Samsung Galaxy S6 Going back to Windows phone.


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Mar 27, 2011
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

I typed a pretty lengthy explanation that contained none of what you just said when I quoted your last post which you obviously ignored and this is what you got? Ok then, pretty obvious what you're up to.

Oh No! I would've gotten away with what i was up to if you hadn't discovered my AGENDA! I just dropped 1000 dollars on an S6 edge so i could come into android forums and protect the WP name... sounds reasonable.


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Mar 27, 2011
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

I can solve your entire list almost.

Crashing apps: easily solved by paying more attention to Play Store ratings. It's ridiculously easy nowadays by shopping for the best products. You wouldn't buy a crappy rated item in a store, so why would you buy a badly rated app? Android doesn't crash apps, badly written apps crash apps. And even the folks on Windows Central all complain about the bad quality and quantity of the Windows Store apps so I don't know how this is even an argument.

Bad battery life: totally depends on which manufacturer you buy from. Xperia and Note phones have incredible battery life. Many others are average. Very few are "bad" and those are usually budget phones.

Inconsistent design: this is better now than it ever has been. And what diffences exist now are usually nice differences (meaning variety of choice). With WP and iOS you get one flavor only. Some people prefer that. Some don't.

Lag. Yep you're right. Of the 3 OSs, Android is the least smooth. Barely. But it also boasts more capabilities than the other two. It's a trade-off so I'll call this a tie.

Now here's one thing I can't solve for you: the lack of apps on WP. Some defenders of WP always use the same excuse, that the essential apps are there. No they aren't. My bank, good music apps, VPN app, favorite popular password vault, store apps etc are NOT there. Nor are a ton of other specialty apps too long to list here. Those are essential apps, not "Facebook".

Does this mean you're going to discount everything I've listed now as "going into a tizzy"? Because from where I stand, it sounds more like plain sense. WP can't even break out of the single digit market share so I'd say I'm being pretty obvious.

None of this means I dislike WP. On the contrary I happen to think it's pretty nicely done. The problem is that not only does it not offer anything compelling that I can't already get on an android or iPhone, it lacks a competitive app selection on top of that. That right there in a nutshell is exactly why WP isn't succeeding at getting anyone to switch. Terrible app selection without offering anything compelling enough to offset that.
The only real solution to that is for WP to somehow reinvent the entire way data is consumed on smartphones. Web Apps were once upon a time thought to be the next step in evolution but that approach failed miserably. Over the years I think I van safely say I've heard All of the arguments used to claim WP (and Blackberry for that matter) is a better way to go, but unfortunately the test of time has proven otherwise. Now we're at the point where even the hardcore true believers are all abandoning ship. Even Paul Thurott is shutting his site down and MaryJo Foley came right out and said on air that she won't recommend WP to others

You wanted a response here you go

Crashing Apps: I shouldn't have to sift through thousands of responses to find out if an app crashes. I go by rating, i don't expect highly rated apps to be buggy

Battery life: Its not very good versus my 3 year old lumia 1020 but usage varies by user.

Lag: Agreed

Design: i like material design but i find that far too many apps are designed to be navigated differently. I'm sure this will improve over time.

I never said i don't like android i just like WP more. Pointing out the negatives of one platform doesn't mean i hate another. We can all just like what we like.

BTW Paul Thurott has NOT shut down his site its now at and Mary Jo has never really been onboard with WP to begin with.


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Sep 19, 2014
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

Battery life: Its not very good versus my 3 year old lumia 1020 but usage varies by user.

Lucky you, as you stated definitely varies between users because my Lumia 1020 battery barely lasted through my work day, and that didnt include taking pictures. One of WP big problems during WP8 was the random battery drain, it was brutal on my 920. 8.1 definitely corrected the random battery draining (idle battery was great) but as soon as id use the device on my 1020 I could watch the battery get eaten away.


As for the people saying they prefer not to require micro managing their devices and WP does not require that, I did nothing but micromanage my 920/1020. Go to WPC and you will see most of the conversation revolve around learning what to disable and manage to improve battery life (except for the 1520, that phone has incredible battery life). I have always needed to learn a great deal in depth about WP and Android in order to disable/turn off unnecessary things eating the battery. iOS is the only OS that requires very little management, but thats mainly because the optimization is built on process idling and lack of customization.

Again, there were many things I loved about WP7/8.1...but for people to say WP doesnt require any micromanaging or fiddling around to help resolve unnecessary battery drain is in denial. It's zippier than Android from a UI prospective, i give it that...but I could also list a bunch of disadvantages as well (that dont revolve around app gap).


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Jan 13, 2015
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

The S6 isn't perfect; no phone is. You're just mad because I don't agree with your amusing phone comparisons.

Not mad at all...I like that different people, even you, have an opinion! That's why I come to this Forum. I've never said anything derogatory or personal in your direction so maybe you should consider toning down your comments just a tad.

Anyway, we can have a healthy disagreement on the lag and battery life. The lag is there and very obvious to me, but not so much to you and that's fine. Interesting that there are a lot of posts popping up about battery life, though, as the S6 gets more widely distributed. And, T-Mobile confirmed to me that they agree there is a battery drain issue on WiFi that they have asked Google to fix (although I see lots of Verizon people starting to complain about the same thing too).

