Should I upgrade to EVO 4G LTE?


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Jul 17, 2011
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I currently have a EVO 4G Shift. Its time for me to upgrade and I've been reviewing phones, and I'll be honest, I'm very disappointed in what I'm finding. I'm on Sprint, and the only HTC phone that Sprint is currently carrying the the EVO 4G LTE.

The battery on my current phone really sucks. I have to keep the phone on a charger to keep the battery at a decent level. If I don't, it'll be died within hours. The EVO 4G LTE doesn't seem to have much better battery life. How is the battery life on this phone?

How about signal reception? The signal with my current phone really sucks. How is the the signal reception with this phone? How about the touch keyboard? I personally like physical keyboards, but looks like sliders are not as popular, and they are getting really hard to find. I guess I'll have to learn to use a touch keyboard. Is the touch keyboard better that what is on the EVO Shift?




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Sep 12, 2010
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I currently have a EVO 4G Shift. Its time for me to upgrade and I've been reviewing phones, and I'll be honest, I'm very disappointed in what I'm finding. I'm on Sprint, and the only HTC phone that Sprint is currently carrying the the EVO 4G LTE.

The battery on my current phone really sucks. I have to keep the phone on a charger to keep the battery at a decent level. If I don't, it'll be died within hours. The EVO 4G LTE doesn't seem to have much better battery life. How is the battery life on this phone?

How about signal reception? The signal with my current phone really sucks. How is the the signal reception with this phone? How about the touch keyboard? I personally like physical keyboards, but looks like sliders are not as popular, and they are getting really hard to find. I guess I'll have to learn to use a touch keyboard. Is the touch keyboard better that what is on the EVO Shift?



Hello Daryl - first let me say that yes some have had issues with this phone and others like myself have had minor issues. In this forum most people here love this phone and will tell you in a heartbeat to get this phone. What this comes down to is what will you be using your phone for? Let us know that and we can give you an honest opinion. You probably don't use your phone the way most people here use theirs. If you are going to leave your phone stock like I have then you should have very few issues if any at all. If you are into rooting and changing roms then it depends. Some have had no issues and claim to have a better phone with the rom they are using and some have not been as enthusiastic but it could be user error also.

To answer your questions, the battery life on my phone was fine until I upgraded to jellybean and then it went to crap but once I did a factory reset my battery life has been great. I have no problems with signal reception but then again I live in Northern Virginia and work in DC so like I said I have no problems with signal reception. Like you I used to be a physical keyboard person but I converted and never looked back. There are several keyboards out there you can load and play with to see what you like. I personally use the swiftkey flow beta which seems to be a hybrid of swiftkey and swype. The stock keyboard in jellybean has also been improved so like I said you have a ton of options those are just a few.

What this boils down to is go get this phone and try it out for a couple of weeks and see how you like it. Come back here if you have questions and we will try and help the best we can. If you like the phone then welcome to the group if not take it back and try something else. Only you can know what phone best suits you we can only tell you why this phone suits us.



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May 31, 2010
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I personally would not. While this is a good to great phone, like all phones, there are issues. Battery life since the upgrade to Jellybean has suffered. I haven't had any issues relating to signal strength other than with Sprints horrible network. As for keyboards, I highly recommend SwiftKey. If your new to touchscreen keyboards, this will soften the blow to this type of screen.
Plus, this phone is about six months old, so you can certainly find other newer phones out there. Don't get me wrong, this is an excellent phone, but keep your options open.


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Jan 28, 2012
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My roommate has recently started complaining about his everyday like a grumpy old man. He says he wished he would have waited for the sg3 or note 2 or something else and wasnt saddled down on a contract with the phone. I would get something else.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Android Central Forums


Well-known member
May 17, 2010
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I have the Evo LTE and I would tell you to go with something else.

There are so many things that you'll nitpick at, it's ridiculous. I'd go with the Note 2.

If there was any way for me to get the Note 2 and not have to pay the full price, I would.


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May 14, 2012
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I have the EVO LTE and my daughter has the s3. I personally like my EVO a lot more even though there both really nice. Just my opinion but the note 2 is to big.

If getting a phone right now, I'd choose the EVO. Just keep in mind the next best thing is always just around the corner


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Sep 16, 2011
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I would recommend this phone in a never owning anything but HTC products in the future and even though there are minor hiccups im more than happy with the HTC evo 4g

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE


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Aug 25, 2010
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I really like my EVO 4g lte... Love the camera. The side camera button is great. Picture quality is great.

I get great battery life too... But I'm not an extremely heavy user... So I guess depending on how you use it, you'll see different results. The times that I have used the heck out of it, I manage to use it for the whole day and still have some extra juice left.

The keyboard is nice, but I'd recommend an app like SwiftKey... It's just amazing... Also really nice that it switches flawlessly between languages, for example English and Spanish.

The phone size is pretty manageable too. Fits in my pocket without a problem.

Reception is really great in my area... I live in South Jersey. Call quality is crystal clear for me, too.

If I were in your shoes right now, my decision would be between the Evo 4G LTE or the Note 2. But, it all comes down to you. Whatever you choose, good luck and enjoy :)

Sent from my EVO using Android Central Forums


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May 4, 2010
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I recommend this phone without hesitation or reservation.

Same here, or the S3. Battery and reception for both are terrific over any other Sprint phone. Great screens, fast, they do everything reasonable very well.
Yes, some small annoying things since the update, but compared to an OG EVO or Shift or Design 4G, no comparison.
I think Sprint should ship one or the other to every customer who doesn't already have one and it would do them well overall immediately. Crazy, but probably true.


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Jul 19, 2011
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I'm also shopping for a new phone. I'm currently on a photon, which has been a fine phone, but I am hankering for jeily bean and an upgrade path.

I miss the physical keyboard of my pre and treo, but swype is very nice. Out has completely spoiled me on electronic keyboards. I just got an ipad, and the keyboard on that is driving me nuts. Swiftkey was hugely popular, and I bet the new swiftkey/swype hybrid is a hit.

The note is too big for me. Even the photon is a little larger than I would really like, and I'm unhappy that all the high-end devices are getting huge.

I would get the nexus, but I am often in places with poor data connectivity, so relying on "the cloud" for everything is a non-starter. I still need local storage. Thus, my interest in this phone.

Will I be able to upgrade it? Is the battery life good? How are the radios? Sometimes I'm in poor data reception, not "no data reception", and the photon's good radios have often yielded me a signal when friends didn't have one.

Thanks for all the info already in this thread, and any further feedback.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2011
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Thanks for all of the replies. A good mix of "I really love it, and recommend it" to "I hate it and wouldn't recommend it".
I decided to hold off a couple of more months before I decide to pull the trigger. I just learned that my wife's phone isn't eligible for an upgrade. I forgot that her's was purchased at a separate time, and so I have to wait until it becomes eligible. I'm planning no upgrading the entire family at one time, but I guess I have to wait to do that.

Thanks for all of the great feed back.


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