Question SD Card issues with S20+


Dec 26, 2019
I currently have an S20+ with a 128g SD card that I transferred from my old S9. It never worked quite as well as when it was in the S9 for syncing music via Windows media player etc.
Now when I plug the phone into my cpu it will not recognize the phone unless the SD card itself is removed. I actually bought a new SD card transferred everything (from the old one) onto my cpu and then transferred it to the new card, resulting in no luck as far as the issue being resolved. The phone itself works fine with the SD card mounted, I can browse through everything like photos and listen to music / playlists fine. Recently it won't even work when plugged into Android Auto on a new car stereo. The message "USB device Not Recognized

I'm debating on possibly purchasing an S23 and transferring all content over to the new phone's internal memory, but thought I would see if anyone had experienced a similar issue? The S20 plus has been a great phone for me this is really the only issue that I've encountered.

What is the read write speed of the new and/or old card? There are classes printed on the card that explain the speed rating. I'm wondering if, like myself you are a bargain shopper and something to do with the read/write speed or card quality is playing a part.

We'll assume you are formatting these cards in the phone and not from another device, correct? Are you encrypting them, beyond natural encryption that happens without added or extra steps?

When you use your USB to connect have you checked the pull down menu/notification page for USB options? As I'm working through this in my mind this is the one that stands out to me at the moment. Have you tried a different USB cable? Everything worked with your S9 but now you have a newer device and may need to update your cables for some reason. Again it may be a bargain thing, not that you should buy Apples $130 USB but maybe not one from Temu or Wish. Oh yeah my point with checking the pulldown is to ask, does it offer you options for the USB connection? Are you choosing to connect as a storage device, charge only, share internet, media device, or are you just plugging in and not checking or looking for a connection type?

Speaking of cables, have you tried connecting a different device using your existing cables to see if other devices work properly?

Is the new card also 128 or did you take the opportunity to upgrade to something bigger?

It's just odd that it works without but not with. Is there anyway you can put the card in another device and try connecting?

Let us know what you find and we'll post more.
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I would also add, make sure your phone is unlocked and at least on the home screen, or the PC can't read the card. Even if it is set to "transfer files".

If you plug in the phone, but leave it locked, then nothing will show up on the PC.

Pretty sure that's something Samsung has done only with the last couple of years. Although, I don't know if that's specific to Samsung, or part of Android in general now.
Thanks everyone for the responses.

It looks like the SD card speed is 130MB/s, it's actually a Samsung Card. I called Samsung tech support a little while back (when the problem first occurred) and when you try to change the options under USB settings, it will not let you change it to "connected device". No matter what other option I select, it still will not recognize the device.
I just originally formatted using the phone itself. I've tried 3 different cables so far.

I'll try and maybe put the card back in the S9 and see if it recognizes the device. I made sure the device (S20+) was unlocked when I plugged it in, I was actually excited for a minute thinking this may be the easiest resolution ever but it still didn't make a difference.

I never had problems when mounted into the S9 but it definitely didn't work as efficiently on the S20+ but it did work for a little while before being 100% unreadable.

Another quick thing to add is when running the internal diagnostic check the SD card is coming up as having no issues.
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