[rom][sero7 pro][LiquidSmooth][unofficial][kang]

Greetings bdadd34 and fellow Sero7 users -

I have recently purchased a refurbished Hisense Sero 7 Pro and was interested in learning how to root the tablet right out of the box. Before I discovered this website, I did a lot of web searching and reading on how to root this particular device. I happened across xda-developers site and discovered "xboxexpert" root/cwm touch recovery script. Following his instructions I downloaded, unzipped and installed 'XE_Sero7_Pro_Root' to my tablet. I can now access CWM Recovery by holding the volume up and power button when the tablet is completed shut down. All this means is that I can read instructions and follow the directions that are given by people who are more versed in the intricacies of ROM development.

My question for you is can I now download "LS-KK-v3.0-2014-03-31-m470.zip" and "[GAPPS][4.4.x/4.3.x]" and install them from CWM without a hitch? If not, would you be so kind as to tell me what else I need to do before attempting to flash my tablet? I read Rawb0Ss reply to this thread above and could not find any reference to what he termed "rerooted it with the themed twrp". Anyway, Many thanks for your assistance and helpful input by other interested parties are appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

HiSense Model M470BSA
Android Ver. 4.2.1
Kernal Ver.
Build Number P756.
Greetings bdadd34 and fellow Sero7 users -

I have recently purchased a refurbished Hisense Sero 7 Pro and was interested in learning how to root the tablet right out of the box. Before I discovered this website, I did a lot of web searching and reading on how to root this particular device. I happened across xda-developers site and discovered "xboxexpert" root/cwm touch recovery script. Following his instructions I downloaded, unzipped and installed 'XE_Sero7_Pro_Root' to my tablet. I can now access CWM Recovery by holding the volume up and power button when the tablet is completed shut down. All this means is that I can read instructions and follow the directions that are given by people who are more versed in the intricacies of ROM development.

My question for you is can I now download "LS-KK-v3.0-2014-03-31-m470.zip" and "[GAPPS][4.4.x/4.3.x]" and install them from CWM without a hitch? If not, would you be so kind as to tell me what else I need to do before attempting to flash my tablet? I read Rawb0Ss reply to this thread above and could not find any reference to what he termed "rerooted it with the themed twrp". Anyway, Many thanks for your assistance and helpful input by other interested parties are appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

HiSense Model M470BSA
Android Ver. 4.2.1
Kernal Ver.
Build Number P756.

You can't flash a KitKat based ROM on the Sero without downloading a custom CWM or TWRP recovery with support for SELinux. See my PAC-ROM thread and I've got a link. The zips there are flashable, so just flash them via recovery then reboot recovery and you'll be good to go.

Sent from my Sero 7 Pro using Tapatalk
You can't flash a KitKat based ROM on the Sero without downloading a custom CWM or TWRP recovery with support for SELinux. See my PAC-ROM thread and I've got a link. The zips there are flashable, so just flash them via recovery then reboot recovery and you'll be good to go.

Sent from my Sero 7 Pro using Tapatalk

Greetings jerbear64 -

Because of your quick response and knowledgeable suggestions/instructions, I now have Liquid Smooth 3.0 installed with Gapps 4.4.x. Kudos for your help in making this newbie feel right at home as a new member. It is friendly and helpful people such as you that make or break forums such as this one. As a newbie, I would like to ask you if you have any other personal suggestions or favorite apps that may make my android experience a better one. This is my first android device as I usually dabble in Windows based desktop PC's. Ok, I am off to register on google play and see what goodies are out there. However, I will wait for a response from you or any of the other folks here before I start spending my hard earned cash. Again, thank you for your gracious help.
This has been the smoothest ROM by far I have tried, Battery life is phenomenal.
The only issue I have found has been with Bluetooth tethering, It has worked in other ROM in the past.
It connects to the phone but just does not pull an IP address.
Thank you for this great ROM.
Got my other tablet back last night...:D:D:D
Will upload a simple oc kernel in a bit and a update to rom as soon as I fine tune it and test a little...I will see if I can fix BT tether before posting it.

oc kernel posted in op.

Sent from my XT1060 using Xparent Green Tapatalk 2
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So I've been testing the new OC kernel is been unstable at times and sometimes the wifi stop working and also it's draining the battery more maybe because I'm getting emails and notification alerts. Using it at work all day today, when gaming with the new kernel like xcom, dead trigger and such seem to load quicker. So far I really enjoy the new kernel but would love to thank you for all of your hard work and bringing kitkat to this tablet!
I've been using it since last night and have seen no signs of problems except for maybe a little more battery usage. But that's to be expected with overclocking. I definitely noticed a nice speed boost and games are a lot smoother. Great job :D
I been playing with this rom for over a week now. Still lovin it and running nice and smooth! I have further tested gps, bluetooth, wifi, and hdmi to tv. So far everything works fine, except the wifi has turned off a few times. I can easily fix by rebooting the tablet. The other time I went afk from the tablet and came back 30min or so and wifi was back on again. The hdmi to tv doesnt fill the whole screen when landscape, but this may be normal, but the audio worked perfectly through hdmi. So far everything else has been good, except for finding the perfect launcher for me. Which leads me to a launcher question...

