Stuck on "Waiting for Device" trying to unlock bootloader


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Mar 4, 2010
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Hey man, got it done. This webpage really helped.

How To: Root the Nexus One (Updated 01.11.10) | The Unlockr

I had to play with the USB drivers a bit, if you have anyone running Widows 7 that is having issues, feel free to send them my way.

You say you had to play with the drivers a bit, what did you have to do? I've now tried to unlock the bootloader on three completely different machines(win7 64bit, Vista 32bit & XP 32bit) and fastboot-windows still will not see the phone. How does the phone show up under device manager for you? For me it says "Android Bootloader Interface" under "Android Phone". Maybe I don't have the correct drivers, even though I've updated the Android SDK.

This is really frustrating as I REALLY want to get my phone rooted so I can use Cy's ROM. I messed around for close to five hours last night a couple today and still "waiting for device".

Someone please help!!!
Feb 20, 2010
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Did you download Superboot?

When you open a command prompt are you going to the superboot directory?

i.e. c:\superboot

once there have you tried typing:

fastboot-windows devices (then hit enter)

does your Nexus One's serial number show up after you try this?


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Mar 4, 2010
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Odd, upon reading your questions, I went to the superboot folder and saw a copy of fastboot in there. I had downloaded fastboot by itself from the directions I had read and that was the one not working, I also downloaded superboot linked from the same direction. So I tried fastboot that was contained in the superboot folder and it see's the phone. I feel like such an ass now as I could have fixed this two nights ago. There is obviously a difference in the two fastboot files I got and this should be noted in the directions on here.

These are the directions I was following that need to be corrected.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2010
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Just to update, I got the phones bootloader unlocked, rooted and Cyan's mod on there. Even got a different launcher on there as well.

I have to say though, I see some of the visual changes the Cyanogen's mod does, but I don't see what makes it "night and day's better" as you said. Maybe there are under the hood kinds of stuff I don't really know about, what is it that makes it so much better in your opinion? Don't get me wrong, it's not bad, but I want to know how to fully use and appreciate it. The Launcher that I installed ([MOD] Launcher2 - QUICK SHORTCUTS! [10/03/10] - xda-developers) seems to have the most benefits that I can see so far.
Feb 20, 2010
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I'm not running that ROM. I loaded up the Sense UI ROM and as a business user, much prefer it (built in sync with calendar as well as contacts and email for exchange).

Also prefer the extra home screens and the ability to look at my mail, calendar, etc without having to click on any icons.


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Mar 21, 2010
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Mar 22, 2010
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My phone was recently activated. Now when I'm not using it, it will shut off and when I try to turn it back on the motorola light comes on but then it says bootloader on top then toward the middle it says battery ok, ok to program. What is going on with my phone? Can anyone help me please!!!!!!
Feb 20, 2010
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My phone was recently activated. Now when I'm not using it, it will shut off and when I try to turn it back on the motorola light comes on but then it says bootloader on top then toward the middle it says battery ok, ok to program. What is going on with my phone? Can anyone help me please!!!!!!

This is the Nexus One forum.... Can't really help you with a Motorola. Sorry mate.


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Jan 12, 2010
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my work machine that i first tried to use for rooting my Nexus is a Windows XP 64-bit machine... just could NOT get the adb function to work to even see and recognise the Nexus over usb... had the correct driver, uninstalled and reinstalled it like 5 times... the computer sees the Nexus, can mount the SD, etc. no problems... but over ADB... no go...

so instead of fighting, i just used my macbook pro... worked like charm... no driver needed first of all... and secondly, OS X is a unix based OS, just like the Linux based Android OS... so communication between them is flawless... now i'm rooted, and running the Desire ROM... went smoothly once I ditched fighting with the windows machine... windows = winblows...


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Mar 4, 2010
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For anyone having problems getting fastboot to see your phone, here is what it took for me.

In the instruction that Jeremy posted, he had you download fastboot and superboot. The problem for me was that fastboot-windows contained in the was not seeing the phone, but if you use the same file contained in the file, it works just fine. You still need to follow all the directions, just when it says to use fastboot-windows, use the one contained in the and it will most likely work.

I have already contacted Jeremy about looking into this and changing the directions. His reply that he's not using windows so he may not have been able to research the problem yet.


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May 23, 2010
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I had this same problem, here's what fixed it:
1. Install the SDK
2. Download the USB drivers
3. Go to device manager, click on 'android device' and 'update drivers'. Choose the drivers that you downloaded.
4. Copy these two DLL files to the fastboot folder: AdbWinApi.dll, AdbWinUsbApi.dll
5. Do your fastboot business.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2010
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If your still stuck on >waiting for device<

With phone still connected:
- start menu - right click Computer > Manage > Device manager > right click Android device> update driver
then navigate to where your sdk is installed > extras> google> usb driver folder> OK

I got warning it wasn't signed or something, then continue... worked for me.

Cam Smith2

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Feb 16, 2014
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This is probably my one and only post.

But.... with the truth, part truths and red herrings you get on the internet, this took a day and a half for me to resolve.

"Waiting for device" was down to the USB driver. The HTC driver Windows almost insists is installed, doesn't work for bootloader. I had to disconnect the phone, then remove the driver. In device manager you need to get the phone to show as android device (not HTC One), removing the driver / disconnect the handset did this for me. Down load the android developer kit ADK, and get the google USB driver to a easy access location. Manually load the driver into the android device. At that point using HTCdev delivered the script as it should do, sending the unlock code. I had a further issue with it not loading the root binary using superSU, superuser 4.3 flashed sorted this out. Bingo one rooted phone.

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