Trusted Devices - WiFi


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2013
Is there a way to have my S8 stay unlocked when it is connected to my home wifi or my work wifi? The location doesnt work real well for me. The bluetooth works great when I am in my car. I was hoping to enter my wifi name as a trusted device but it looks like it only uses bluetooth or NFC. I saw it can be done through tasker, but it looks like the phone may have to be rooted and I dont want to root my phone. Is there a way for me to use wifi as a trusted area?
Unfortunately, nope. You can only set it to Smart Unlock based on your location, which if correctly reported and as long as using WiFi to determine location isn't turned off on your device, should be enough to keep your device unlocked.

You can try to use 3rd party solutions like Tasker and see if, without root, it can disable the lock screen when it detects a certain WiFi connection and re-enable it when it disconnects (you might have to input your credentials when it's doing it, and I don't really know IF it can without root).
I would be really nice if a Trusted WiFi option becomes available in the futureツ
If you lock the screen with the power button or double tap (if used), it will have be unlocked the next time you pick it up.
If you let it lock itself/screen goes off on its own, it will be unlocked when you pick it up and activate it with the power button or home button.

Mav. :cool:

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