T-Mobile Lg G2 Smart Video/Screen isn't working


Oct 10, 2013
My G2 seems to not want to detect my head movement and let's the screen turn off on me even though I have the smart screen option on. the eye would show up in the top left side but the display would still turn off a second later. Whenever I'm watching a video even if it's on the actual video app of the phone it would not pause if I move my head away from my phone. Am I the only one with this problem? If not can any one help me fix this problem? Thanks, much appreciated.

We are running some tests here at the factory. Please send us an email with the exact app you are using to watch the video and which smart screen option(s) you have on. Email to lg.care@lge.com. ^CL
I'm seeing the same behavior. No matter what i'm looking at the screen will go dark if i'm don't touch the screen. The smart screen icon pops up then the screen goes dark.
Yeah I had the same issue when I first bought this phone, but to honest I didn't even know this phone did that until I did. Can't complain though, still a great phone.

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mines doing the same thing I have it on but it wount work.. I sent my email to you hope it gets fix
It was working in the begging now I really don't know whats wrong with it please help me out thank you
Gosh, I'm not having any problem with either of these features. I don't know if they're all that useful though. The battery is so good that I can set the screen to stay on for 2 minutes without being touched and so I don't end up using the Smart Screen feature much. The Smart Video feature (which I find slightly annoying, so I turn it off) only works with the LG player, which IS a good player, but I also use MX Player or Meridian player, so don't use it much.

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