Upgrade to the One M8 now or wait for the M9?

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2012
I am getting impatient waiting for the One M9 for Verizon. I've been dying to upgrade since Oct but on the Edge Program I'm due to upgrade in March and now March is here it's still up in the air for the M9 arrival. should i get the M8 or wait another month or two for the M9? the sales rep at our local store loves HTC and the M8 and he says they're so similar I should just get the M8 since it's already here and would be $100-200 cheaper then the M9 when it comes out. I'm not sure what to do. If i did get the M8 how good does the camera on it do with highlights? The M7 is terrible with blowing out highlights on everything. and how does it do without the OIS? thanks


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2013
I'd say wait if you can, it won't be too much longer, probably a month, 5 weeks at most, even on Verizon. I also doubt the M8 will be $200 cheaper, maybe $100, but HTC prices their flagships pretty well so I expect the M9 to be $599 off contract, I highly doubt M8 drops to $399 off contract. The camera is mediocre on the M8 and we won't know how good the M9 camera is until the final software is out, I don't put much stock in the first crop of photos we've seen.


Feb 28, 2015
I am getting impatient waiting for the One M9 for Verizon. I've been dying to upgrade since Oct but on the Edge Program I'm due to upgrade in March and now March is here it's still up in the air for the M9 arrival. should i get the M8 or wait another month or two for the M9? the sales rep at our local store loves HTC and the M8 and he says they're so similar I should just get the M8 since it's already here and would be $100-200 cheaper then the M9 when it comes out. I'm not sure what to do. If i did get the M8 how good does the camera on it do with highlights? The M7 is terrible with blowing out highlights on everything. and how does it do without the OIS? thanks

Get the M8. It will receive the same software as the M9. If I was going to give you a great price on a 2014 BMW that looks the EXACT same as a 2015 BMW. Which would you take? Only difference is the 2015 BMW has a couple extra items under the hood you can't see and won't notice a difference from the 2014 BMW.

Do not wait on HTC to send a software update. People on here who tell you this haven't had a vast amount of experience with HTC phones at all. Listen to a guy who has had the HTC Touch, EVO 4G, EVO 3D, M7, and M8. If the phone didn't perform well at MWC, I would steer clear of it. It's like giving an unfinished phone to the company that does consumer reviews on products and they give it an "F." You think customers are going to buy that product?

When the EVO 4G came out for some odd reason HTC thought it was a great decision to give people the phone with mail setup to send/receive automatically every 30 minutes. Weather updating every hour. Stocking updating every few hours. No battery is going to last all day with those features activated out of the box. You are talking to the guy who pointed this out to them of which they learned from their mistake with future phones. It was just ironic that I posted a huge list of battery tips for the EVO 4G that some how found its way into the hands of HTC and Sprint. They monitor the Android forums.

Charles Hinkle

Well-known member
Aug 29, 2014
I'd wait and see how the M9 performs if you can. The M8 is great though and I have no complaints with mine. Benchmarks aside (as the M9 will be faster), I'd say the user experience will be close to the same especially once HTC releases Sense 7 for the M8. Sense 6 on the M8 is very smooth. The camera could be the biggest deciding factor between the two IMO.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2012
Get the M8. It will receive the same software as the M9. If I was going to give you a great price on a 2014 BMW that looks the EXACT same as a 2015 BMW. Which would you take? Only difference is the 2015 BMW has a couple extra items under the hood you can't see and won't notice a difference from the 2014 BMW.

Do not wait on HTC to send a software update. People on here who tell you this haven't had a vast amount of experience with HTC phones at all. Listen to a guy who has had the HTC Touch, EVO 4G, EVO 3D, M7, and M8. If the phone didn't perform well at MWC, I would steer clear of it. It's like giving an unfinished phone to the company that does consumer reviews on products and they give it an "F." You think customers are going to buy that product?

When the EVO 4G came out for some odd reason HTC thought it was a great decision to give people the phone with mail setup to send/receive automatically every 30 minutes. Weather updating every hour. Stocking updating every few hours. No battery is going to last all day with those features activated out of the box. You are talking to the guy who pointed this out to them of which they learned from their mistake with future phones. It was just ironic that I posted a huge list of battery tips for the EVO 4G that some how found its way into the hands of HTC and Sprint. They monitor the Android forums.

I say wait for the review. I have a htc Desire HD, M7 , and got an m8 for my dad. Really, you waited this long, you can for a bit longer get a better device. The m9 performance was great at MWC. The camera is okay. And I think it will get better. Just see how much the lumia camera got better with their denim updates.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2014
Get the M8. It will receive the same software as the M9. If I was going to give you a great price on a 2014 BMW that looks the EXACT same as a 2015 BMW. Which would you take? Only difference is the 2015 BMW has a couple extra items under the hood you can't see and won't notice a difference from the 2014 BMW.

That's not entirely accurate. The Snapdragon 810 SoC in the M9 greatly outperforms the 801 in the M8 (especially with 64-bit optimized apps), it's more efficient so it will have better battery life, the front camera has been drastically improved, and the rear camera (which isn't very good compared to the competition) is still an upgrade over the 4UMP camera of the M8. Almost everything about the M9 is an upgrade over the M8, some areas are just more subtle than others.

