Seesmic update today


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2010
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Just tried the free version of Tweetcaster. Colors are distracting. The "bubbles" reduce the number of tweets on a page. I wish you had the option to get rid of them. I get all of three tweets in my timeline because of this and have to keep scrolling to see more. And try clicking on an avatar to look at a larger version, you can't. I prefer Seesmic more streamlined interface, colors, and ability to view full screen avatars. Again, just my opinion.


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Oct 24, 2008
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Just tried the free version of Tweetcaster. Colors are distracting. The "bubbles" reduce the number of tweets on a page. I wish you had the option to get rid of them. I get all of three tweets in my timeline because of this and have to keep scrolling to see more. And try clicking on an avatar to look at a larger version, you can't. I prefer Seesmic more streamlined interface, colors, and ability to view full screen avatars. Again, just my opinion.

Exactly what I said, Tweetcaster wastes way to much screen space on garbage that means nothing to me. Hands down Seesmic is my favorite, especially after this update.


Trusted Member
Jan 3, 2010
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In my usual manic fashion, I have dropped Twidroid for a bit to retry Seesmic. I couldn't use Seesmic before because it would not recall my position in the timeline; it now does. That said, Twidroid will occasionally lose its place when I switch back in.

I'd still rather have a control in Seesmic to post a tweet without having to press Menu.

Swift is also a good app, but I don't love the way it looks. I hate the way Tweetcaster looks. I've been using PCs for a long time, and it reminds me of the old DOS 2.x days when people learned how to use Esc codes to change colors of the DOS prompt, with blinking cyan text on a magenta background. Just because you can, it doesn't mean that you should. I think that the Tweetcaster guys should buy themselves an iPhone or a Mac, take a look at Tweetie, and start from there, but don't go too far further. (Really, all of them should.)

We'll see how long I stay with Seesmic. I'll give it the weekend at least.


Moderator Captain
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Dec 28, 2009
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"Notifications are now cleared when the application is accessed from Launcher"

Love this part!! I was using TweetCaster but i don't like how you see the persons real name.


Trusted Member
Jan 3, 2010
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I'm liking it so far. I like apps that display image links within the app, even if you have them set to go to the browser for links. It's plenty fast. This may sound dumb, but I prefer the notification icon to that unattractive thing that Twidroid uses. Touching the top red bar to return to the top of the timeline is a nice feature, but I find scrolling so fast that it hasn't seemed necessary.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2009
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I'd still rather have a control in Seesmic to post a tweet without having to press Menu.

We'll see how long I stay with Seesmic. I'll give it the weekend at least.

That is my biggest grip with this client. I don't know what the dev was thinking making you press menu to compose a tweet. I'm giving it the weekend too.


Trusted Member
Jan 3, 2010
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I'm still with Seesmic; it's obviously been longer than the weekend.

My only other wish-list would be for an option to have the list automatically refresh when you activate Seesmic, rather than having to hit the refresh control at the top, but that's really a minor annoyance. Otherwise, I really like the way that Seesmic works, particularly compared with the others.