S3 In The Hand or G-Note II In The Bush...


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Jul 10, 2011
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glad you're here. ...look forward to comparing the note deuce to the S3

also wondering about the performance of the quad. IIRC the ICS OS was optimized for a dual core CPU....wonder if Jellybean or whatever the next OS is will be optimized for a quad core.

Hello hoovhartid.. Good question.. I really thought by mid 2012 quads would be the norm.. I was really wrong on that one.. Looks like dual is still the " Way of the World " for the forseeable future as it stands right now.. ( the Exynos 5250 Cpu / T-604 Gpu ) that should have gone into the S3 and is rumored to show up in the G-Note 2 thats getting released later this year is a Dual-Core setup as well. The Exynos S3 4412 Quad-Core is a very *Exotic* setup.. Maybe too much so to reach these shores.. But the rest of the world gets to enjoy its incredible power so, IMHO I would say Jellybean will simply be an overall improvement to using the Android platform as opposed to favoring one technology over another :)


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Jul 10, 2011
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The Exynos S3 4412 Quad-Core is a very *Exotic* setup.. Maybe too much so to reach these shores.. But the rest of the world gets to enjoy its incredible power.

Raiderwill.. You are DEAD WRONG! Looks like the upcoming Dual-Core ( U.S.A. yay! ) A-15 based 5250 / T-604 will blow the Exynos 4412 Quad-Core / Mali-400 right out of the water.... and be more power efficient in the process. Oh please Verizon get the G-Note 2 with this setup!



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Mar 16, 2011
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Hey Suntan.. You bring up an intresting point that I had not considered.. apps are just now taking advantage of Dual-Core technology. If high end apps start on the drawing board leaning towards taking full advantage of Dual-Cores as opposed to ( and there is still a lot..) Single-Core phones, performance could take a big leap forward.. And now pretty much from Mid Range on up everything is Dual-Core.

All these phones, any one of them (well, except maybe those 800Mhz, single core ones intended for rural India...) will have no problem running any apps created in the next two years.

People seem to get so hung up on processor and gfx capability but the reality is that no app maker is going to cut themselves off from the huge market of users that will have S4 powered chips for the sake of maxing out these next gen 4 core chips that might be released in 6 months. It's just not going to happen. As much as power users want it to be so, for this cycle of phones, the S4 processor is going to be the mainstream processor that will be designed for over the next couple of years.

Heck, my Droid 3 has a 1GHz 4430 chip with 512MB of ram and it can play anything available and will be able to for another year or so.

Of course, the one major outlier is Nvidia. Badmouth their tegra chips if you want, but they are the one company with the clout and organization in the gaming world to get real differentiation for thier chips (in a limited quantity of games.) That's why my next tablet is going to have a Tegra chip in it.



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Jul 10, 2011
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All these phones, any one of them (well, except maybe those 800Mhz, single core ones intended for rural India...) will have no problem running any apps

Heck, my Droid 3 has a 1GHz 4430 chip with 512MB of ram and it can play anything available and will be able to for another year or so.


Suntan, I agree. My Droid Charge even when not overclocked runs all the current games with ease.. and it has the A8 chip / 540 cpu in it ( The colors in the game "Backstab" look just sick..) that is one reason I have decided to pass on the S3 as great as some of the tricks are the S3 can perform, those Apk's will get hacked soon enough ( Just like Flipboard ) and will be available in roms and no doubt be incorperated in the nex gen G-Note which is due this Turkey Day give a or take a week or two.. and IMHO, the Droid Charge's SuperAmoled+ screen at 4.3 inches is still among the top 5 screens you can get on a cell phone.. So you are right in respect to our current phones still being more than capable of doing the job.. That's exactly why I am holding out for the G-Note 2.


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Oct 27, 2009
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Looks like a beast. I have a Note 1 and Gs3 and like both equally. Just get a blue tooth ear piece. (blue ant q2 is great) and size of the Note is no issue for me. Overall i like the S3 better cause its newer. Tide will turn once the Note 2 hits. Its a never ending cycle :)


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Oct 9, 2011
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I really liked the Note design but it seemed a bit slow whenever I would play with one at BB. Plus it never came to Sprint. I think the Note 2 is going to be awesome but I can't wait (at the least) 3 more months. If I were to wait, it probably wouldn't come to Sprint. I think GS3 is it for me... Hold me off til the Note 3.

Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2


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Jul 10, 2011
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I really liked the Note design but it seemed a bit slow whenever I would play with one at BB. Plus it never came to Sprint. I think the Note 2 is going to be awesome but I can't wait (at the least) 3 more months. If I were to wait, it probably wouldn't come to Sprint. I think GS3 is it for me... Hold me off til the Note 3.

Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2

Hello Dazo.. I understand not being able to wait.. I am on Verizon, and a lot of folks here are using their upgrades to lock into the S3 sight unseen to maintain their unlimited data plans.. I am grandfathered in as well and understand why they don't want to give it up.. but I do have a grave concern.. We are only a week away from this U.S. version of the S3 launching over the counter on your network as well as T-Mobile.. And yet there is *Not One Review* that I have seen of the U.S. variant which of course runs the Snapdragon Cpu / Adreno 225 GPU.. Why have we not seen how it compares to the Mighty Exynos Quad-Core / Mali-400 International version of the S3???

