was to me...she even let me run out of the store to meet my friend downstairs at the mall while he was on a 10 min break from work so we can have a smoke together outside. when I came back and the update was ready, she even setup my emails, and installed my contacts without even me begging her to do so. she then installed my ottobox defender and made sure everything worked before handing me the phone. she was kind and pleasure to deal with the whole time I was there. in the past, this was never the case with the sales help or tech support.

I wich you luck with what ever phone you use. again, the photon is a great phone so enjoy it if you deside to keep it.

Yeah your right Ive had good experiences with sprints customer service lately.. I should have given what you recommended a shot before I swapped over to the Photon, I actually never thought of doing that..

I bought my phone at best buy and I think it might be to late being passed my 30 days and all. But its ok, I am cool with the Photon. Maybe I will catch the next version of the Evo later down the line.. since my first Android phone ever was the Evo 4G I could never fully turn my back on the Good ole Evo lineup.. Plus sense 3.0 is amazing in my opinion. Any future versions of sense will just be icing on the cake :)
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Jul 30, 2011
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Re: Not impressed with the all

That pentile screen is so pixilated that i couldnt stand it and im glad i have the Evo 3d because i dont travel around the world so the fact that its a world phone means nothing to me and even though MotoBlur has become less intrusive you can tell its still MotoBlur. I also think that people nit pick on cameras has the Evo 3d takes good pics in 2d mode also. Sense is so much more enjoyable of an expierience than motoblur!!!!
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May 9, 2010
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Re: Not impressed with the all

I got the Photon for my girlfriend, turned in a evo 4g for it. She loves it, and clearly prefers it over the evo 4g. Better battery life, she prefers the keyboard and finds it easier to use. I have an Evo 3D and like it alot. There are some quirks but, living with them.


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Feb 3, 2011
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Re: Not impressed with the all

I do think it is likely that a bad batch of phones went out, which is really unfortunate because it has left some people with a bad taste in their mouth for the EVO 3D. The tech reviews were biased as well which has colored a lot of opinions. I am encouraged, though by the fact that HTC has released two updates already and that people other than me are reporting no issues. Hopefully soon we will be able to talk about how awesome our device is and giving each other tips and tricks for maximizing it's performance instead of sifting through a bunch of flame posts and threads to find the good stuff. :D

Citizen Coyote

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Jul 9, 2011
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Re: Not impressed with the all

now I understand that some people don't mind motoblur. personally, I hate it. (I'm also not too fond of touchwiz but I can live with it if I went with the SGS2)
but how can review sites NOT knock the pentile screen of the photon? I would be ashamed to show off my new phone to my friends. I would even say that the screen would bother me so much from the poor quality that I would never use it and would have to return a perfectly good phone because of it.

They don't knock the Pentile screen because they don't see a problem. It's been pretty much agreed on in the Photon forum that not everyone can see the "screendoor" effect of the Pentile screen. The only way to judge it is to see it for yourself in person. Obviously you are one of the people who does see it, but for many reviewers the screen looks perfectly fine to them because they don't see it (I'm assuming, based on the reviews), or don't consider it a big negative.

For the record, I am one of the people who can see the Pentile effect. However, I think the phone is perfectly fine otherwise, and an excellent choice for those who can't see the effect..


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Jul 19, 2011
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They don't knock the Pentile screen because they don't see a problem.. .

For the record, I am one of the people who can see the Pentile effect. However, I think the phone is perfectly fine otherwise, and an excellent choice for those who can't see the effect..

Or they see the effect but like the phone anyway. I see it perfectly clearly, but that doesn't make my top 5 list of reasons to consider trading the phone in. So you see pixels? Big whoop. I find the screen clear and pleasant to read, pixels and all.