Rooting for Dummies


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2011
Ok, I've decided to root my phone. But when I started checking into how you root a phone, well I got confused with the different roms, & terms I read, then what to download--well let's just say, I had absolutely no clue where to begin.

I'm afraid if I screw it up, will I screw up my phone to where I'd have to go out & but a new phone?

Besides being able to remove bloatware, what are the many other benefits for rooting your phone?

Where do I begin?? Do I have to buy the roms? Or anything else for that matter?

Sent from my HTC Inspire, using Tapatalk.
First, let me address your thread title. Rooting is not for dummies. If you read through all the instructions and there was anything you didn't understand, then do some more research to educate yourself. It is not a very hard procedure as long as you are somewhat computer saavy. The most important thing to avoid damaging your phone is that you have to follow every step of the instructions. I'm also assuming you were looking at the Advanced Ace Hack Kit for the Inspire on xda-developers. That is the only method you should use to root your Inspire.

Some other benefits of rooting are improved battery life, faster connection speeds, and even more customization. There are others, but those are the biggest IMO. Also, all ROMs and the hack kit are free, but donations are graciously accepted.
First let me address I wasn't calling anyone a dummy, I was referring to the series of "Dummy" how to books.

But thanks for your help.....will be educating myself tomorrow & hoping I'll be rooted AD well.

One of your members have sent me a link to better educate myself. So I'll be checking into that as well.

Sent from my HTC Inspire, using Tapatalk.
First let me address I wasn't calling anyone a dummy, I was referring to the series of "Dummy" how to books.

But thanks for your help.....will be educating myself tomorrow & hoping I'll be rooted AD well.

One of your members have sent me a link to better educate myself. So I'll be checking into that as well.

Sent from my HTC Inspire, using Tapatalk.

FYI, the xda site is down for maintenance for another 10 minutes. That's where you'll find the hack kit instructions. Since you're new, I'll tell you, read, read, and read some more. It is nerve racking when first starting out, but we've all been there. You'll notice on the xda site, a lot of the senior members have forgotten that, but post any questions and there are some here that will give you the help you need to get you rooted and then flashed with a great ROM.

I assume you have a HTC Inspire so here is the link for the hack kit. Once rooted, I think the best ROM to flash is the ClearDroid. It is a near exact copy of the stock ROM without all the carrier bloatware. Once you've been using it a while, you can expand out and mess with other ROMS.
Have fun, cuz once you get your feet under you with flashing ROMs, you'll become a ROM junkie like most of us.

Rooted Inspire with the wicked CoreDroidHD v9.3!
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Ha, don't worry too much. I to have no clue where to begin on my new G-note.
I can and have overclocked and built dozens of computers using water cooling to phase change
cooling, even hold a world record OC for an AMD CPU according to Xtremesys.

But when it comes to the software part....Lets just say with me, the engine is running but no one is
behind the wheel.
Yes the Galaxy Note.
I will probably give the rooting a try on it in a couple of months, (let the new wear off).
Wow, and my Inspire used to have the largest screen at 4.3
Now, your Gnote has one that's 5.3, how cool.
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First let me address I wasn't calling anyone a dummy, I was referring to the series of "Dummy" how to books.

I was just saying that a dummy shouldn't try to root their phone (not calling you one in any way either). Believe me, there are plenty out there.

Another tip I would give you if you think you're up to it, try the rooting method using a Ubuntu Live CD. Instructions are in the hack kit. In my opinion, it's much easier than uninstalling and disabling a bunch of crap in Windows.
I have just a few quick questions before I continue reading the even manual. Once I am rooted, can I still Tim my current apps i.e. GoSMS, GO Launcher, Swype-just yo name a few.

And apps from the market can run on a rooted phone?

I'll probably be in & out-most likely with more questions.

Thanks big time for the link.

Sent from my HTC Inspire, using Tapatalk.
I have just a few quick questions before I continue reading the even manual. Once I am rooted, can I still Tim my current apps i.e. GoSMS, GO Launcher, Swype-just yo name a few.

And apps from the market can run on a rooted phone?

I'll probably be in & out-most likely with more questions.

Thanks big time for the link.

Sent from my HTC Inspire, using Tapatalk.

Rooting allows your phone to be flashed with a custom ROM, gets rid of the carrier bloatware and allows your device to run a bit faster with improved battery life. Everything you have downloaded to your phone will still be there and you can download apps from the market with no issues (unless the app maker advises in the description that it won't work with you phone). Plus, there are a lot of apps that require a rooted phone.
Everything you have downloaded to your phone will still be there

To clarify, when you flash a ROM you will have to wipe your phone. So be sure to sync your contacts to Google and back up all your apps with Titanium Backup first, because you will have to reinstall everything afterwards.

Rooting won't erase anything, though.
To clarify, when you flash a ROM you will have to wipe your phone. So be sure to sync your contacts to Google and back up all your apps with Titanium Backup first, because you will have to reinstall everything afterwards.

Rooting won't erase anything, though.

Thanks for the additional info pazzo.
Will someone please help me root my Samsung galaxy s6 please. I been trying for months now. [email removed by Moderator for privacy]
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