Switching from iPhone to Android!


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Jun 18, 2012
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I have had every iPhone since the 3GS. I loved them. But, the tides are turning. The Galaxy S III is too irresistible and I am making the switch next week; albeit with a fair amount of apprehension, thus the reason I post here. I am hoping you smart folk well-versed in the world of Android OS can sooth my fears, here are a few questions I have:

1. I love the way iTunes syncs all my music to my iPhone. I am religious/meticulous about properly tagged and categorized music with proper artwork and play counts, etc. Is there a way I can do this with Android and have it sync as it did on my iPhone?

2. There are so many customization options that it is almost overwhelming, what are some essentials in switching over? I understand it is all preference but I have heard there are nicer keyboards and such, In your experience what are the best?

3. Lastly, I haven't seen an S III in person but my experience with other Touchwiz based smartphones (S2 I've seen and Infuse 4G) I am not a fan of the green/black/blue color scheme, my friend has the One X and I much prefer the white scheme he has. Is there a way to change the color scheme on the S 3? Maybe to the HTC Sense style like on the One X, or just other colors I can experiment with?

Thank you for your help and support I hope to receive some answers and am looking forward to my future endeavors as I plunge into the world of Android OS. :D


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1. Google Music, upload everything into the cloud. If you don't want to stream everything, you can make select songs available offline.

2. Nicer keyboards, nicer homescreens, nicer lock screens. And widgets. It's really up to you.


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Mar 1, 2011
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The music should be fine. If its all been properly organized already (and sound lime it has (then just take the folder from your of that it is all in and copy it to the dcim folder on your new android (or the sd card after its been formatted to the phone).

You'll enjoy the customizations. Your options really are limitless. If you find that you don't care for touchwiz then you can read up on "launcher apps." Different manufacturers use different skins (the complete user interface). They are all android, but a Motorola's UI is much different than an HTC, which is different from a Samsung, etc, etc.

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May 24, 2011
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A post like this is going to net you a possibly overwhelming amount of suggestions so my advice to you is try not to let all the choices overwhelm you, in fact embrace the fact that you have them now. Take your time, explore an open world and have fun. Now with that said here are my favs. Try a new launcher called Go Launcher Ex. If you want to try that add Home switcher first. Next is aCalender for a better calendar app. A good clock widget is Clock and Weather Widgets.

Sent using Droid Razr Maxx


Formerly VZWRocks
Feb 25, 2010
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Double Twist is your friend for syncing your iTunes music.

And I agree don't get overwelmed by the choices. Take your time. Launcher Pro is a good place to start if you don't like Touch Wiz


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Mar 16, 2011
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1. For music I recommend Airsync ($4.99) from DoubleTwist which let's you sync straight from iTunes. If you want free then download Songbird to your computer and that should work quite well if your id3 tags are in place.

On a side not I would also recommend PowerAmp ($4.99) as a music player as it let's you easily edit tags and cover art for your music. It has a great equalizer which works even better if you have good headphones and well a whole lot more awesome features.

2. Best keyboard is SwiftKey which I also believe is $4.99 or a free alternative would be GO Keyboard.

3. As far as themes for your phone go with GO Launcher Ex as it's free and has tons of themes to choose from.

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2011
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Another thing......not all apps are in one place like the apple app store. You'll use the Google play store for most apps, but go to Amazon and download the Amazon apparently store because they have a "free app of the day" there every day. 90% of the time they are apps you wont want or are junk, but once in a while they will throw a pretty nice app up. I've got $10 and $15 apps this way (and a bunch of $2-3 apps).

sent from my bolt using tapatalk

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