Touch ability fails after motherboard swap

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Android Central Question

Hello. My problem started when the display of my LG K20 Plus phone was damaged. I attempted to replace the outer screen but, in the process, I caused more damage to the phone. Instead of fixing several individual problems, I decided to buy the same model phone and just switch the motherboard.

I bought the exact model phone which had a bad esn. It was cheaper and I figured if I was switching the motherboard, it didn't matter anyway. I turned on the phone prior to switching it to verify everything worked. I then switched the motherboard with my original phone. When I turned it on, I saw my original lock screen picture but I wasn't able to swipe to unlock my phone.

Nothing on the screen responds to my touch. I can't swipe to unlock it or press in my unlock code. Out of curiosity, I put the motherboard from the phone I had just bought with the bad esn back into the phone and low and behold, the touch ability was working again. I was able to unlock the phone and click on the few options that are available on a phone with a bad esn. I then put my original motherboard back in and... no touch ability again.

After researching this problem, I have yet to find anybody else with this same issue, or any way to resolve it. I am an E.R. nurse and I, desperately, need my phone. I asked this question before but nobody answered it. At this point, I've been without a phone for almost 3 weeks. Could somebody please help me to solve this problem.

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