Sony Tablet S


Oct 13, 2011
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Is there a reason why the Sony Tablet S isn't on this site? I was looking for information and thought I would look on here. I went to best buy and there were way more Tablet S' available and all the other tablet models were either not available or had at most 2 left. Besides going on Youtube (which is also lacking info), is this a bad tablet? Is that the reason why it's not on this site? :-\


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Aug 13, 2010
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I had the same exact question. I checked them out on Amazon and they were going relatively cheap, which made me think that they were bad. I wonder if anyone that has one could chime in?


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May 11, 2011
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I don't only own personally, i did play with one for a while way back in September at CEDIA. I thought it was a really good tablet. The design is unique, its plasticy but it feels solid. Sony integration, IR blaster. It is a really nice package.


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Aug 13, 2010
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I actually just checked one out at Best Buy and it was a really nice looking and running tablet. It was faster and smoother than anything I played with. I would definitely consider this. I wish AC had a forum dedicated to them.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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I have one an it's very fast and a beautiful screen.

Currently have HTC Flyer, HTC Evo3D, Sony Tablet S, Nexus One, Sony BlueRay GoogleTV box, and Sony GoogleTV.


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Mar 14, 2012
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The tablet S overall got pretty good reviews. But it hasn't been a terribly popular tablet, which is probably why it doesn't have its own forum here.

But why hasn't it been popular? Well, my guess is that it was priced too high (just as much as an iPad) and people weren't convinced that the extra money would be worth it. Why spend $500 for an Android tablet when you could get what seemed like an equivalent Android tablet for $400, or even less? Another possible reason is that it took forever and a half to get the thing rooted, which kind of put a chill on that whole area of discussion, which is a pretty big one when it comes to Android.

Personally, I own a Sony Tablet S, and really like the form factor, the screen, and the customization to the Honeycomb UI made by Sony. What I don't like about it is its uncertain future -- it seems Sony is not really sure what they want to do in the future with their tablet line. I mean, for example, regarding deploying Ice Cream Sandwich, Sony just said "sometime in the spring of 2012", which isn't really making me feel too great, both because of how late that is, and also by how vague it is.

But, bottom line, it's a wonderful tablet, and at the prices you see these days, quite worth it. If you do decide to get one, I highly recommend getting the stand / dock. It's great for watching movies, or even just using the thing as an alarm clock.

Oh, and one more thing, which might sway your decision to get one. There are really not that many cases that fit the Sony tablet well. I personally couldn't find a single one that I actually liked -- they were all so butt-ugly compared to the tablet itself, plus bulky, and on top of that, didn't have cut outs for the infrared. So I opted to go for a skin and a slip cover.


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Mar 15, 2012
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I expect to have one tomorrow. Ordered from Amazon. One feature that I liked was the DLNA integration. My Samsung TV supports DLNA and with the Playstation 3 support it should fit right into my environment.

No real experience with it yet. More later...

- Ken.


Jul 8, 2011
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I've been heavily considering buying one these past couple of weeks. My only concern is that the latest generation of tablets (and phones) will all run with quad core processors. How would the S1 hold up in the long run? I'm not a big specs follower, but I know I'm seeing the posts of enthusiasts starting to scoff at anything with a Tegra 2 or similar since the next phase of chips are rolling out.

Considering I'd be buying 1 dock, maybe even 2 (home and work) I'm hesitant to pull the trigger on the investment needed to get the full enjoyment out of the tablet factoring in a case for transport. The form factor, and Sony integration are huge to me. The IR Blaster is a great idea and only adds more bonus.

I also feel late to the party. I've been looking for any indication that there'd be a sequel that keeps the form factor, and ups the specs that I could save for. And if there wasn't I'd guess it's incredibly unlikely to see an update from ICS to Jelly Bean when that time comes.

If anyone finds a good source of discussion for the Sony S1, I'd love to hear about it. :) And if anyone has further input, I'd love to hear about that too.

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