Hello, Here's the latest. He uses our calendar's sync link to integrate with his Google calendar and then from Google to integrate with his Samsung Calendar.
"I'm not sure what the question is. I don't sync to Outlook; I have been trying to sync to Google Calendar, which is natively supported on my Samsung Galaxy 7. I can see the schedule if I am in month or week view, but not in day view (but, not always in week view). On my laptop (Del xps13) Google calendar shows the schedule fine. Recently, when specific room assignments are made, I have now been getting an additional calendar item sent to my phone, but that is the afternoon the day before and serves no purpose. I want to be able to look at a day 6 weeks from now and see that I am scheduled in the OR so I can plan accordingly. I think the real questions are: why does this synch to Google Calendar but not in a format that works with the phone; why does it show as an all-day appointment even though the sync link is copied for as an all day event? I can see the dates in the Qgenda app, but that is an extra step that defeats the purpose of forwarding it to my calendar."