"Unfortunately, Google Play Store has stopped"


Aug 20, 2013
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Just got the new 2013 Nexus 7 yesterday.

Came home, tried to open up the Play store and all i get is the message "Unfortunately, Google Play Store has stopped"
I've tried a factory reset, clearing data/cache, deleting account/resigning in, even called customer service who could not resolve the issue for me.

I feel like i wold be VERY pleased with this product if i could actually use it, but as it is, im stuck with literally JUST the fame factory setting apps.
Purchased from Best Buy, thinking i may just go in today and return saying it's defective or something and see if i can exchange it, as i've seen others and reviews where this issue doesn't appear to be a problem for them.

2013 Nexus 7 Play Store Bug - YouTube
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Aug 20, 2013
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Ok now the app at least opens, but its not much better as nothing shows up after opening. I've also tried googling an app (Kindle App) on the google bar, and i'll see the download bottom that says "Free." When i press it and it brings me to the apps description screen, it says "This item isn't available in your country," which is confusing as im in the US (Florida).


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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2012
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Ok now the app at least opens, but its not much better as nothing shows up after opening. I've also tried googling an app (Kindle App) on the google bar, and i'll see the download bottom that says "Free." When i press it and it brings me to the apps description screen, it says "This item isn't available in your country," which is confusing as im in the US (Florida).
hmmmm... I'm guessing you selected the correct settings during setup.(i.e. country, etc...)..... One thing you can do is completely remove your google account, then add it back in.
Also, have you performed the 2 system updates that Google pushed to this device? During my startup, I was immediately prompted to perform the update, then when it re-booted, another update was available.....


Aug 20, 2013
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Yeah i've already tried removing the account and adding it back, still nothing.

Also it says that the system is up to date when i check for any updates
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Aug 20, 2013
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Contacted customer service again, they had me do a factory reset and some other things.

Now im back to the original " "Unfortunately, Google Play Store has stopped" :(
All i wanna do is read some books!

Also if i try to go through the computer to the Google Play store, it won't work for me there either. But like I said, im in Florida, US


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Nov 27, 2012
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Wow.. this is indeed strange. My feeling is that somehow your google account must have an error somewhere and it thinks you do not reside in the US.
Is this your first google account you set up? If so, or just for double checking, try going into your google profile on your computer to see what comes up.
Maybe somehow Google thinks that you are not in the US.
Try contacting customer support.


Aug 20, 2013
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Customer service helped me through that, and it shows i am indeed a US resident on the account. It's weird though, just yesterday i am somehow able to now indirectly download apps through a web browser, but i still cannot open the Google Play Store app. At least i can have apps now and read my books lol


Aug 20, 2013
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Did you ever find out what was wrong? I am having the exact same issues but on another tablet and im also in florida.

Nope, both times i called customer service they could not fix the issue, nor did i get it resolved when i exchanged the Nexus for another one (thought maybe just the one i bought was defective).

I'm able to buy apps through my computer (no idea how that issue resolved, i just checked and all the sudden it was fixed), and they'll download automatically onto the Nexus, but i still can't get anything to load on the Google Play app.


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Aug 24, 2013
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Im having the problem on my Hisense Sero 7 Pro that I just purchased 2 days ago, thought the same thing like you and returned it for another but it was doing the same thing. I can also download the apps on my laptop also along with the chrome app on the tablet but it ridiculous how the play store wont load anything except the categories. Bought the tablet so I dont have to use my laptop so much but I guess thats not the case.


Aug 20, 2013
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Im having the problem on my Hisense Sero 7 Pro that I just purchased 2 days ago, thought the same thing like you and returned it for another but it was doing the same thing. I can also download the apps on my laptop also along with the chrome app on the tablet but it ridiculous how the play store wont load anything except the categories. Bought the tablet so I dont have to use my laptop so much but I guess thats not the case.

Yeah my main two reasons for purchasing the Nexus was so i don't have to lug my laptop to school, and secondly as an ebook reader. I'm held over at least by being able to download apps somehow at atleast (few days ago i couldn't even do that), but it's kind of a pain that i have to go through these loops to do what i thought would be something that would NOT be an issue out of the box. I understand theres always little things here and there when a product is new, but not being able to get apps through the device itself seems like something that shouldn't be an issue.


