Show me where anyone said Verizon created the update...go ahead..I'll wait......
Dude..the phones are on the Verizon network...they control everything. Verizon can block and and all things coming into your phone. It is on their network. they have total control.
Do you know how devices get onto their network?
first they have to have a Verizon Sim card. second it has to be an approved device. Then Verizon has to provision the device by MAC address and by IMEI number. Verizon controls it all the way step by step. They also control all network traffic through their devices.
Verizon and all carriers have all the control on their devices. They control what gets pushed out to the device and what does not.
Google, Samsung all send updates to the carriers to test and approve and push to the devices.
Although I agree with what you have stated since that was told to me many years ago by a Verizon system engineer in MI who told me the main reason Verizon has to check out an update is to make sure it works with their changes in how it might operate. Failure to do so could result in customers have phones that are not working or not working correctly.
However, just to clarify, they ignore or just pass through updates for those on an MVNO that is using Verizon towers who are using unlocked phones.
I for one have used two different MVNOs in the past a few years, both on Verizon towers for service and never missed a system update, and with the last 1.5 years being on a Pixel 4XL, never missed a, first Monday in the month sec. update (except for one on a holiday that everyone else missed).
In fact, I got the first 12 update the day the 6 models were released and the sec. update the first Monday of the month.
(I say first, since I just received another OS 12 today.)
And I'm currently on Tracphone, which ironically is now owned by Verizon.