S9 and + still haven't improved the speakerphone issue.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
Wow... Samsung just stinks.... I work for a wireless carrier and I can't tell you the amount of calls I've had regarding the S8 and S8 plus speaker phone having crappy some. Sounds like the other party is under water when they're talking through their speakerphone. I'm very disappointed to see that Samsung did not resolve this issue on the S9 or plus. Disappointing.
Never had a issue with my speaker phone myself. On either the s8 plus or note 8. But I don't make that many speaker phone calls. The times I've used it it sounded fine to me.
I used it all day today with no issues on an s8. will check it out on the s9 tomorrow. stay tuned.
Wow, you've posted quite a few negative/complaint about your new phone.

Why not just simply return it and done?
Wow... Samsung just stinks.... I work for a wireless carrier and I can't tell you the amount of calls I've had regarding the S8 and S8 plus speaker phone having crappy some. Sounds like the other party is under water when they're talking through their speakerphone. I'm very disappointed to see that Samsung did not resolve this issue on the S9 or plus. Disappointing.

Just talk on the phone normally
speaker phone is working great. The radios on the 845 are phenomenal as well. I have full bars in my house rather than 1 or 2 from the s7 and s8. I think I'm on a new LTE band.
Sounds like you're the only one with speaker issue?

Is it possibly because of the signal? How many bars do you have?
I remember someone mentioning in a review that only the bottom speaker works for phone calls. I'm not sure because i don't have the S9/S9 plus. If this is true, i don't understand why they would do that. If many users will complain about this(reddit,forums,articles) maybe Samsung will enable the top speaker for calls with an update... hopefully.
Edit: A quick google search
speaker phone is working great. The radios on the 845 are phenomenal as well. I have full bars in my house rather than 1 or 2 from the s7 and s8. I think I'm on a new LTE band.
Carrier? The Note 7 had and 8+ has mediocre signal reception on Verizon.
Wow... Samsung just stinks.... I work for a wireless carrier and I can't tell you the amount of calls I've had regarding the S8 and S8 plus speaker phone having crappy some. Sounds like the other party is under water when they're talking through their speakerphone. I'm very disappointed to see that Samsung did not resolve this issue on the S9 or plus. Disappointing.
Your experience contradicts my experience on both devices, as well as reviews.
Hmm, yeah speakerphone sounds fantastic on my S9. The other side thought I was using the earpiece. Very possible that it's a cover/case that's causing this.
Just received my S9+ and played with it for a few hours. Everything works perfectly. Speaker is awesome!

There was clear plastic cover that needed to be removed.
I too AM having this problem so to he** with the rest of you! I got my S9+ a week ago and so far the speakers echo terribly on Google Maps, videos etc. The people here that don't think it's a big deal....try driving in strange towns & cities everyday without GPS & a speaker!!! Try driving HANDS FREE (law) & not being able to use your speaker phone!! Some people don't have the luxury of not using the speaker & NO ONE should have to!! SAMSUNG NEEDS to address this & fix it! It's not an app or a setting. It did it straight out of the box.
Also, if you DON'T own the device in question & you DON'T have the issue, why are you posting anything here?? :/
Also, if you DON'T own the device in question & you DON'T have the issue, why are you posting anything here?? :/

Because people are allowed to post around the forums -- we welcome conversation and don't put restrictions on "You can only post if you have said device" because many may have previously owned or have ideas on how to fix things even without having said phone :).

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