That said, from your screenshots, it's obvious you have a phone that's working for you and I think that's great! I'm pretty confident that with a small software update, we will all have phones operating brilliantly because other than these two (fixable) issues, the S6 is pretty fantastic!


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Nov 6, 2013
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

Not mad at all...I like that different people, even you, have an opinion! That's why I come to this Forum. I've never said anything derogatory or personal in your direction so maybe you should consider toning down your comments just a tad.

Anyway, we can have a healthy disagreement on the lag and battery life. The lag is there and very obvious to me, but not so much to you and that's fine. Interesting that there are a lot of posts popping up about battery life, though, as the S6 gets more widely distributed. And, T-Mobile confirmed to me that they agree there is a battery drain issue on WiFi that they have asked Google to fix (although I see lots of Verizon people starting to complain about the same thing too).

That said, from your screenshots, it's obvious you have a phone that's working for you and I think that's great! I'm pretty confident that with a small software update, we will all have phones operating brilliantly because other than these two (fixable) issues, the S6 is pretty fantastic!

I've never said anything personal or derogatory towards you, either. I've said there's a clear issue in regards to battery life, but it's not anything out of the ordinary as it's a Lollipop issue. Some of us have it; some of us don't. What should be focused on, though, is that the actual battery life of this device is evident when someone doesn't suffer from that issue. For those of us that don't, the S6 battery life is pretty solid, especially for a 2600 mah battery.

I don't really see the lag you're talking about. I see normal Android stutter from time to time, but nothing that's really exclusive to the S6. It's things I'd find on my Nexus 6. For the record, there's times the iPhone 6 will stutter, too, though there's just so little to the OS that it's few and far between. Now if this was unusual lag that plagued the S5, I think it'd be an issue. It just isn't. Touchwiz is far smoother than it's previous iteration, even on the Note 4.


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Apr 13, 2015
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

I had a windows phone about 4-5 years ago. I'll never go back to it. Not enough screen space for windows set up. Great for a tablet
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Apr 6, 2015
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

You wanted a response here you go

Crashing Apps: I shouldn't have to sift through thousands of responses to find out if an app crashes. I go by rating, i don't expect highly rated apps to be buggy

Battery life: Its not very good versus my 3 year old lumia 1020 but usage varies by user.

Lag: Agreed

Design: i like material design but i find that far too many apps are designed to be navigated differently. I'm sure this will improve over time.

I never said i don't like android i just like WP more. Pointing out the negatives of one platform doesn't mean i hate another. We can all just like what we like.

BTW Paul Thurott has NOT shut down his site its now at and Mary Jo has never really been onboard with WP to begin with.
I still don't get your apps argument. Even the regular crew at WC all bemoan the quality of existing WP apps regularly besides just the lack of selection. As for your battery response I already stated it depends on the manufacturer. Android was the word used to describe "bad batteries" not the S6 specifically, so I wasn't responding to the S6 specifically either. I also had quite a bit to say about the success rate of WP and how it's been received by the public over the years but I noticed you declined to address any of that. No opinion on the matter? I stated my opinion on why that's the case and I do not subscribe to the advertising argument in case you're considering that as an explanation.


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Apr 13, 2015
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

To each his own. I would never bash ones opinion. It is what it is. I had the guy at Verizon trying to steer me away from the S6. Finally told him

"dude youre not going to change my mind. Get the black one before I start shaking"


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Nov 6, 2013
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

To each his own. I would never bash ones opinion. It is what it is. I had the guy at Verizon trying to steer me away from the S6. Finally told him

"dude youre not going to change my mind. Get the black one before I start shaking"

You actually had someone try to steer you away from it? That's comical.

Posted via Galaxy S6 edge


AC Moderator All-Star
Nov 25, 2010
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

@ All..

Hey we all love great discussion, debates and constructive criticism. However just because you have a bad experience or just don't like a platform doesn't give you a green light to come into a forum and bash it or others because it didn't suit your tastes. Again, your welcome to explain your reasons why and debate and discuss it but please don't attempt to drive or steer others away just because of your own preferences.

Also if it is something pertaining to a particular device verses another please check out our Phone Wars forums, chances are there might be a thread in there featuring the device and or platform your discussing and you can jump in there for a more specific discussion.

Edit/Update: There is also our Other OS/Devices platform forums you can strike up a conversation in too :)

Thanks all !

Mod Team Leader @ AC.
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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2015
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

To each his own. I would never bash ones opinion. It is what it is. I had the guy at Verizon trying to steer me away from the S6. Finally told him

"dude youre not going to change my mind. Get the black one before I start shaking"

That happened.

Posted via the Android Central App


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Nov 6, 2013
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

@ All..

Hey we all love great discussion, debates and constructive criticism. However just because you have a bad experience or just don't like a platform doesn't give you a green light to come into a forum and bash it or others because it didn't suit your tastes. Again, your welcome to explain your reasons why and debate and discuss it but please don't attempt to drive or steer others away just because of your own preferences.

