S7 Edge 7.0 Nougat - Quickly Switch Between Two Apps (app switch button)


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2012
There is a new shortcut for quickly switching between the two most recently-used apps. You can quickly switch between two recently used apps in 7.0 Nougat. You just double-press the Overview (app switch) button. Doing so will instantly switch to the previously-used app. (pixel for example)

*Can anyone confirm that this works with the S7 Edge/S7? This is a HUGE feature and not one word has been mentioned from anyone in the beta or the final 7.0 build. Thanks in advance for the info!
There is a new shortcut for quickly switching between the two most recently-used apps. You can quickly switch between two recently used apps in 7.0 Nougat. You just double-press the Overview (app switch) button. Doing so will instantly switch to the previously-used app. (pixel for example)

*Can anyone confirm that this works with the S7 Edge/S7? This is a HUGE feature and not one word has been mentioned from anyone in the beta or the final 7.0 build. Thanks in advance for the info!
Yes, it works perfectly. I use it quite a bit.
Its not on the playstore
Go to the galaxy apps store app in galaxy s7 And search "galaxy beta program
It's not near as smooth as on my Pixel C, but it works with a bit of a delay.
I read that on my screen as soon as beta was installed this morning. I didn't try it until I saw this thread. Seems to work okay. It's like the last button on the cable remote.

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