Special Edition pics


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Jun 18, 2012
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Just got in my special edition Ultra. Preordered on August 7th (for my birthday) for $100. Shipping was delayed till the 27th so they credited my account $100. Keep in mind I have the Griffin Reveal case on this. Haven't rocked a naked phone in years.


Taken with my Lumia 928 work phone.


Lined up with the employee editions of the HTC 8X and Razr M.

So far I'm really digging the phone. Lag is nonexistent. I was originally going to return this and get the Moto X, but we got in our launch kits for the X today and honestly it's like the Ultra with a different form factor. It's definitely not any better feeling like everyone says, it just looks different. I prefer the look of the Moto X but not enough to warrant $200 + a restock fee.

If you want any other pics just let me know.