Sprint HTC Sabor?


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Apr 29, 2010
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Anybody know what happened about the rumor of the HTC device codenamed Sabor for Sprint:

a dual core 2GHz processor, Android OS 2.5 / 3.0 Gingerbread, 2 cameras with one being a 10-megapixel, 1080p video recording and built-in kickstand.

Isn't Sprint going to have a press conference next month at CTIA?
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Well-known member
May 18, 2010
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oh man.
if this gets officially announced & Street Dated soon--it might prevent me from jumping to VZW for the Bolt (cheaper on a family plan)
come ooonnnnn Evo2!


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2010
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Those are some overly ambitious specs, but if they come true, HTC and Sprint would rock the mobile world. I Google it and everything I found dated back to June and July of last year. I guess we won't know anything more until ctia rolls around next month. Here is too waiting and hoping!


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2010
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Those are some overly ambitious specs, but if they come true, HTC and Sprint would rock the mobile world. I Google it and everything I found dated back to June and July of last year. I guess we won't know anything more until ctia rolls around next month. Here is too waiting and hoping!
yea I hope they do because I think alot of people forgot about it


Samsung - SPH-D710
Aug 18, 2011
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I'm about to give in and get the Samsung Epic II 4G. I'm moving from WebOS, so this selection of my first Android model is extremely important to me.

I was about to pull the brass ring as I said on the Samsung until I just read the rumor about the HTC Sabor.

If true, it might be worth waiting another month?

What do you guys think?

I'm so confused. I have been a loyal WebOS user on inferior hardware for so long (WebOS is the best OS out there, but the hardware sucked big time), that I don't want to get burned again.

I know all about Apple's iPhone coming to Sprint, not really interested unless it offers something totally unbelievable and not cost too much more in the monthly plan!

What is a greedy tech person to do, Samsung or rumored HTC?

Oh the pain, the pain!



Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
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the next device coming from HTC to Sprint is the kingdom. This phone sounds great but i think something like this wont see the light of day till end of year... the next biggest processors are 1.5 now so give it a few more months and you will see 2ghz...

Looking this up it was suppose to come out last year but iit was when they were talking about the specs required by GB... I didnt read anything that said dual-core 10 mp's ? the 3D has that 5mpsx2... new display? thats QHD ... IMO this phones already out on Sprint... EVO 3D.... Sorry
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