To the OP: really, you've waited this long to upgrade, what's another 4-5 weeks? You might as well wait to get the M9 as it is above and beyond the M8 in every single way. It's faster, gets better battery life, has better cameras, and the design doesn't seem to be as slippery as the M8 was. The cost per month on an Edge plan is going to be negligible, the M9 might be $5 more per month. Big whoop. That's $5 a month worth paying to have a better phone.


Feb 28, 2015
Do you even have an M8? Battery life is great on this phone. People without logical sense screams the M9 is an upgrade. No it's not. It's the same phone from last year. From all the reviews I read, the M8 didn't get bashed like the M9. Secondly, the huge MP camera sucks according to everyone. Why buy a phone with an ugly square lens? I'm no designer but a square lens looks stupid. Every reviewer had their M8 next to the M9 and they said there was no noticeable difference in how both phones run. Unless you were in Spain at MWC, you have no room to comment. Most of the reviewers had M8's themselves. They were not impressed. I'm willing to bet the S6 kills HTC in sales. That's because the people like me who upgrade every year with an HTC phone is not getting the M9. Only lemmings buy something that they already have.

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2014
Secondly, the huge MP camera sucks according to everyone.

Most reviewers emphasized the fact that the M9 was running pre-production software. HTC specifically said they still had a lot of tweaking to do on the camera software. With that in mind, I would advise the OP to at the very least wait until the actual reviews of the M9 come out. There will still be plenty of M8 stock around when the M9 goes on sale. Wait.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2014
I just purchased a Developer M8 from HTC this week. $499 is a good price for that phone. I sold my AT&T M8 just prior to MWC and regretted it the minute they announced the M9.

Getting the Developer M8, I'll have Sense 7 as soon as they release it instead of a year from now on AT&T. I'm going to put on a skin to improve the grip and go from there.

For me, the M9 edges seem too sharp and at the M8 closeout price, I was afraid the supply would dry up prior to the M9 Developer being available and I didn't want to take that gamble.

I agree with others, if you want a carrier branded phone, there will be plenty of stock and you should wait for the M9 reviews or in-person evaluation. Only if you want to get unlocked or Developer M8 from HTC is there a decision point.
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Trusted Member
Mar 9, 2011
Wait for the M9. It betters the M8 almost in every way. Granted, it may be subtle, but it does. Sure they M8 will get the software from HTC but all they said was "later this year". It's supposed to launch mid-March.

But do what you gotta do.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2014
You may not have much choice if you want a carrier branded device. T-Mobile has already dropped the M8 android version from their web site leaving only the M8 for Windows behind. For now, the M8 still shows up on AT&T's Cellphones page, but given that's there's no good reason to prefer the M8 to the M9 without a significant price drop, none of the major US vendors may keep it for long.


Well-known member
Jul 2, 2012
20MP camera over a 4MP camera is a pretty significant change.

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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2012
The new S6 without expandable memory and a smaller battery? The m9 might only have what some consider minor improvements but Samsung is moving backwards.

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Jan 22, 2015
The new S6 without expandable memory and a smaller battery? The m9 might only have what some consider minor improvements but Samsung is moving backwards.

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The m9 has a bad camera and the overheating 810......


Feb 28, 2015
Wait for the M9. It betters the M8 almost in every way. Granted, it may be subtle, but it does. Sure they M8 will get the software from HTC but all they said was "later this year". It's supposed to launch mid-March.

But do what you gotta do.

So every reviewer wrote that Sense 7 is like Sense 6.5. Who cares if you have to wait for Sense 7? It will be like Lollipop where you won't notice too much of a difference outside of the new themes you can add. Something the M8 should have come with on day one. The phone had 4 themes. HTC is not going to play me. I don't need apps popping up when I'm in certain places.

What's funny is this forum has a bunch of people who weren't in Spain and haven't played with the phone to include myself. People get onto isheep for buying a phone with minimal upgrades and specs every year. Some of you are android sheep. The M9's design is great for 2013/2014. You are going to see phones placed next to the M9 and wish you didn't buy the phone.

Two tone color on the M9. Thanks HTC but everyone usually carries their phone around in a case. Why buy jewelry then cover it up? What's the point since that's the look you were going for.

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2014
So every reviewer wrote that Sense 7 is like Sense 6.5. Who cares if you have to wait for Sense 7? It will be like Lollipop where you won't notice too much of a difference outside of the new themes you can add. Something the M8 should have come with on day one. The phone had 4 themes. HTC is not going to play me. I don't need apps popping up when I'm in certain places.

What's funny is this forum has a bunch of people who weren't in Spain and haven't played with the phone to include myself. People get onto isheep for buying a phone with minimal upgrades and specs every year. Some of you are android sheep. The M9's design is great for 2013/2014. You are going to see phones placed next to the M9 and wish you didn't buy the phone.

Two tone color on the M9. Thanks HTC but everyone usually carries their phone around in a case. Why buy jewelry then cover it up? What's the point since that's the look you were going for.

