Sound notifications on S8+


Jan 10, 2012
Ok, coming back to Android from being a long time ios user and have a quick question for you more experienced Android users, as I'm having a bit of an issue with my S8+.

I have but been trying to set up notifications, sounds etc. on my S8+. However, despite whatever sound I have set for email, BBC, social media etc, the phone is determined to use the sound I have set for text messages and whatever notification I get, R2D2 beeps away at me!!

I have tried setting the notification sound both from within settings and from within the app and it makes no difference.

This is now frustrating the living daylights out of me!! Any suggestions would be appreciated? Thanks.
Ok, coming back to Android from being a long time ios user and have a quick question for you more experienced Android users, as I'm having a bit of an issue with my S8+.

I have but been trying to set up notifications, sounds etc. on my S8+. However, despite whatever sound I have set for email, BBC, social media etc, the phone is determined to use the sound I have set for text messages and whatever notification I get, R2D2 beeps away at me!!

I have tried setting the notification sound both from within settings and from within the app and it makes no difference.

This is now frustrating the living daylights out of me!! Any suggestions would be appreciated? Thanks.

So, what you are saying is that you obviously have a Default Notification Sound, and that one overrides any other Notification Sound your specific Apps have? If that's it, I think that's the first time I hear that. Most apps has their own notification sounds and you control that within the app, so it should use that app settings instead of the default one. Does this happens in ALL your apps on just a couple of them?

Only thing I can think of is some kind of permission issues on those apps, but even that doesn't make too much sense.
Are the notifications being saved within the app. If you go back in to, does it show the notification sound that you picked??

I think the notification sound file has to be in the Notification folder on your phone.
Correct, only the default text notification sound is being played and seems to be over riding all other sounds. It would appear to be all apps.

If I go back into the app (or notification centre), the sound I have picked is shown, just not being played.

The text notification sound I am using is not 'stock' to the phone, but downloaded from Zedge and I wondered if that could be the issue? I will try using a 'stock' sound for text notifications and see if that cures the issue.