Upgraded to MAXX from GNex -- My Thoughts


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Dec 13, 2011
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Wall of text ahead---if you don't want to read it all skip down to the TL;DR & pictures.


I was torn between the One and MAXX when I walked into the store today. I played with both of them and compared both to my old GNex for almost an hour. After playing with both phones I decided on the MAXX. Keep in mind that I made these decisions based on my needs and preferences. Also keep in mind that these were both demo units. For those that are still on the fence, here was my thought process as I played with each device:

The first thing I wanted to check out was the power button on the One. The rep let me play with a new phone (still wrapped in protective layers) to check it out. It was a big concern for me, but it wasn't as big of a deal as I thought. I have big hands (6'4") and it wasn't necessarily easy to use with only one hand, but it was doable. A very slight shifting of the phone was required. It would definitely make me more cautious every time I turn the phone on, which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.

The next thing I looked as was build quality. The One's build quality and overall feel are unsurpassed. It is an amazing device and there is nothing else to say about that. The MAXX isn't aluminum, but it is a solid-feeling phone. It definitely feels like a quality device, and in the realm of plastic smartphones I would rate it near the top. Being made of sturdy plastic gives the impression that this thing is able to handle being tossed around without being damaged. I am a fairly active person, so this was a big factor. With the One, I feel like I would have to put on a case to avoid dinging or scratching the aluminum, but I wouldn't want to cover up that beautiful aluminum body.

The screens on both devices are amazing. The One definitely wins--there is no doubt about it. The sharpness and color reproduction looked better than the MAXX (to me). The MAXX is a step down from the One, but it's a baby step. Comparing either device to my GNex is like night and day. The MAXX is better than my GNex by leaps and bounds, so I have no problems with the 720p display on the MAXX.

I then compared the speaker quality between the two. The loudness is equivalent--based on what I heard in the store I might even give the edge to the MAXX. The One had a bit cleaner sound, but it didn't quite blow me away as some reviews suggest. Both of these new devices did, however, blow my GNex out of the water. The GNex has been plagued with crappy speakers and low volume since it was released. There is a much bigger difference between the GNex and these two devices than there is between the One and the MAXX.

Regarding software (Sense vs close-to-stock-Android), I have no preference. The one thing that the One had in the software that I am very curious to try out is Zoe. IR Blaster isn't something I see myself using, so that wasn't a big factor for me. The MAXX has two things that I have been very interested in: Active Notifications and Touchless Controls.

I've already found myself using both features quite a bit. The Active Notifications are just sweet--I find myself saying "that's so freakin' cool" every time I get a text or email. I can check my text and swipe it out of the way without ever turning my screen on. Having the time pop up every time I pick up the phone is also a really cool feature, and the whole concept seems like it will come in handy. Regarding the Touchless Controls, I'm sure the "cool" factor will wear off, but it is an extremely handy feature to have when I need it. If I'm laying in bed on a weekend and want to keep napping...."OK Google Now, set an alarm for 30 minutes". If I'm at work craving some tunes and my hands are dirty...."OK Google Now, play Pandora". If I'm handling raw chicken in the kitchen and I have a cooking question for Grandma...."OK Google Now, call Grandma". This seems like something that I would actually use regularly.

The camera is one of the most important features for me. I have a D300s for real photography, so I'm spoiled with image quality. The camera reviews on the Moto X have had me extremely worried about the camera on the MAXX, but I must say that I am pleasantly surprised. I tested both the MAXX and the One against my GNex while in the store. I took pictures of displays (ie-text), pictures of people, and pictures of my personal items (my watch, in particular). All pictures were taken on Auto mode. Similar to the speakers, the biggest difference was between the GNex and these two devices. The difference between the One and the MAXX (at least on the two demo units I tested) was negligible. I was very surprised at how well the MAXX was doing indoors. Of course I couldn't test outdoors, but the MAXX had already exceeded my expectations for indoor shots.

Since the cameras were so close I decided to go with the MAXX for the features listed above as well as the huge battery life. Using my GNex has made me appreciate how critical battery life is. In most cases I am near a charger. In the instances I'm not, however, it will be very nice not to have to worry about killing my phone.


I'm extremely pleased that I went with the MAXX. Shown below is a quick battery comparison as well as a few pictures (all Auto-mode & unedited):

I charged my GNex and MAXX until they were both at 100%. Then I walked around the apartment for a little under 30 minutes taking picture samples with both units at full brightness. It should be pretty obvious which battery results belong to which phone. I'm already in love:


GNex on the left, MAXX on the right. I'm blown away by how much detail is in the MAXX's picture. Both the shadows and highlights have enough detail to tell me that any problems people have with the camera are heavily software-related. My camera has been great thus far.


GNex on the top, MAXX on the bottom. GNex often overcompensates the WB when indoors, as you can see from the extremely warm tint to the picture.


The rest are just random shots with the MAXX indoors (not great lighting)....

Goose Island (a far cry from the under-saturated pictures I've seen in the Moto X reviews):

Sponge for Dog Bowls (very sharp for an indoor shot):

Salt & Pepper Shakers:


Perhaps the post-processing in the MAXX is different than the Moto X? I'm not sure, but either way I can say that I'm extremely pleased with the results thus far. I'm very anxious to get out tomorrow and take some daylight pictures to see how those stack up. I know a lot of you are worried about the camera (as I was), but I can say that the unit I have has been phenomenal. I'm very, very happy with the MAXX.