Also if it is something pertaining to a particular device verses another please check out our Phone Wars forums, chances are there might be a thread in there featuring the device and or platform your discussing and you can jump in there for a more specific discussion.

Thanks all !

Mod Team Leader @ AC.

Especially if the thing you don't like about the device is something that could be corrected/changed.


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Mar 22, 2011
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

Especially if the thing you don't like about the device is something that could be corrected/changed.


Just waiting for the Mobile Nations "Mobile Phone Wars" to begin. Each site will take their respective positions and look foolish defending it to no end. This includes Android, Windows, iOS, Blackberry, etc. We have options and we should enjoy these options. No piece of technology is perfect and each may do something better than the other.


Nov 27, 2012
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

I can solve your entire list almost.

Crashing apps: easily solved by paying more attention to Play Store ratings. It's ridiculously easy nowadays by shopping for the best products. You wouldn't buy a crappy rated item in a store, so why would you buy a badly rated app? Android doesn't crash apps, badly written apps crash apps. And even the folks on Windows Central all complain about the bad quality and quantity of the Windows Store apps so I don't know how this is even an argument.

Bad battery life: totally depends on which manufacturer you buy from. Xperia and Note phones have incredible battery life. Many others are average. Very few are "bad" and those are usually budget phones.

Inconsistent design: this is better now than it ever has been. And what diffences exist now are usually nice differences (meaning variety of choice). With WP and iOS you get one flavor only. Some people prefer that. Some don't.

Lag. Yep you're right. Of the 3 OSs, Android is the least smooth. Barely. But it also boasts more capabilities than the other two. It's a trade-off so I'll call this a tie.

Now here's one thing I can't solve for you: the lack of apps on WP. Some defenders of WP always use the same excuse, that the essential apps are there. No they aren't. My bank, good music apps, VPN app, favorite popular password vault, store apps etc are NOT there. Nor are a ton of other specialty apps too long to list here. Those are essential apps, not "Facebook".

Does this mean you're going to discount everything I've listed now as "going into a tizzy"? Because from where I stand, it sounds more like plain sense. WP can't even break out of the single digit market share so I'd say I'm being pretty obvious.

None of this means I dislike WP. On the contrary I happen to think it's pretty nicely done. The problem is that not only does it not offer anything compelling that I can't already get on an android or iPhone, it lacks a competitive app selection on top of that. That right there in a nutshell is exactly why WP isn't succeeding at getting anyone to switch. Terrible app selection without offering anything compelling enough to offset that.
The only real solution to that is for WP to somehow reinvent the entire way data is consumed on smartphones. Web Apps were once upon a time thought to be the next step in evolution but that approach failed miserably. Over the years I think I van safely say I've heard All of the arguments used to claim WP (and Blackberry for that matter) is a better way to go, but unfortunately the test of time has proven otherwise. Now we're at the point where even the hardcore true believers are all abandoning ship. Even Paul Thurott is shutting his site down and MaryJo Foley came right out and said on air that she won't recommend WP to others

you sir, deserve a standing ovation ... a perfectly stated, fair and honest opinion, well done

Shawn Magm

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Jan 16, 2013
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

I still have my Lumia 820, which is a great media player. However, the lack of Google Voice/GV client (essential for me), is a deal breaker. I know that there is a workaround, but it's too clumsy for me. Also, I love ES File Explorer (Android) to stream music/video from my PC. There is also another app that runs in conjunction with my radar detector, in which there isn't an app on Windows.

If Windows 10 allows running Android apps, a Windows 10 phone may be on my list to be my main phone. I like the fluidity of Windows and some of it's features (reading of texts), etc.


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Feb 14, 2011
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

I have a Lumia 920 which I had for over 2 years now and aside from it falling apart, there are a lot of apps that are missing when compared to iOS and Android. A lot of times there are no substitutes for these apps that can be found in the windows store and I think it's a shame because the Windows phone OS is top notch. It's very, very smooth and stable. The apps when they do exist are also very good and stable. Battery life was awesome if used sparingly. If I used something like yelp or Facebook then the phone would heat up and warn about quick discharge like 5% in the last 15 mins.
Hopefully the switch to android will be worth it!

javi Garcia1

Apr 15, 2015
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

I have nothing against Windows but as an OS i prefer not to use it if i can help it. are the phones better? i beleive the last one i had was a tmobile one. i liked it but after my first android i cant do it. then again that was like 9 years ago

Gray Area

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Dec 5, 2012
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To each his own. I would never bash ones opinion. It is what it is. I had the guy at Verizon trying to steer me away from the S6. Finally told him

"dude youre not going to change my mind. Get the black one before I start shaking"

Awesome rebuttal! What was his reasons for trying to steer you away? I hate when salesmen try to impose their bias on a customer. Especially when they weren't even asked for their opinion! Just give me the info on the phone if I ask your opinion give me an unbiased professional opinion! This is your job for goodness sake! Not fanboy politics discussion hour. Lol

Posted on my Galaxy S6 Edge🔪(S is for Super) via the Android Central App
Apr 7, 2015
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Re: Going back to Windows phone.

Windows phones added something to the life of its users but I think still have to compete a lot to bring up its apps and results up to the level of android phones.

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