I bought Smart Launcher Pro and it used it for about a month. At the time I really liked it a lot. I like minimalist stuff and anything in the shape of a circle is appealing to me for some reason. Thats what I liked about Smart Launcher was how you can easily arrange your homescreen icons in a circle to your liking, and I really liked how the app drawer is broke down into categories. The things that bugged me though were that it was almost TOO minimal even for me. The kind of updates the dev made to it were kind of annoying and left me thinking "Really? That's all you could think of to add to the launcher?" Once I discovered MyColorScreen.com I basically abandoned Smart Launcher. A lot of people get nuts with customizing home screen's but if you make the switch to Apex Launcher, and take a day to watch some videos and play with UCCW you can make a simple, minimal but also really attractive home screen yourself. And you don't even have to actually MAKE it, but you can find countless UCCW skins to apply to your home screen. Download an Icon Pack too if you want and you've got an even better, customized home screen. I have since moved beyond that and got into custom ROM's so I'm now running Paranoid Android with a stock look to it. But I still enjoy looking at peoples custom home screen's.