So sick of this scrolling issue when going through older text messages.


May 1, 2010
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Well I uninstalled the task killer i had installed and the problem i really need the task killer?

I just removed task killer myself and it seemed to fix the problem. Handcent seemed ok but I would rather just use the stock messaging program. Maybe task killer will find the problem soon.


Trusted Member
Mar 22, 2010
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This must be an HTC issue with the HTC messaging app. I had a moment running vanilla android for a couple months and never experienced the issue although on my EVO after reading this tried to duplicate and I cannot. Might be something worth reporting to HTC.


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Apr 18, 2010
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This must be an HTC issue with the HTC messaging app. I had a moment running vanilla android for a couple months and never experienced the issue although on my EVO after reading this tried to duplicate and I cannot. Might be something worth reporting to HTC.

Well what makes it so weird is that it is intermittent. There is no rhyme or reason behind it's behavior. One time when it was screwing up again, I rebooted the phone and after that, it still did it. A few minutes later, witout doing anything, it was fine again.

Must be software.


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Jun 15, 2010
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Just joined up to post this. Ive been having the same problem with my EVO. And it's really annoying as Ive been having text battles with this chick and I cannot go back to back up my own statments. HAHA.

Anyway, I noticed that this problem only happens when the 3G indicator is going crazy. The up and down arrow are both lit up. This seems to be when I have problems scrolling. I tried every possible thing to fix it, landscape mode, deleting apps, rebooting, etc etc.

Here's how I fixed it:

First off, I wanted to know WHY my 3g indicator was going nuts when I wasn't really doing anything. Those of us (including me) who just switched over to sprint to get an EVO have only had our sprint service for a whopping 10 days. I just yesterday setup my online accound so I can start to pay my bill online. When I viewed my data useage I was ASTOUNDED that ONLY from the billing cycle start (the 8th, making that only 6 days) I had already used 2.2GIGABYTES worth of data. Now that's ridiculous. That puts me on target 8+ gigs a month, which in most moble services is unheard of. I'm an avid phone user, heavy use and even for me, that's out of this world.

So I started thinking what could be wrong. Only thing I could think of is the contacts / facebook syncing constantly as I have over 70 people (out of 250 contacts) linked via google and Facebook. The ones facebook didnt find automatically, I manually did, cause let's be honest, it's a kick ass feature. So I went through all my contacts and unlinked them both on google, AND on Facebook. I then restarted my phone and voila. NO MORE CRAZY 3G, no more scrolling problems.

Can't say this will work for everyone, but it sure did for me when nothing else would. I also can't wait to see in a few days how my data useage has changed... I'm willing to bet it goes down like a drunk teenage girl on prom night.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2010
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Mine was doing this and driving me crazy but I checked it again and it has been working correctly for the last 2 days. I did not change anything that I am aware of. :eek:


May 19, 2010
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I started noticing the same problem a few day ago with messaging snapping back to the bottom of the screen. I am also one of the lucky ones who has a phone that has an unresponsive upper half of the screen when placed on a surface other than my hand. I'm just wondering if these are two separate issues or if the they might be interrelated? I really don't want to end up exchanging for a new phone if i don't have to.


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Apr 20, 2010
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Mine started doing it again, I did my method, fixed it again, hasn't done it in a week. It is intermittent, but I just do that crazy sounding method and it fixes it in a few seconds. Still not a permanent fix, but it works.


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Apr 18, 2010
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I am wondering if jermzz is right. My phone occasionally did the same thing with the 3G being on constantly. I have also gone through 4 GB of data in just 3 weeks! Maybe that's the social networking bug they are talking about to increase battery life?

Also, the grounding issue might have had something to do with this as well. As soon as my phone finished the update I tried scrolling through old text messages and it was fine.


Jun 14, 2010
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I have this problem intermittently as well, with text messages *and* contacts.

This morning it was doing it, now it's not. The only "change" my phone has gone through today was a reboot.


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Jul 5, 2010
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I have an issue when I select one conversation of the 15-20 I have in the phone.


I am texting person "A" and SEND a message.

Person B sends me a message.

I open up messaging and select the conversation between me and person B and for some reason the conversation with person A, and sometimes even completely random conversations, will open.

I might of done a terrible job explaining that, lol.


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Jul 24, 2010
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Well I uninstalled the task killer i had installed and the problem i really need the task killer?

I also uninstalled the task killer... And it solved the problem. Very odd... I suppose if I REALLY need to look at old texts, which is rare, then I'll uninstall and reinstall the app... Until there's a fix.


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Jul 24, 2010
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I had the problem before. Just loaded the latest update from HTC and the problem seems to be better now.


I refuse to do the update. It made things worse overall when I did. It really didn't improve the phone in my opinion. Plus it eliminates some of the backgrounds [the android ones are removed]. I don't know if that matters to anyone else but me lol.


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Aug 23, 2010
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Same issue as others

I also have the same scrolling issue with the default messaging app. It seems to happen after I get a large amount of messages in the same conversation. Even after I reboot the phone, the scrolling issue still persists as when i try to look at older messages, it instantly starts at the bottom no matter what.

I don't have anyone (i mean zero) linked via social networks like facebook, etc. so I don't think the 3g issue that other people mentioned in previous posts is the problem. It must be some weird software issue. I did find a way to fix the issue, which involved me going to Settings>Applications>Manage Applications then go to the "Running" tab and clear the data for "Text Messaging". This has seemed to resolve my issue each time the scrolling issue arises. I'm running froyo (version 2.2) on the motorola droid 2. Hope this helps. Seems like the software designers would have released a bug fix for this by now.


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Sep 4, 2016
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This is many years from your post, but I was just having the same issue. Never had the issue until i received a replacement Note 4 and now have this endless scrolling. I have 30,000 texts and dont want to lose them and couldnt research back...Just installed swiftkey keyboard and it is gone!