Does anyone know of an app/addon or launcher that will let you rotate the screen from landscape to portrait and vice versa, and then all of the icons on the homescreen(s) will show up and auto arrange like it does in GEL?
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I been playing with this rom for over a week now. Still lovin it and running nice and smooth! I have further tested gps, bluetooth, wifi, and hdmi to tv. So far everything works fine, except the wifi has turned off a few times. I can easily fix by rebooting the tablet. The other time I went afk from the tablet and came back 30min or so and wifi was back on again. The hdmi to tv doesnt fill the whole screen when landscape, but this may be normal, but the audio worked perfectly through hdmi. So far everything else has been good, except for finding the perfect launcher for me. Which leads me to a launcher question...

I tried about 7+ launchers, and I seem to like Apex, Solo, and GEL the best so far. The only thing I don't like is when you arrange columns/rows for portrait mode, then you rotate to landscape, the icons do not auto arrange, so the icons on the bottom of the portrait mode will not show up anywhere in landscape view. I should not have to accept it and deal with it, as the Google Experience Launcher (GEL) automatically does this perfectly! I wish the GEL had some more customization, as I would use it strictly for the autoarrange icons on the home screens, not the dock or app drawer. Does anyone know of an app/addon or launcher that will let you rotate the screen from landscape to portrait and vice versa, and then all of the icons on the homescreen(s) will show up and auto arrange like it does in GEL?
Have you tried Nova?
I have tried Nova in the past and stopped using it for some reason. I revisited it since you mentioned it and it does have this option available. It could be perfect if they offered the same options for the desktops as they do for the App drawer. Either way it works for what I need, thanks for mentioning, surprised I didnt notice this option before. Meanwhile playing with Nova, the tablet did lock up a few times, 2 of them it auto-rebooted. Wifi been running consistent lately, battery life could be better. I am still enjoying this rom and look forward to future updates.
anyone has the wifi issue "AFTER back from airplane mode"?
I experienced many times the wifi cannot be turned on after long time airplane mode.

I really like this ROM and the OC. Many thains for all the thought and effort that went into it! I do have a problem with one app that ran beaautifully under Dopa 2.0 OC. That would be SkySafari 4 Pro, total size 1.18gb, nearly all of which is an encrypted data file. When I run the app, I get this message: "Package Access Helper has stopped". I tap OK, and get an app error telling me that "the additional data files could not be read". I tap OK, and the screen is there, but emply and no response to anything. I contacted the manufacturer, who has received a number of complaints about this. The representative wrote me that it seemed to occur with rooted, custom Kitkat ROMs (and offered a refund, which I declined). I'm wondering if anyone has a clue about this, and if it's possible to fix the problem. Oh yes, I have uninstalled/reinstalled, wiped dalvik cache, etc. etc. many times, all without change. One person suggested it might be due to Links2sd, but I had that installed in Dopa 2.0 OC, and no problem with this app.
Thanks for any help.
Greetings everyone!

I am a blind Sero 7 Pro user, using the talkback screen reader, and I'm very proud to have ownned one since September of 2013.
Do to the Sero never getting a 4.3 OTA update, nor any other one officially, I've been looking at the state of roms before possibly attempting to flash one.

As the most stable Rom i have read is the "Liquid Smooth" one, I would like to know, if any members of the forum, could please put up a guide, on how to flash this Rom with Gaps via the command line, or if you have a good suggestion for a Rom Manager that could help out, please share your suggestions.

Thanks in advance for all your help!

Trenton Matthews )Sunlight_
Liquid smooth is working great for me! I love the speed and smoothness, but...

I am having one problem though.... Bluetooth tethering for internet access does not work. I have a Sero 7 Pro with broken WiFi and the only Kitkat ROM I could get Bluetooth tethering to work is Carbon ROM.

Maybe the dev could look into the differences and provide a fix? This would definitely make Liquid Smooth the best Sero 7 ROM ever.

Thanks to all the devs for this great rom!

PS: and ART is running great too!!!
I wonder if anyone else is having this trouble...

I cannot change the WIFi Scan Interval, it's stuck on the lowest/default interval... 15.

This setting can be found in Settings > General > Performance > Kernel Tweaker > Extra > Build.prop mods

Can someone check and see if they can change their setting? Thx.
i just downloaded this and got a error in external sd status 7 tried 2x and still the same anyone else had this problem wipes dalvik and cache etc .
Status 7 error when trying to install a ROM. I have the same issue. were you able to find a solution
Of all the 4.4 ROMS I've tried, I like this one the best and it seems to work well. One question: I have kids that use the tablet and before I used the Modaco toolkit to get profiles with 4.2, but would prefer native profiles; however, I have had no luck whatsoever with any ROM getting restricted profiles to work. Should it be working with this one? I would much rather do that than lots of separate profiles.
I have been using Liquidsmooth for over 6 months now, and really like it. But I have an unusual issue. When I boot, at some point the Liquidsmooth screen freezes and a few seconds later my Sero 7 Pro reboots successfully. I'd appreciate any clues as to why this is happening and hopefully how to fix it. This behavior began a couple of weeks ago, possibly after I installed TVMC (not sure about the precise time). I do use Links2SD Pro, if that might have any bearing. I also wonder if anyone else has experienced this.

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