I am in the middle of my contract with Verizon and would have to pay Retail if I wanted this phone anyway to maintain my unlimited data so for me if I am going to pay $500+ its going to be for the G-Note 2 with the Exynos 5250 CPU / T-604 GPU. I can wait til Black Friday / Cyber Monday.. And I will just install some of the hacked apk's from the S3 like Flipboard ( I love that apk..) until the G-Note 2 makes it debut. :)



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Jul 10, 2011
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Im choosing between the 2 also and decided I want the note 2, but the note 1 hasn't even come out yet on tmobile so idk how long I'm gonna have to wait. Now I think I'm gonna get the s3 but the note 2 is so powerful and if I got the s3 then the note 2 came out right after that'll suck. :(

Hey Warrior.. IMHO no carrier thought the G-Note 1 would sell accept AT&T.. And I think they even got an exclusive on the unit for a period of time, but I may be wrong on that. Anyway.. now the world knows the versatility & power of the G-Note. It really is a Minitablet & Phone in one and it will be Samsung's first phone to receive the A15 based 5250 Processor / and Extremly Powerful T-604 GPU the G-Note 2 really is going to be a beast. As sweet as the U.S. S3 should be, The IPS ( instructions per clock ) of the 5250 processor will surpass even the Mighty Exynos A9 Quad-Core International S3.. And when it comes to the T-604 GPU, the Mali-400 GPU in the International S3 is not match for it either.. and of course neither is the Adreno 225 GPU in the U.S. version of the S3.. G-Note Phase 2 is really going to be something special. And for me, well worth the wait. :)



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Mar 16, 2011
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Hey Warrior.. IMHO no carrier thought the G-Note 1 would sell accept AT&T.. And I think they even got an exclusive on the unit for a period of time, but I may be wrong on that. Anyway.. now the world knows the versatility & power of the G-Note. It really is a Minitablet & Phone in one and it will be Samsung's first phone to receive the A15 based 5250 Processor / and Extremly Powerful T-604 GPU the G-Note 2 really is going to be a beast. As sweet as the U.S. S3 should be, The IPS ( instructions per clock ) of the 5250 processor will surpass even the Mighty Exynos A9 Quad-Core International S3.. And when it comes to the T-604 GPU, the Mali-400 GPU in the International S3 is not match for it either.. and of course neither is the Adreno 225 GPU in the U.S. version of the S3.. G-Note Phase 2 is really going to be something special. And for me, well worth the wait. :)

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Again there's all this spec-gasm over the CPU but there will be no apps released that the note2 will run but the GS3 won't be able to until long after most all of us have upgraded well past both phones.

What are you expecting to use that processor for?

If you want to wait for the note2 because you like the form-factor, that's cool. But once again, if you're only doing it because you like the idea of the speedy new processor, you're likely wasting your time.



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Nov 6, 2009
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For me, the Note would be way too big for me to carry comfortably in my front pocket. To be honest, the S3 is a little bigger than I'd like but I'm just dying to ditch my iPhone because I've grown sick of Apple's business practices and no longer wish to support them. If Windows 8 turns out to be a great OS, I might ditch my MacBook Pro as well.

I think a 4" to 4.3" screen is the sweet spot for me, but it's awesome to have so many options available.


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Mar 16, 2011
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For me, the Note would be way too big for me to carry comfortably in my front pocket. To be honest, the S3 is a little bigger than I'd like but I'm just dying to ditch my iPhone because I've grown sick of Apple's business practices and no longer wish to support them. If Windows 8 turns out to be a great OS, I might ditch my MacBook Pro as well.

I think a 4" to 4.3" screen is the sweet spot for me, but it's awesome to have so many options available.

As someone that started with a Palm Pre+ (3.2" screen I believe) I can relate to the notion of "increasing screen size little by little." I went from the Pre+ to a Droid 3 (4" screen) now to the GSIII.

Perhaps you would be more comfortable waiting for the next Incredible to release. It should have a screen in the 4 to 4.3" size.



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Jul 6, 2010
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Meh. 5.5" is overkill on a device that is to be highly portable and a phone that is to be held up to your head. I'm not going to act like one of these Apple fans who think that whatever is on their device is the perfect size. Perfect is in the eye of the beholder. HOWEVER Generally speaking the people I've seen hold a note up to their head look ridiculous. Not Galaxy Tab sized ridiculous, but its not a phone sized device.

To each their own though. If it floats your boat more power to you. But IMHO the absolute max size is 5" and even then that is pushing it.

As for specs. Yes very nice. What are you going to do with that hardware? Seriously I've found one thing in life when it comes to tech: You can buy the latest and greatest speced out system and that means exactly jack when it comes to real world performance. As CyanogenMod has taught us, software is just as important as hardware.
I'd sooner have 2-3 updates on a Galaxy S 3 with a solid reliable system then a new system this fall that might be buggy who's performance in things like taking photos, opening apps, sending txt, doing some light gaming, swapping back and forth between apps, and remoting into a system at home are pretty much going to be identical.
And frankly. I'm on a 2 year contract. I'm going to upgrade in 2 years anyways. A phone now, vs a phone this fall makes little difference when it comes to how well the phone will be working in 2 years.

