ThunderBolt to Galaxy S3, anyone?


Pretty good member
Feb 13, 2011
Don't get me wrong, I've loved my ThunderBolt since Day One, St. Patrick's Day, 2011, and still do, but with the unlimited data issue, I think I'll preorder a Samsung Galaxy S3 and give it a try. I don't usually keep a phone this long; time to try something new, I think.

Anyone else jumping ship?

Who's with me? Let's Go!

I've got my life jacket on, waiting to jump ship (waiting for Vzw to ship my SIII to me)
Waiting for whatever HTC One X derived phone VZW puts out. Still have bad memories of Samsung with their poor radios and hardware.
Pre-ordered mine already.

My current TB has a spider cracked screen (its so bad) and the lock/unlock button is completely gone and the volume rocker is really sensitive for vol down and almost painful to turn the volume up.

Can't wait for the SGSIII to get it. I have screen protectors and Tectiles waiting for me at home. I am going to miss this TB, it was such a trooper. :'(
Pre-ordered one not because of the phone but to keep unlimited data. Will be selling the sgs3 and looking out for the next nexus phone.

Sent from my SCH-i515
Do you have to order a new phone to keep unlimited data? I was just going to keep my TB and unlimited data for a few years and see what's available downstream. And pay retail for it if it keeps my unlimited.
Do you have to order a new phone to keep unlimited data? I was just going to keep my TB and unlimited data for a few years and see what's available downstream. And pay retail for it if it keeps my unlimited.

Currently, you can be m2m and retain unlimited data so long as you don't buy a subsidized phone. Of course, they can change their terms at anytime.
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Well, my TBolt was a definite step up from the Droid Charge... but I don't get an upgrade until April and as long as I've got to get an off-contract phone to keep my unlimited plan, then I figure next april the SGIII will be quite a bit cheaper.

Meanwhile, the TBolt does yeoman duty.. and it will remain the weapon of choice.
If I could pick something, HTC One S or X. I think the S is just super nicely done. Samsung's stuff just seems creaky and cheap.

By the way, my TBolt is performing sweet after 1 year+. Love it when im in 4G zones!
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Yea, I took the plunge and ordered the S3 in blue at 7:00 am on the 6th. My Thunderbolt has been awesome. My absolute favorite phone. But now that the new ROMs have all dried up I have been getting the urge for something new, and the S3 fit the bill. Now after waiting for my Storm, waiting for my Dinc, and waiting for my Thunderbolt, it's back to waiting again. Gotta love Verizon! Though this is the first time I have to listen to everybody on other networks raving about their shiny new S3, while I count the days to whenever Verizon deems us worthy to receive our phones.
waiting for the HTX One XXL which is supposed to be the quad core 4GLTE version. But rumored to have the Snapdragon Proc in it. Never had an issue with Snapdragon Just heard the Nvidia would give better graphics?? Either way quad core and 4G means I am getting new phone. But the Samsung Galaxy is a nice phone but again for me to use my Upgrade or pay the cost It needs to be really the "next phone" to keep for 2 years and with the Quad core 4G's about to come out and play I think they will kill all so will wait as I just don't see the current line of phones really that much better than the bolt to use the upgrade. For those looking to save the unlimited and upgrade its a smart move for to more years.
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I like Sense too much not to wait on whatever HTC's gonna have when my contract is up in March.
Thunderbolt has been a great phone. I hate to jump before the ICS OTA. Been sitting on an upgrade since February and my contract ended beginning of June. I preordered S3 to lock in my unlimited data for two more years. I wanted to wait on on HTC One XXL or next nexus phone. I can always pay full retail for them (not through VZW). At least S3 meets my phone requirements: screen size equal/greater than 4.3", 5Ghz WiFi, removable battery and microSD.
I'm sticking worth my TB for another year. It just works too well to justify switching for the sake of switching.

Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt using Tapatalk 2
Read the cnet review. Maximum screen brightness of GS3 is very, very dim. They show pics compared to other phones. Totally useless in a bright environment imo.

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