Sound Profiles


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2009
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Not sure if I am missing something, I do not get how i set profiles. I have been manually having to go in and turn ringtones off, and alerts off. I know the phone has a silent feature, but I am looking to be able to do a quick switch between noise alerts/rings to a vibrate mode (Everything vibrates).

I tried some searches could not find info on this.


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Nov 7, 2009
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I think this is a bit of a pain I am noticing. Not the end of the work but i find myself missing calls as i just leave my phone in vibrate all the time.

Reason being is I want 2 profiles, not time sensitive, just to switch to
Emails - No Sound, Vibration does not matter either
Text Messages - Sound or a vibrate notification
Calls - Sound/Ringtone

2. Everything vibrates

2 is achievable but I am having trouble with the 1st. I dl sound manager, but when i move the notification volume down, the ringtone volume goes down too.


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Nov 11, 2009
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I so hope there is a solution here. Between this and the extremely flawed Facebook app, my Droid is sitting in its box!


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Nov 6, 2009
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Sound/Vibrate remedy

I think this is a bit of a pain I am noticing. Not the end of the work but i find myself missing calls as i just leave my phone in vibrate all the time.

Reason being is I want 2 profiles, not time sensitive, just to switch to
Emails - No Sound, Vibration does not matter either
Text Messages - Sound or a vibrate notification
Calls - Sound/Ringtone

2. Everything vibrates

2 is achievable but I am having trouble with the 1st. I dl sound manager, but when i move the notification volume down, the ringtone volume goes down too.

Here's how I did it with no widgets or software from the Marketplace
-first, turn up ur volume via the rocker switch
-From the main Droid homepage, press "Menu" then "Settings"
-Then press "Sound & Display"
-Press "Ringer Volume" and check "Use incoming call volume for notifications" and press "Ok"
-Press "Phone vibrate" checkbox on

-Go back to homescreen.
-Open "Messaging"
-Press Menu key and press "Settings"
-Scroll down to "Notifications Settings" section
-Press "Vibrate" checkbox so that it is checked

-Go back to homepage and open Gmail or regular Mail app, whichever you're using.
-Press Menu key, then press "Settings"
-I like to have email notifications in Status bar, so I check "Email Notifications"
-"Select ringtone", I have this set to "Silent" option.
-"Vibrate", you're option, I have mine unchecked

So when I'm at home or out and about and I want sounds, I toggle my Volume rocker on the side to max volume or alittle below max.

When I'm at work and just want my phone to vibrate, I tobble my Volume Rocker on the side all the way down until the sound is off.
THEN tap the Volume rocker up 1 notch and you'll feel the phone vibrate.

So now in this mode, phone calls vibrate, text msgs vibrate, everything vibrates, EXCEPT my GMail emails. I only get a blinking light and an email notification in the status bar if my screen is on.

Hope this helps...and hope I explained it well enough for you to follow



Well-known member
Nov 11, 2009
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Here's how I did it with no widgets or software from the Marketplace
-first, turn up ur volume via the rocker switch
-From the main Droid homepage, press "Menu" then "Settings"
-Then press "Sound & Display"
-Press "Ringer Volume" and check "Use incoming call volume for notifications" and press "Ok"
-Press "Phone vibrate" checkbox on

-Go back to homescreen.
-Open "Messaging"
-Press Menu key and press "Settings"
-Scroll down to "Notifications Settings" section
-Press "Vibrate" checkbox so that it is checked

-Go back to homepage and open Gmail or regular Mail app, whichever you're using.
-Press Menu key, then press "Settings"
-I like to have email notifications in Status bar, so I check "Email Notifications"
-"Select ringtone", I have this set to "Silent" option.
-"Vibrate", you're option, I have mine unchecked

So when I'm at home or out and about and I want sounds, I toggle my Volume rocker on the side to max volume or alittle below max.

When I'm at work and just want my phone to vibrate, I tobble my Volume Rocker on the side all the way down until the sound is off.
THEN tap the Volume rocker up 1 notch and you'll feel the phone vibrate.

So now in this mode, phone calls vibrate, text msgs vibrate, everything vibrates, EXCEPT my GMail emails. I only get a blinking light and an email notification in the status bar if my screen is on.

Hope this helps...and hope I explained it well enough for you to follow


I have mine set exactly the same as your Stephman! I do wish I could have "profiles" or something similar as there are on BlackBerrys but it's not that big of a deal, I'm sure an app for 2.0 will come out soon that will meet my needs, or an update to existing apps to reduce the number of bugs and increase functionality.


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2009
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There is a app called Profiles that I got that allows you to set different ones just like the blackberry, like vibrate, night, normal etc. You can customize the volume of a bunch of different settings.

It's free on the app store and its in beta right now.

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