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Sorry but I don't understand this logic. If you put your phone in a case, then why even care about its design? I don't know about you, but I do care about its design and I don't have my phone all the time in a case. Even if I had it, I would care.
I think we should all just wait till the final version comes out and then we will see.
From the pictures and videos on the Internet I can only say that I prefer the design of the M8, but I like the following things on the M9:
  • The cooler display temperature. The M8 has very warm colors and this is unnatural
  • Having the Blinkfeed on the lock screen is nice (this might come to the M8 too though)
  • The improved speakers
  • The 64bit CPU

I will reserve judgement on the camera, but I am preparing myself to get disappointed..


Feb 28, 2015
Sorry but I don't understand this logic. If you put your phone in a case, then why even care about its design? I don't know about you, but I do care about its design and I don't have my phone all the time in a case. Even if I had it, I would care.
I think we should all just wait till the final version comes out and then we will see.
From the pictures and videos on the Internet I can only say that I prefer the design of the M8, but I like the following things on the M9:
  • The cooler display temperature. The M8 has very warm colors and this is unnatural
  • Having the Blinkfeed on the lock screen is nice (this might come to the M8 too though)
  • The improved speakers
  • The 64bit CPU

I will reserve judgement on the camera, but I am preparing myself to get disappointed..

Sorry but I don't understand this logic. If you put your phone in a case, then why even care about its design? I don't know about you, but I do care about its design and I don't have my phone all the time in a case. Even if I had it, I would care.
I think we should all just wait till the final version comes out and then we will see.
From the pictures and videos on the Internet I can only say that I prefer the design of the M8, but I like the following things on the M9:
  • The cooler display temperature. The M8 has very warm colors and this is unnatural
  • Having the Blinkfeed on the lock screen is nice (this might come to the M8 too though)
  • The improved speakers
  • The 64bit CPU

I will reserve judgement on the camera, but I am preparing myself to get disappointed..

I can tell you this. This man can dress nice and I know how to match my jewelry with my outfits. Gold/silver is for watches. Not for two tone colored phones. A phone should be a solid color with trim that is appropriate. HTC is trying to be like Apple and I don't like it at all. You want a phone that can go with any attire. Hence, I would never buy a gold phone. Silver goes with the cool color of blue that I like to wear.

You must be high right? Improved speakers? I honestly think the speakers with beats on the M7 was better than the M8. HTC keeps jumping around from this to that in their speakers. According to everyone on here why change the design if it's award winning? Why do they have to keep changing what their speakers can bring if they are so great? Kind of makes no sense. This is becoming far too gimmicky. It's a phone. Everyone wants loud speakers for speaker phone or watching a YouTube video. HTC is taking steps backwards. Kind of gimmicky to keep claiming your speakers get better every year but the design of your phone remains the same.

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2011
So every reviewer wrote that Sense 7 is like Sense 6.5. Who cares if you have to wait for Sense 7? It will be like Lollipop where you won't notice too much of a difference outside of the new themes you can add. Something the M8 should have come with on day one. The phone had 4 themes. HTC is not going to play me. I don't need apps popping up when I'm in certain places.

What's funny is this forum has a bunch of people who weren't in Spain and haven't played with the phone to include myself. People get onto isheep for buying a phone with minimal upgrades and specs every year. Some of you are android sheep. The M9's design is great for 2013/2014. You are going to see phones placed next to the M9 and wish you didn't buy the phone.

Two tone color on the M9. Thanks HTC but everyone usually carries their phone around in a case. Why buy jewelry then cover it up? What's the point since that's the look you were going for.

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Just be sure you remind dear old Samsung about how naive they were for trying to introduce premium materials and elegant design to the S6 and S6 edge. Also if people will cover up the looks of the phone with a case, then aren't the arguments about the M9 not deviating too far from the looks of the M8 moot? If the M9 was a revolutionary design, then what difference would it make if a case will cover it up.

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Feb 28, 2015
Just be sure you remind dear old Samsung about how naive they were for trying to introduce premium materials and elegant design to the S6 and S6 edge. Also if people will cover up the looks of the phone with a case, then aren't the arguments about the M9 not deviating too far from the looks of the M8 moot? If the M9 was a revolutionary design, then what difference would it make if a case will cover it up.

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HTC was supposed to come out with a phone people would NOT want to put a case on. Using a motto of "HTC One M9, Too Beautiful not to go Naked." Its called "branding." Would have done wonders for the company. You guys are so simple minded when it comes to thinking about this stuff. The M9 isn't a beautiful phone. I'm willing to bet it won't win any awards for beauty this year...LOL

Having the M7 made me buy the slimmest case ever for my phone called Itskins. You can still see the beauty of the phone. I also used a clear case as well.

The S6 looks like a nice phone to me. At least Samsung tried. Although people weren't too happy with them in general. People will go back to them if Touchwiz runs smooth and they have a smaller battery that can outlast the M9. I'm willing to bet if the battery can beat the M9, Samsung profits will soar.

I expect HTC to come out with a completely different phone and people who purchase the M9 will regret it. If I hear that the M7, M8, and M9 all look the same from any Joe Smoe, I am going to lose it. You want people to look at your phone and just want it. That's just not the case with the M9.
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