sms workaround


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Nov 14, 2009
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So I am using Handcent SMS right now ( after trying Chomp ) until Sprint releases the update to hopefully fix the "phone awake 100%" issue that the stock messaging app causes.

Whenever I receive a text message now though, Sprint Navigation, Messaging, and voicemail show up in my task list. If I kill them, they will re-activate when I get another message. I don't think it does it when I send a text, only upon receiving one.

My question is should I worry about it or not?!?

I am fairly new to this (toyed with a Touch Pro for a bit and came to Hero from a BB Curve). I thought I read somewhere here to not necessarily worry about what was in the task list - didn't necessarily mean the app was actively running or something?

Using handcent has taken care of the awake issue as I have gone from 99% to usually around 15%.

Also, do we have an estimate of when the sprint update/fix is coming (and will it even address this issue?)

Thanks in advance for any info, knowledge, tips, and advice!!


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Oct 23, 2009
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Hmm... well you can turn off the Message notification by going to the settings of the stock messaging app and turning off all notifications, but as for navigation and voicemail..I've never heard this problem before, idk what you can do for that. Try going to your voicemail settings and navigation settings and turning off notifications for those as well, however, this could cause problems because this would disable all notifications for voicemail so you would never know if you got a new voicemail or not...just gotta keep checking it I guess..


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Nov 17, 2009
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I am the OP...for some reason my "mapleleaf 14" account is blocked or something.

Anyway...No, this is an issue that others have too...I've read about over at another forum. It happens even though you've turned off the notifications in the original messaging app. Someone linked to it from this forum somewhere I thought, but I can't find it again. It was at the S****t Community forum (dunno if we can mention other forums by name)

I saw something about a Dec 11 update - does anyone know if this an update that will address the 100% awake issue that the native sms app causes?

I like handcent, but not enough to put up with it opening other programs...I will go back to the original app once they get it fixed.

It did it with Chompsms too, so it must be a Hero thing!


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2009
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I am the OP...for some reason my "mapleleaf 14" account is blocked or something.

Anyway...No, this is an issue that others have too...I've read about over at another forum. It happens even though you've turned off the notifications in the original messaging app. Someone linked to it from this forum somewhere I thought, but I can't find it again. It was at the S****t Community forum (dunno if we can mention other forums by name)

I saw something about a Dec 11 update - does anyone know if this an update that will address the 100% awake issue that the native sms app causes?

I like handcent, but not enough to put up with it opening other programs...I will go back to the original app once they get it fixed.

It did it with Chompsms too, so it must be a Hero thing!

Well, I believe for now, only the Verizon DROID Eris and DROID are getting an OTA update on December 11th, but not the Sprint Hero. However, Sprint recently announced that they are working on an update (which WILL address the messaging full awake issue) which will be released in the next few weeks, so probably around the time the DROID update goes live. I don't believe that there is an official press release on exactly what is expected in the update, but even if it only has this fix, it's well worth it as I HATE Handcent and chompSMS and would much rather use the standard messaging app. As for your other problems, I'm sure that this update will fully wipe the messaging functionality and basically just restart them, so I'm assuming the problem should be fix (as it sounds like a problem with just your Hero) it. Other than that, try heading over to your nearest Sprint retailer, and see what they can do about the problem, hell you might even get a whole new phone!
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