Question Unable to copy files from Windows to Android


Aug 24, 2016
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I have a windows 10 PC with a hard drive, and had roughly 20gb of videos on my Android Samsung S10E. A while ago I transfered these videos from my phone onto my PC and removed them from my phone.

Now that I want to copy them back onto my phone, it only works for ~50% of the files, I'm using a USB cable to connect. It begins the copying progress popup, estimate 10 mins or so, and after about a minute it just stops. No errors, no warnings, nothing. It just stops copying files. Quite frustrating. I have more than enough space on my phone. It's set to "USB file for transfer" mode too, s10 samsung phone. I couldn't find anything in the event viewer. Any ideas? I also tried copying about 20 files at a time, same problem.


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Jan 5, 2019
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I have a windows 10 PC with a hard drive, and had roughly 20gb of videos on my Android Samsung S10E. A while ago I transfered these videos from my phone onto my PC and removed them from my phone.

Now that I want to copy them back onto my phone, it only works for ~50% of the files, I'm using a USB cable to connect. It begins the copying progress popup, estimate 10 mins or so, and after about a minute it just stops. No errors, no warnings, nothing. It just stops copying files. Quite frustrating. I have more than enough space on my phone. It's set to "USB file for transfer" mode too, s10 samsung phone. I couldn't find anything in the event viewer. Any ideas? I also tried copying about 20 files at a time, same problem.
Just spitballing a few ideas:

Are all of the videos that won't transfer to your phone still playable on your PC? Some files could have been corrupted in the transfer from your phone to your PC. If they are corrupted, there are times that corrupted files just don't transfer well - and you don't want to transfer them, anyway.

Have you done a chkdsc on your PC to make sure your harddrive doesn't have any errors and that File Explorer is working properly? Info HERE.

Have you tried a 3rd party transfer app?
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