UH OH Protection Question


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2011
Is it necessary to have your order number for the device to use UH OH protection? I purchased through HTC shortly after the phone was released, but don't think I have the order number anymore. If so, does anyone know if it is possible to look up the order number?

So Uh-Oh is exclusive to online orders? Glad I saw this as I was operating on the assumption I had protection on my (Verizon purchased) M10.
Since I just had my Verizon HTC 10 repaired I can say that uh-oh is ONLY IF YOU BOUGHT FROM HTC! It used to be for the carriers too but no more.
Since I just had my Verizon HTC 10 repaired I can say that uh-oh is ONLY IF YOU BOUGHT FROM HTC! It used to be for the carriers too but no more.

I know I definitely had it on the M9 and, I think, on the M8 (both purchased from Verizon). Still love HTC's phones but in recent years they've taken several steps back in the customer service/retnention department.
I know I definitely had it on the M9 and, I think, on the M8 (both purchased from Verizon). Still love HTC's phones but in recent years they've taken several steps back in the customer service/retnention department.

Yes, I had it on my M7 but they stopped doing it for the carriers sometime before the 10.

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