Step Counter (Accelerometer) Inaccurate

Michael S7

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Mar 2, 2015
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I bought the Samsung Gear Live just a few weeks after it came out. One reason I bought it was to count steps. I usually wear a Fitbit, but wanted to use the watch instead.

From the start, I've noticed that the step counter on the Gear Live is inaccurate. It registers steps that I have not taken. For example, I didn't wear the watch at all this past weekend, but somehow it registered 312 steps on Saturday and 591 steps on Sunday. It was sitting on a solid surface that was not touched the entire time. This inaccuracy is consistent with my overall experience with this watch. It generally registered more steps than I've actually taken.

The watch has the latest firmware installed and I've tried multiple resets and power cycles. Is this a issue others have countered and is there something I can do to resolve it?


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Mar 12, 2014
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I have noticed something else with the step counter (not trying to hijack your tread). I don't expect the step counter to be super accurate considering it is on your wrist and not a shoe. Any arm movements may trigger a false step. I use mine as a general guide to how active I have been through the day. But one thing I did notice is using the watch maker app and a watch that shows the steps there is a difference between that reading and the google fit readings like 8000 (google fit) and 5860 (watchmaker) I am just curious how to get these to sync up

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