UK Pricing

And running that through a currency conversion to US$

$763 for the 32GB
$890 for the 128
$916 for the xl 32GB
$1,045 for the 128GB XL

Would you buy at those prices?
( note this is a quick conversion to get the true price you need to knock off 20% as UK prices include a sales tax - VAT at 20%)
Note 7 is £675.00 including VAT for 64GB + sd memory slot - hmmm

Not sure 32 GB is enough for storing lots of VR stuff on the phone
What I'm not sure about is whether we will get the free Daydream viewer for pre-orders as they do in the US. We lost out last year on the Nexus $50 store credit so let's hope they do the right thing this year.

I'm not holding my breath!
What I'm not sure about is whether we will get the free Daydream viewer for pre-orders as they do in the US. We lost out last year on the Nexus $50 store credit so let's hope they do the right thing this year.

I'm not holding my breath!

EE include a £50 Google store card. But no mention of the daydream viewer
EE include a £50 Google store card. But no mention of the daydream viewer
I've noticed that Carphone Warehouse offer that too. The only reason I have ordered via the Play Store is that I personally think that their customer service is better if things go wrong.

I'd be surprised if the other retailers are able to offer a bigger incentive than Google themselves.
Putting it up there on the same price bracket as the Iphone you should expect similar levels of support, from the high street/shopping centre 'genius bars' in apple stores to the updates that go on beyond the initial 18 months that Goggle promise and so on.
So far Google havent done anything to compare to that with the nexus line - no nexus protect in the UK, and it looks like the same will happen with the Pixel.
£600 is, in my opinion a large investment and for that money you would expect a decent support network that doesnt exist outside the apple eco system.

In my opinion Apple products are well designed but overpriced and it would appear that the same can be said for the pixel.
Will the pixel sell at those sky high prices? i wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if we see it as popular as the Nexus 6.
Launching a high end device like this especially without the hype, marketing ( and support) apple's I products at a time of economic uncertainty isnt exactly the way to shift produce.

Looks like my trusty old LG Nexus 5 will soldier on a while longer, either that or i could be tempted with a 6P
At this price I think I'll need to wait a few months and hope it drops. Either that or a contract but I'm reluctant to do that.
US prices do not usualy include sales Tax (VAT) the prices below were run through a currency conversion and include Sales Tax (VAT), in brackets is the VAT free/sales tax figure removed
$763 for the 32GB ($635)
$890 for the 128 ($741)
$916 for the xl 32GB ($763)
$1,045 for the 128GB XL ($870)

And as for Previous efforts , the Nexus 6, which was slated as being overpriced launched for £499, and then being reduced to £369, which is about 26%
So working on that if the same percentage drop is used we could see the pixel dropping to £449, and at that point i would probably bite. chance would eb a fine thing though.

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