A few days ago I got a system message that internal memory was nearly full, which is highly unlikely.
From storage AFTER deleting (and noting) over 25 apps -
Other apps 82 GB
Files 5.9 GB (I store all data possible on a 256GB SD card
Other apps 82 GB (!!!)
Files 5.9 GB
System 30 GB
This is after I deleted all unessential apps and it's impossible that this amount of space could be used. After deleting dozens of apps used space was reduced 97% full -> 93% full, still not acceptable since it's best practice to lease a good amount of internal memory free.
A few months ago 50%+ of storage was free, as opposed to the above.
From system->App info most apps are less than 100mb and only a handful are 400mb or so.
Cache and all extra were also deleted and moved elsewhere.
Any ideas what else I can try? I want to avoid resetting and reinstalling everything. My phone is critical for work.
From storage AFTER deleting (and noting) over 25 apps -
Other apps 82 GB
Files 5.9 GB (I store all data possible on a 256GB SD card
Other apps 82 GB (!!!)
Files 5.9 GB
System 30 GB
This is after I deleted all unessential apps and it's impossible that this amount of space could be used. After deleting dozens of apps used space was reduced 97% full -> 93% full, still not acceptable since it's best practice to lease a good amount of internal memory free.
A few months ago 50%+ of storage was free, as opposed to the above.
From system->App info most apps are less than 100mb and only a handful are 400mb or so.
Cache and all extra were also deleted and moved elsewhere.
Any ideas what else I can try? I want to avoid resetting and reinstalling everything. My phone is critical for work.