S7 - OS update of september 2020 - no more raw pictures - no more dual camera


New member
Nov 24, 2020
Hello ! I have just updated my old Galaxy S7 (which still works perfectly) whis the new release of september or october (I'm not sure).

The result is when I use the camera :
- no more possibilituy of registering a raw picture, it has disappeared
- the dual camera mode does not exist anymore

I have call Samsung support (in France) : they told me that they can't help it ! It's no longer in the soft. They don't know if there will be a new release. They just feel sorry about it.

The also told me it's not possible to get back to a former version of the soft.

I feel really upset : I had bought this telephone because it could take pictures in raw mode.

It sounds like programmed obsolescence..

How can I get rid of this problem ?

Can someone help me ?

Best regards,
There are a lot of other camera apps - start trying them. (Raw has been in quite a few of them for a long time.)
Which OS update did you get? My S7 hasn't had anything but security updates for over 2 years and can still shoot RAW, to my knowledge it never had dual camera.

It may be a difference due to region as I'm in the United States.

thank you for the response. What program would you recommend for taking raw photos?

I tested Lighroom, it seems to me to be quite heavy, quite a consumer of resources and with poor functionalities ...

Anyway, this looks like planned obsolescence to me.

[Answer to L0n3N1nja]

Lucky you !
It's the French program for Samsung S7. They call it a "global update" without any explanation about what's inside. If you don't update they keep asking you to do it, and one day, you discover that some important built-in features have just disappeared...

For me it sounds like planned obsolescence, which is not legal, but what can I do ? Sue Samsung ???
[Answer to L0n3N1nja]

There is a special fonction that you can download through the option menu of the camera. It's called "dual camera" and takes at the same time 2 pictures, with the front and the rear camera
I have just updated my S7 with the september security update, and in the camera I still have the possibility to get photo in raw and in jpeg. I am in France.
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