Samsung Epic EB13 (Froyo) Bugs


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2010
Hey guys I wanted to start a bug reporting thread For the Samsung Epic EB13 (Froyo) update. I have been reading the threads a lot and thought this would be a good idea for people to report bugs and also report some fix's for some of of the bugs or issues we come across.

With any luck some one can sticky this...

A good example of this was reported by aaronaaron a bug that lets you gain access to a locked phone after receiving a call simply by pressing the home button a bunch of times...

Things like that could be posted here...

Please when reporting a bug you need to say how you got the update on your phones ( OTA or some other way)

List of bugs Confirmed to be bugs:

1: Audio out on the car and home media docks does not work... Update This is now fixed with a new version of the app in the market

2: Stock Android keyboard word suggestions is still not working...

3: Ability to access a locked phone after receiving a call by pressing home a bunch of times I have confirmed this as well as a few others thanks to aaronaaron for reporting this a Link to his youyube video here ----> <----

4: OTA updates have been causing problems with Memory card and media. Update: method still works and is still up on samsungs site...

5: Recording Failed Error Is A bug but not really because of EB13 It's the memory card speed. I put a class 6 Card in and works great after that...

If some of you are having problems with crashing while viewing photos or videos or playing music or even trying to do something with ring tones you may need to format you memory card... back-up all of your data format the card and then restore your data this will fix the force close related to media in most cases...
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Well i have found a bug with the new EB13 the txt indicator count still shows up for about 2 min after the text is opened and deleted...
I'm not quite sure if this would go under bug. Basically it seems everytime i restore my sms whether its through Mybackup pro, SMS backup and Restore my cell eventually crashes. After it is restored it sometimes allows me to write one text or so and see it, then after specially if i reboot the phone, it wont let me access my messages and when i attempt to it freezes and crashes my phones. I have tried it with the official eb13 update i attained using odin, same update while basic rooted and same update while rooted with file systems to ext4

i'd appreciate any help with the matter, thanks in advance
I'm not quite sure if this would go under bug. Basically it seems everytime i restore my sms whether its through Mybackup pro, SMS backup and Restore my cell eventually crashes. After it is restored it sometimes allows me to write one text or so and see it, then after specially if i reboot the phone, it wont let me access my messages and when i attempt to it freezes and crashes my phones. I have tried it with the official eb13 update i attained using odin, same update while basic rooted and same update while rooted with file systems to ext4

i'd appreciate any help with the matter, thanks in advance

I would recommended going all the way back to stock and hard resetting and restoring everything one item at a time i know that's a pain in the but but that's the only way i know of to fig. out whats causing it...
Had some major battery issues, gps started up on it's own, and contact's pictures don't appear in the sms messages. Not sure how to restore that..any ideas?

UPDATE: Video camera is very "stuttery"...not smooth at all but I figured I could deal with that and the other problems until last night when the phone crashed and EVERYTHING was gone.
What the heck?!
I'm going to do a factory restore then try installing the EB13 update again...but I really don't think it's a good update. Way too buggy!! It's rendered this phone pretty much useless as of today.
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The only thing I have noticed is that when I was putting some movies in my phone, the data speeds where horribly slow. I'm talking like USB 1.0 slow. Perhaps they forgot to implement the USB 2.0 feature within the software. I hope this is just my phone or that it gets taken care of with an update.
emails won't delete in gmail (happening on 2 epics)

When I delete apps some have left blank spaces in the app screens, can't get the rest to shift to fill in the spaces

On some websites if I click a button on the page it launches the screen keyboard and covers half the screen, can't close it without opening and closing the slideout keyboard
Car dock and media dock still do not output audio. This feature was supposed to be unlocked with 2.2 upgrade but nobody has got it working yet.
Some thoughts

If you are keeping a running list of bugs, the first post should be updated to reflect a list of confirmed actual bugs. A thread of people ranting about what's not working is not useful.

Each person reporting a bug needs to say how they got the update on their phone (i.e. flashed from Samsung, used the samsung .exe, received the OTA, etc.).

If you are one of the many who flashed the EB13 update in one way or another from Samsung, before posting a bug, try reflashing the ROM.

There are tons of posts on here and XDA outlining how to flash the update to get the best results. If you are rooted and have data backed up or have Titanium and have backed up, I highly recommend wiping everything, reflashing, and then restoring just your data (in CWM 2.5.5 it is under backup and restore/advanced restore/data). If your problems persist, then you have a real bug. If they don't, it was just a bad update or flash.

Also for any issue... GPS, accelerometer, compass, etc. do some searching here and on XDA because most of the kinks have been worked out and have solutions. On XDA (and here for that matter) I highly recommend doing real searching and reading when looking for a solution before creating a new thread or you will be flammed if the question has been answered or a thread already exists.

Here is the official bug thread from XDA. You can start there as a place for looking for solutions to your issues. I repeat it's a place to START looking.

One thing I can confirm is not working, but is not a bug so much as just simply not included in the update, is the audio out on the car dock. However, there is a thread in the Fascinate forum here and now in the Epic forum here where they are going to try and figure out a work around.

Edit: One last thought... If you are having really strange issues (i.e. slow USB or something seems missing, and you d/led the update from Samsung, I would recommend redownloading the files before reflashing. Make sure you got a good and complete download of the files.

Best of luck to you all in getting your FroYo to be flawless!
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Thank you for the responses...

I copied all the contents of my SD card to my PC, formatted my SD card on my phone, and copied everything back. I also rebooted the phone between each of those steps.