Again if that is the phone you are eyeballing. Good luck. But I can bet you a paycheck that when it ships there will be rumors of Galaxy S4 for March '13 already.


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Nov 6, 2009
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As someone that started with a Palm Pre+ (3.2" screen I believe) I can relate to the notion of "increasing screen size little by little." I went from the Pre+ to a Droid 3 (4" screen) now to the GSIII.

Perhaps you would be more comfortable waiting for the next Incredible to release. It should have a screen in the 4 to 4.3" size.


I thought about doing that but I'm really not a fan of HTC Sense and the specs of the GS3 are swaying me as well. I previously had a Galaxy Nexus and dealt with it, so I'll deal with it on the GS3 also.


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Jul 16, 2010
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Meh. 5.5" is overkill on a device that is to be highly portable and a phone that is to be held up to your head. I'm not going to act like one of these Apple fans who think that whatever is on their device is the perfect size. Perfect is in the eye of the beholder. HOWEVER Generally speaking the people I've seen hold a note up to their head look ridiculous. Not Galaxy Tab sized ridiculous, but its not a phone sized device.

To each their own though. If it floats your boat more power to you. But IMHO the absolute max size is 5" and even then that is pushing it.

As for specs. Yes very nice. What are you going to do with that hardware? Seriously I've found one thing in life when it comes to tech: You can buy the latest and greatest speced out system and that means exactly jack when it comes to real world performance. As CyanogenMod has taught us, software is just as important as hardware.
I'd sooner have 2-3 updates on a Galaxy S 3 with a solid reliable system then a new system this fall that might be buggy who's performance in things like taking photos, opening apps, sending txt, doing some light gaming, swapping back and forth between apps, and remoting into a system at home are pretty much going to be identical.
And frankly. I'm on a 2 year contract. I'm going to upgrade in 2 years anyways. A phone now, vs a phone this fall makes little difference when it comes to how well the phone will be working in 2 years.

Again if that is the phone you are eyeballing. Good luck. But I can bet you a paycheck that when it ships there will be rumors of Galaxy S4 for March '13 already.



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Oct 9, 2011
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As much as I'd love to get the Note 2, the major variables for me (release date and carrier) are too much for me to wait.
I'll be getting the S3, then I can wait for the Note 4 (2 year upgrade).

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Jul 10, 2011
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If you want to wait for the note2 because you like the form-factor, that's cool. But once again, if you're only doing it because you like the idea of the speedy new processor, you're likely wasting your time.


I do like the size better Suntan.. But its not the cover of the book.. its what's inside. If you are / have purchased the S3 and its enough for you more power to you.. As far as I am concerned, knowing what is just around the corner ( for me 150 days max is no biggie ) in the 5250 CPU that has enough firepower to blow away the Exynos Quad-Core AND a GPU ( T-604 ) thats *400%* stronger than the GPU in the S2 ( which worked pretty damn well ) is worth a four month wait for me... again my current 4G phone and unlimited data plan on verizon are working just fine.. I am not in the position of many that are trying or want to upgrade to a S3 before the 28th. I am paying full retail for my unit. And it will be WHATEVER unit is housing the 5250 CPU / T-604 GPU ( I am hoping its the G-Note 2 ) And they are coming out later this year, Samsung will tell you that.. If you are purchasing the S3 enjoy it! I am not going to be a "Razr / RazrMaxx Victim when I know these CPU / GPU's are in production. They simply represent the next level of technology.. that for me, is well worth waiting for. :)




Jun 11, 2012
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I do like the size better Suntan.. But its not the cover of the book.. its what's inside. If you are / have purchased the S3 and its enough for you more power to you.. As far as I am concerned, knowing what is just around the corner ( for me 150 days max is no biggie ) in the 5250 CPU that has enough firepower to blow away the Exynos Quad-Core AND a GPU ( T-604 ) thats *400%* stronger than the GPU in the S2 ( which worked pretty damn well ) is worth a four month wait for me... again my current 4G phone and unlimited data plan on verizon are working just fine.. I am not in the position of many that are trying or want to upgrade to a S3 before the 28th. I am paying full retail for my unit. And it will be WHATEVER unit is housing the 5250 CPU / T-604 GPU ( I am hoping its the G-Note 2 ) And they are coming out later this year, Samsung will tell you that.. If you are purchasing the S3 enjoy it! I am not going to be a "Razr / RazrMaxx Victim when I know these CPU / GPU's are in production. They simply represent the next level of technology.. that for me, is well worth waiting for. :)

I would be willing to wait as well as I was intending to wait out the iphone 5 until just a couple months ago (when the android bug bit) but without anything definitive I don't think I can do it. Wouldn't it be more likely that samsung delays the 5250/T604 for the GS4? I need a phone I can actually pocket and I just can't wait another year with my beat up old 3GS.

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