Switching launchers


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Sep 21, 2010
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So I have EB01 and root. My battery like many of you sucks really bad! Anyway I thought that maybe if I removed TWlauncher and inserted my go launcher apk in the system/app folder that it would help. So can I do this or will it screw up my phone. I have the deodexed/debloated version of EB01.


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Sep 15, 2010
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Make a nandroid backup just in case.

First use Root Explorer to move the GO apk from data/app to system/app. Then, rename the TW launcher in system/app to .old

You'll probably get some FC's. Reboot.

Not sure it'll do anything to your battery, but placebo is powerful in any case :)


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Sep 27, 2010
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thats how my phone is set up right now and havent had any issues. no need to do a nandroid back up. Just use Root Explorer to move the GO launcher and GO notification apks from data/app to system/app. Then, rename the TW launcher in system/app to ".old" I dont think I even needed to reboot.


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If I hear another Android user quibble over $5 for a great app I might stab my eyes out. You don't want that on your conscience, do you :)

This is why the iPhone gets all the good ****...


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Sep 27, 2010
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sorry did a search on the market, you can try super manager(free) or SU file manager and terminal(not free but cheap). I would def consider just buying root explorer, its my most used app since I've rooted.


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Dec 8, 2010
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What all is root explorer used for then? In other words - convince me past being able to ensure only one launcher is running at a time.


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Sep 27, 2010
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Root explorer sells itself, it has many, many uses. just read the description on the market. Most of the things you'll want to do if you're rooted will require it, moving apps from data folder to system folder, removing bloat apps, etc

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Oct 5, 2010
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Buy root explorer it's worth it. Also I would just go ahead and move the TouchWiz.apk to the SD card in a folder called removed apps or something. You should give LauncherPro a shot it's worked great for me, but like other have said I'm not sure if this will improve your batt.


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Nov 1, 2010
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Seriously - if you are rooted and like to mess with your phone AT ALL - Root Explorer is the single most important and useful app you will ever buy.

Many, many things that you would otherwise have to do with ADB via PC connection can be done right on the phone with Root Explorer.


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Dec 15, 2010
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Buy root explorer it's worth it. Also I would just go ahead and move the TouchWiz.apk to the SD card in a folder called removed apps or something. You should give LauncherPro a shot it's worked great for me, but like other have said I'm not sure if this will improve your batt.

Little help please......I'm looking to do the same and purchased Root Explorer. I see where I can move LauncherPro from data to system but then renaming the current Launcher in system has me stumped. I don't see it in system. What am I missing?


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Oct 5, 2010
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If you have touchwiz launcher it should be found in /system/app with root explorer. Scroll down and I think it will be twlauncher.apk or something. Long press it and choose to move. If it won't let you make sure it says "mounted as r/w" in the top left corner if not then tap the "mount as r/w" button. Then back out and go to /sdcard and plop it wherever you like. Then reboot. This same process works for removing any app that is ok to be moved. There is a whole post and thread about what is ok to move off the phone and how. I'll link to it when I sit down at a computer.

Here is the link to app removal instructions http://forum.androidcentral.com/ver...hacks/34208-apps-safe-remove-once-rooted.html

Also you should be able to just install launcher pro from the market.

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Jun 18, 2010
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Also you should be able to just install launcher pro from the market.

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+1, what's the advantage to installing LP in the system dir when it works fine fresh out of the market? Does it work better? Add features? I tried it for a few days and didnt notice any improvement in battery life or usability over TW (i don't have enough apps to warrant 5 home screens and 5 shortcut bar screens) although I did really like how it actually gave you a way to change the icon names when putting them onto the home screen.


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Dec 15, 2010
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+1, what's the advantage to installing LP in the system dir when it works fine fresh out of the market? Does it work better? Add features? I tried it for a few days and didnt notice any improvement in battery life or usability over TW (i don't have enough apps to warrant 5 home screens and 5 shortcut bar screens) although I did really like how it actually gave you a way to change the icon names when putting them onto the home screen.

Stupid one now.....Launcher Pro is downloaded and set as default. So I don't need to worry about moving the stock launcher?


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Oct 5, 2010
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@jimbob As far as I know there is no difference between side loading apps by placing them directly in the system/app folder and installing via the market. However, it's nice to know how, so you can side load apps that you may not normally have access to in the market, like when Verizon was blocking google search and google earth.

The great thing about Launcher Pro is how much you can customize it. Don't want 5 homescreens? Go into preferences and change your homescreen settings so you can have 3, 4 or however many you want. Don't like the scrollable dock? Go into preferences and switch to 1 so it doesn't scroll. I also much prefer the vertical app drawer to the iPhone wanna be side to side wrap my apps in crappy squares touchwiz app drawer. You can also customize the heck out of your dock and dock icons here.

@jmac Not really. Unless you just want it gone.

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Sep 21, 2010
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Launcherpro's advanced features you have to pay for. With GO Launcher its all free and has awesome themes. I tried launcherpro and liked it but it is not as good as GO Launcher.


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Sep 27, 2010
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I also used to be a huge LP fan but I think Go launcher is better. Go lets you use custom icons on folders! plus it has a built in task manager. The only thing it doesn't have is scrollable widgets but those ain't free on LP and aren't that nice to look at anyways

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