It seemed to have worked at the beginning, but after a while, the browser started force closing again.

I guess the next step would be to wipe the phone and start from scratch... But I am fairly new to Android. Is this easy to do?

I guess my questions are:

* Do I do a Factory Reset, or do I run the Froyo update again from my computer (I remember reading that this method wipes your phone).

* How easy is it to restore my information? I know I can export my contacts to a .vcf file to the SD card, all my media is on my card as well, and I guess since the phone is relatively new I don't really mind losing my texts.

Also, my calendar is completely dependent on Facebook and Google Calendar, so I'm not concerned of losing any of that information. I have also backed up my ADWLauncher EX settings/configuration to my SD card.

Is there anything else I'm missing?

Thank you again!

As almost everyone, I updated to Froyo last night. I was running stock Eclair with no modifications of any kind (rooting), only apps installed through the Android Marketplace.

I successfully updated by copying the file to my memory card.

I did not experience the SD card issue where some users had to copy their contents to a computer, reformat, and copy back.

I did experience the calendar issue where my Google calendar was not downloading to my phone; but after reading other threads I found out that clearing the Calendar Storage data fixed this.

Now, besides a small issue with caller ID pictures that I will not bore you with, I am having what I consider a kind of major issue with the stock browser.

My internet browser force closes every time I try to scroll down/up the page with my finger.

Pages seem to load ok, but whe I try to scroll down after they have loaded my phone vibrates and goes into a dark gray screen. Then it vibrates 2-3 more times and it force closes.

I have already cleared both the cache and data, but this does not seem to fix the issue.

I also searched the Epic 4G forums for "browser force close" and got no results.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thank you in advance!
You may have to try a factory restore as others stated. Many people had to do this with the leaked Froyo DK28 to resolve conflicts.
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emails won't delete in gmail (happening on 2 epics)

When I delete apps some have left blank spaces in the app screens, can't get the rest to shift to fill in the spaces

On some websites if I click a button on the page it launches the screen keyboard and covers half the screen, can't close it without opening and closing the slideout keyboard

to fix blank spaces for the apps....go to the application list hit the menu button select edit, then on the next sceen hit the menu again on the edit menu then select sort a-z, all the blank spaces will go away...i tryed it on 4 epics n they all worked..let me know
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refreshing for pics are SLOW. When switching from camera to pics (via the gallery) it can take as long as 50 seconds before the photos start showing up. i only have 300 pics on my phone, and 14 gigs of free space on the memory card.

phone seems fast at some points, but sluggish at others.

really would have rather wished a 100% working upgrade instead of one that's 90% working. :\
Issues after update to Froyo.

Issues and bugs are expected. I'll list mine along with a few minor gripes.


EDIT: I had some issues but they've slowly been resolved.

-I would have really liked it if we were given the ability to customize our home screens, in terms of assigning which screen is the home screen (particularly nice with wallpapers, you can set your home screen on the best area of the wallpaper). Another would have been the ability to erase screens. In a nutshell, customization that Touchwiz 3.0 users on Fascinate and Vibrant phones.

EDIT: We do have the ability to customize our home screens now. You can now edit and delete all your home screens, move them around and assign the home screen to your preference. Thanks Samsung and Sprint!

-While the font does look better on the phone, still...having the ability to make the phone personalized with custom fonts would be nice. Again, this is a Touchwiz 3.0 feature.

-No music widget. Coming from the EVO, a music widget is nice to have. I know there's Pandora or whatever. But what I mean is a widget you use to control the music stored on your phone's memory or that of your SD card. Perhaps there is one now and I've missed it. If so, please fill me in on where to find it or where to get a 3rd party widget that looks pretty nice and gives me this feature.

So there are a few here that I've noticed thus far. What are some that you've found and some things you were hopeful would come? Especially given how long they took to roll this thing'd think this update would have included everything Froyo and all the goodies the latest smartphones have to offer.

Oh well, can't have your Froyo and eat it too. ;)
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I don't know if this is a bug, but it is annoying to me... When in the browser after pushing settings button bookmarks no longer come up. I can't see anywhere how to access bookmarks.. Anyone else having this?

I did update OTA.
refreshing for pics are SLOW. When switching from camera to pics (via the gallery) it can take as long as 50 seconds before the photos start showing up. i only have 300 pics on my phone, and 14 gigs of free space on the memory card.

phone seems fast at some points, but sluggish at others.

really would have rather wished a 100% working upgrade instead of one that's 90% working. :\
I did stress this before... Don't be expecting perfection. Actually I think the leaked Froyo DK28 was better off in many ways..

[Root] Samsung Epic 4G Official Froyo EB13 w/Optional EXT4
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You can choose which screen is your home screen. You can also add or subtract screens (up to 7).

Just "pinch" on a home screen - you should see all of your home screens and each one should have a button allowing you to set one as "home". That would be the one that double clicking the home button takes you to.
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You can choose which screen is your home screen. You can also add or subtract screens (up to 7).

Just "pinch" on a home screen - you should see all of your home screens and each one should have a button allowing you to set one as "home". That would be the one that double clicking the home button takes you to.

Yeah, I noticed that earlier and meant to edit. It's just that I was in an area where I lost network signal and thus couldn't do it. Thanks though!

Any other things you've found that are new?
You can change the home icons; for me, Messaging is gone and has been replaced by Handcent SMS! Yay!

I have LauncherPro Plus but I've been sticking to just TouchWiz for now.
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