Keep on drinkin that Paint Pete, cz I wasn't worried when I force stopped my stuff half asleep one night, because of what YOU said. Now NONE of them Do ANYTHING!I re-booted, re-installed begged prayed etc. etc. Probably gonna have to do a factory reset. People UNLESS you are very experienced DON'T disable or force stop ANYTHING on your smartphones! Oh and all phones are NOT alike.
What exactly did you "force stop"? While I stand by my statements above, you should only be "force stopping" stuff if there is a legit reason to do so. I'm not sure exactly what you did, but pretty much any user installed app (those in the "downloaded" section) can be safely force stopped with minimal repercussion...system apps can be a different story, but often if an app won't restart it's more likely due to a dependency being disabled.
I also never said that "disabling" was the same thing -- that should only be done on apps that you know can safely be disabled as it is a much more permanent
EDIT: Just clarify a bit more, I also never said that it was safe to "force stop" apps at will. What I said was that issuing a "force stop" simply kills any active processes that particular app may have running (much like killing a process from the Windows task manager) and that it is not, by definition, a permanent process in that you
should be able to manually restart the app afterwards. This is an older thread, but when I go back and read my posts, no where do I see anything that should be interpreted as a recommendation to start force closing apps in an altered state of consciousness.