Aug 2, 2013
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I had this same problem shortly after purchasing my nexus. It didn't happen immediately though, which made things all the more perplexing. It was driving me batty. I did the factory reset, cleared the cache and data. Nothing worked. I struggled with it all day on a Sunday. Monday, I went to work and it opened just fine. But when I got home, it wouldn't work again~! I finally decided it was a location issue. Or maybe a router issue? After a few days it cleared up and I thought it was fixed, and then it 'broke' again. ARRRRGH.

It's working now, but I have no idea what happened to fix things. Sorry I can't be of more help. Here is the thread with the original discussion. I hope yours fixes itself soon.



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Aug 27, 2013
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My wife's Nexus 7 was having the same problem as you described. The Play Store would not start and if it did, you could only see categories, etc. I looked to her Samsung Android phone (Galaxy S3) for a possible connection and found that all the Google apps on her phone were badly outdated (including an old version of the Play Store). I updated all the apps on the phone and voila! the Play Store on her Nexus 7 now works properly.

Hope this helps.


Aug 20, 2013
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My wife's Nexus 7 was having the same problem as you described. The Play Store would not start and if it did, you could only see categories, etc. I looked to her Samsung Android phone (Galaxy S3) for a possible connection and found that all the Google apps on her phone were badly outdated (including an old version of the Play Store). I updated all the apps on the phone and voila! the Play Store on her Nexus 7 now works properly.

Hope this helps.

Acutally somehow the problem has now resolved itself. Literally just picked it up, tapped the Play Store and all the sudden its now working. No clue what happened.
It maybe would work, but when the problem occurred i could not update apps either, that possibility would only have been possible with another nexus device or ability to get through the play store to update apps, neither of which were possible at the time.

I had this same problem shortly after purchasing my nexus. It didn't happen immediately though, which made things all the more perplexing. It was driving me batty. I did the factory reset, cleared the cache and data. Nothing worked. I struggled with it all day on a Sunday. Monday, I went to work and it opened just fine. But when I got home, it wouldn't work again~! I finally decided it was a location issue. Or maybe a router issue? After a few days it cleared up and I thought it was fixed, and then it 'broke' again. ARRRRGH.

It's working now, but I have no idea what happened to fix things. Sorry I can't be of more help. Here is the thread with the original discussion. I hope yours fixes itself soon.


Ill check out the thread, but i got the same "Works all of the sudden" as you did recently lol. No idea how or what changed, it just started working fine out of nowhere.

MUCH better quality product now that i can actually USE all the intended functions properly.


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Sep 24, 2013
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Got the same error on my Galaxy S3 Mini,, tried everything i found on forums, but i found a solution that worked for me :
Goto Settings->Applications->Downloaded Apps, press left button ( popup appears with 2 items : "Sort.. " and "Apps Preferences.. " ) choose "Apps preferences"" ( this is the lower item, i don''t know the exact English term, i got a Dutch version ) and after that, the error disappeared and i could download apps from Google Play again !

Anil Kumar15

Oct 19, 2013
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Hi Forum members,

I have similar problems as discussed in the thread. some of the apps in my S3 is not working. It says unfortunately stopped working... My google play store, application manager, whatsapp etc are not working. As some of you suggested to clear cache, i am not even able to go to application manager to try that. not been able to delete google play store app. I have already tried the factory reset and the button reset as suggested by another forum. can someone please help me to reinstate my phone to original settings. I dont mind losing any data or apps. If someone know a solution, kindly give a step by step instructions so i can try accordingly. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Mano haran

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Nov 4, 2013
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dude i also had the same problem and replaced the nexus 7... but the new one also have the same issue.. i found one solution.. the problem is not with the tablet actually.. its with our ISP... i using BSNL.. when i tried to connect using airtel it worked.. just try to connect to any other ISP.. hope it works.. and i wonder why BSNL not working... :/

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