Titanium Backup sync to Dropbox failing


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Feb 15, 2011
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Lately when I try to sync my TB backup with Dropbox it fails. This is both on WiFi and LTE. I can't determine what the culprit would be. I moved all the backups from my Dropbox folder TitaniumBackup to another folder thinking that the folder had too many files in it. That didn't help. I can't seem to find a log for TB which would maybe help me figure out why the sync failed.

Has anyone else ran into this and able to solve it?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
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Lately when I try to sync my TB backup with Dropbox it fails. This is both on WiFi and LTE. I can't determine what the culprit would be. I moved all the backups from my Dropbox folder TitaniumBackup to another folder thinking that the folder had too many files in it. That didn't help. I can't seem to find a log for TB which would maybe help me figure out why the sync failed.

Has anyone else ran into this and able to solve it?

I have the same problem. If you restart the sync, it'll pick up where it left off and continue to sync. It usually takes me 5-10 restarts to get through a whole backup. I'd be interested in a better solution, though...


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Feb 15, 2011
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That's what I've been doing also. The first sync worked perfectly, just subsequent syncs have failed. I even tried the other Dropbox API code and that was slower, but sync still failed.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2011
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I'll definitely be watching this space. Titanium has been damn near perfect for me until this issue arose. What a drag. I got to 75 percent last night and failed. Since I didn't know a new sync would pick up where it left off, I deleted everything so I'm starting from zero again. I hope they get on this pretty quick. The ability to store a backup externally is a pretty big component.


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Sep 26, 2011
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Found this is the TIBU wiki

The Dropbox sync fails repeatedly. What can I do?

Try to use a different connection type (Wi-Fi instead of 3G, or the other way around).
Try to lower the "History coverage" setting in the Titanium Backup preferences. This allows you to sync only the N latest backups per app, instead of everything.
Try to use a custom label for the Dropbox sync, in order to sync a lower number of apps.
If you have lowered the "History coverage" or lowered the number of apps yet the sync still fails, try to remove (or rename) the whole folder at the Dropbox side, then try to sync again.


Oct 16, 2011
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I'm a noob to android, and I found this place via a Google search a few hours ago. I had just recently rooted my phone, so I have been doing all sorts of things.

(I'm about to go off-topic for a second...)

While looking through my Juice Defender Ultimate, I happened to see a message under the "Brightness" setting that warns that if it is turned on, there is a bug if you happen to install .apk files manually. By turning it off, I was finally able to install a theme on Metamorph (another issue I was having).

While I was trying to find a resolution to the Metamorph issue, I had been having the same "Sync to Dropbox" failures in Titanium Backup. I have just realized that ever since I disabled "Brightness" in Juice Defender (and thereby fixing Metamorph), my Sync to Dropbox isn't failing anymore (I had been closing and re-opening the sync all this time while surfing for answers in order to sync it piece by piece). It will fail if I push it to the background and start to multi-task, but as long as it is left in the foreground, it will continue syncing without failing.

Perhaps you guys probably don't have Juice Defender installed (or, if you do, maybe the Brightness setting isn't on?). If you do, maybe you guys can check to see if it works for you. If not, maybe there's a similar app causing issues too?

I know I will miss the Brightness setting, though. It seemed quite useful.

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