Smart Lock -> Trusted Places does not work


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Jul 17, 2013
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When I first got my S6 last December, trusted locations never worked. I had on high accuracy and wifi and all that has been mentioned. After a month of using my phone trusted places just started working. I had not changed any settings. Now it works 99% of the time. Occasionally when I first come home it doesn't work one time, and then it's good. After reading all the comments it seems like it is an issue with location services not working 100% of the time? Maybe depends too on your cell service, the carrier, or other things that might affect service. Just uneducated speculation, but whatever it is, trusted places is working at home for me now the vast majority of the time.

Quantum Mania

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Dec 29, 2014
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All great suggestions. Thanks put me on to location accuracy. S7 edge, left on high but turned off use Bluetooth. So far so good
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Quantum Mania

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Dec 29, 2014
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And it failed after a few goes. However going to lock screen and security>other security setting>trusted agents toggle smart lock off then on and it's been ok for an hour or so.


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Oct 6, 2016
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I have to think this is a samsung issue. When I had an LG G3 I never had this problem. Especially when I rooted the phone and put an CM on it after owning it for a couple years. I had other problems but the smart lock always worked. Only lately has it stopped working completely.

However, the smart lock isn't entirely broken, since it seems to work when I'm still holding it. It's just the trusted place function, which probably means the location isn't as accurate as it could be.

The other issue may be if there are a lot of home addresses in one area. So if you set Home as your apartment address and number and maps thinks you're at a different address and number trusted settings won't work. It's supposed to choose an address range, but oh well :p

I got it to work for a second by re-consenting to have smart lock use my home location, but the problem came up again after a while. oh well.


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Oct 6, 2016
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Okay, may have a sol'n, stay tuned. It may be an issue with the Home and Work features. I assume most of you are setting Home and Work in google maps and then setting those as trusted places in smart lock? If so, try removing Home and/or Work as trusted places and next time you're at home, set your current location as the trusted place instead of your actual home address. For example, my street number is 90, but google maps location services pinpoints me at 88. When I don't use Home or Work and just set whatever google maps calculates as my trusted location, it seems to work. Odd, since my address, 90, is within the range set by the address 88, but ah well.

To be clear, no need to delete Home and Work settings, they still work fine for other google purposes, just remove it as a trusted place.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2012
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I just got a Samsung Tablet and searched for Smart Lock not work and found this thread. I found out that on my Samsung, the Home Address is automatically added to the Trusted Place, but it is NOT enabled. You have to tap and hold it and then click enable to enable it. It is kind of dumb.. how do I know that it is not enabled other than that the text is not solid black. The thing is that if you try to add it again.. it will say your Home is already a Trusted Place. It was just not enabled!


Jun 15, 2016
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It isn't exclusive to Samsung. I have an HTC 10 and am having the issue as well. I had two GPS coordinates saved for my home plus the map location already there. I disabled the map location and deleted one of the GPS locations. Going to see if that helps when I get home.


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2011
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I have a S6 on Verizon, MM software with latest patch

My trusted location has never worked, tried deleting and re-adding... Location/WiFi enabled, high accuracy...

I have a FitBit as a trusted device, it will only connect to the device if the FitBit app is running. I have read the FitBit is a low energy device and won't stay connected all the time, however my wife has the same FitBit but uses a Note5 and hers stays connected even when the app isn't running.

So theoretically, if I have my home and FitBit as trusted, at home I should never have to enter my Pin (other than if 4 hours have passed w/o a login)... however nada (unless my FitBit app is running)

Something is clearly not right here


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Feb 14, 2017
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I know this is an old thread, but happened across it while looking for something else.

When I added my credit card to Samsung Pay over the summer, I received a warning that "Trusted Places" would not work as an added layer of security.

Think about it..... You work in retail, add work to your "Trusted Places", lose your phone, and whoever finds it has unrestricted access to whatever debit/credit card(s) you have in Samsung Pay, Android Pay, Google Wallet, etc.

I did continue to add my card, I use Samsung Pay every day, and my "Trusted Places" does not work, however I ran an experiment to see if this was your issue. I deleted the card from Samsung Pay, restarted my phone, and trusted places is working like s charm!

If you added one of these services, this could be your issue.

Hope this helps!
Jan 5, 2013
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dan411! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Yours was the only method that I've gotten to work!

Something is seriously wrong with Home being a trusted place but adding, what is effectively my neighbor's house, worked!


Mar 16, 2017
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Has anyone else had more success with this? I tried Dan's solution and it first. And then it didn't. It seems to have a 50% success rate, which I think is more or less what using the basic "home" feature was.

I don't think it matters, but I'm using a Blackberry Priv (and thus, Android Pay is presumably causing the problem).


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Oct 24, 2017
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I've been battling this for a while. Previously with my S8+ which met an untimely death yesterday. The problem also started happening on my Note 8 today. One time I noticed when I powered up and quickly went to set a new trusted place that my location was miles away despite having good GPS fix and very good WiFi. I got to thinking about the false location and came up with an inaccurate location in the WiFi database somehow. I turned off high accuracy and wifi location hoping to force using the GPS only. So far I've had zero issues in 12 hours.

Not an absolute answer, but I suspect one of my MACs has been placed in the wrong spot geographically. WiFi seems to have a priority over GPS or at least it causes a conflict which prevents unlocking? Not sure how to fix it, but would be interested to see how this effects others.


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Dec 10, 2017
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I have a Note 8 and Trusted Places recently stopped working. I do not have any Pay features enabled on my phone so I know that isn't the issue. After reading this thread, I went to Settings/Google Settings/Location and changed the method for finding location to Phone Only. My Trusted Places started working. I don't know long term if this is the solution, but I will update in a few days as to whether the problem is resolved.

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