Thus far the only weird thing I've found occurs when powering off from the camera. When I turn the phone back on and unlock it, the phone goes to the home screen. All other apps work properly and are still open when I unlock the phone. Any ideas?

If you guys have any questions please feel free to ask. I would not hesitate to recommend this phone to anyone.
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Aug 23, 2013
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You know this question is inevitable, but I'll ask anyway....how's the call quality on your new Maxx? Also, does the phone feel overly heavy? I know it's a little heavy because of battery but sometimes form factor can relegate some of the weight. Thanks! Enjoyed your pics too!


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2011
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You know this question is inevitable, but I'll ask anyway....how's the call quality on your new Maxx? Also, does the phone feel overly heavy? I know it's a little heavy because of battery but sometimes form factor can relegate some of the weight. Thanks! Enjoyed your pics too!

Call quality is great on my end. I get better reception in the middle of my apartment than I did on my GNex, but then again the GNex was never known for great reception. I have already been told by two people that I sound better from their end.

The phone doesn't feel heavy at all, but for me that's likely because it weighs just a feather more than the GNex (5.25oz vs 5.75oz). If anything I would describe it as light for a phone this size.


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Jul 21, 2011
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This review set my decision on the maxx was gonna get the ultra in red because it's beautiful but that battery life is amazing thank you so much glad you like the phone sounds like motos back

Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2


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Jul 15, 2012
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Good review thank you! I went from the note2 to the maxx.. For me the maxx is lighter and smaller for almost the same size screen.. But half n inch is noticeable lol. So far my battery isn't quite what I thought.. But then again I've pretty much played w it setting it up and stuff non stop while I'm awake... So that is using more.

Again thanks for your review

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Aug 23, 2010
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You know this question is inevitable, but I'll ask anyway....how's the call quality on your new Maxx? Also, does the phone feel overly heavy? I know it's a little heavy because of battery but sometimes form factor can relegate some of the weight. Thanks! Enjoyed your pics too!

I had the original droid razr maxx and the Galaxy nexus. Sound quality is deffintly better on the maxx. Sounds better and people say I sound better. Maxx feels great in my hands!


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Aug 31, 2011
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I can't believe you still had 60% battery left on your GNex LOL. I got the GNex on release day and still have the same phone, never had to replace it so that tells you I have had no real problems. But the battery is terrible and the radios not great so looking forward to something new.

How much bigger does the Maxx feel in your hand, I'm not thinking it will be a big deal but since you have both why not ask?

Is the phone slippery? Only reason I got a cover for GNex is because it was so slippery.

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Jul 15, 2012
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I will say the backs of the maxx phones are not slippery like the ultra and mini.. I held those and they feel like they have a clear coat.
The maxx has a nice grip to it without being too much. I bought a bumper for mine and it really compliments it.. At least till otterbox makes a case

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Dec 13, 2011
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I can't believe you still had 60% battery left on your GNex LOL. I got the GNex on release day and still have the same phone, never had to replace it so that tells you I have had no real problems. But the battery is terrible and the radios not great so looking forward to something new.

How much bigger does the Maxx feel in your hand, I'm not thinking it will be a big deal but since you have both why not ask?

Is the phone slippery? Only reason I got a cover for GNex is because it was so slippery.

Posted via Android Central App
Yep it was time for an upgrade from the GNex. I knew my battery had gone the wayside, but I didn't realize how bad until I had the camera on for 30 minutes straight during this test.

The MAXX feels great in the hand. It's a hair wider and taller than the GNex, but not by a lot. Here is a screenshot from Phone Arena's comparison tool. If you use this tool be sure to hit the 'Calibrate' button:


(Everything in the next paragraph is based on the fact that I'm a big guy with big hands. This is one of those your-mileage-may-vary deals. Before relying on my notes please play with the phone in store. I'd ask to have the fat tether removed, as well, so that you can hold just the phone.)

The width increase is more noticeable than the height increase, but that's not to say it's awkward to hold. It is a 5" display, so going from the very top to the very bottom of the screen is doable if you hold it in your hand correctly. Since the power button is on the side it really is a one-handed phone. I prefer my power button on the side (GNex, MAXX), whereas the One has it on the top left. While the One is still a one-handed device, there was some shifting of the phone down to turn it on shifting back up to use it. I don't find myself having to shift the MAXX. It's also thinner than the GNex.

I would say the "slipperiness" factor is the same as the GNex, but in a different way. The GNex has the dimpled battery cover and the MAXX has the kevlar back. If I had to compare it to something I'd compare it to those old-style snap-on rubberized cases, except not quite as "sticky". It's easily slid in and out of a pocket. It's difficult to describe the MAXX's back in words so I took some pictures. It's still hard to tell, but it has a nice feel to it. Click to view bigger:


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Aug 31, 2011
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Yep it was time for an upgrade from the GNex. I knew my battery had gone the wayside, but I didn't realize how bad until I had the camera on for 30 minutes straight during this test.

The MAXX feels great in the hand. It's a hair wider and taller than the GNex, but not by a lot. Here is a screenshot from Phone Arena's comparison tool. If you use this tool be sure to hit the 'Calibrate' button:


The width increase is more noticeable than the height increase, but that's not to say it's awkward to hold. It is a 5" display, so going from the very top to the very bottom of the screen is doable if you hold it in your hand correctly. Since the power button is on the side it really is a one-handed phone. I prefer my power button on the side (GNex, MAXX), whereas the One has it on the top left. While the One is still a one-handed device, there was some shifting of the phone down to turn it on shifting back up to use it. I don't find myself having to shift the MAXX. It's also thinner than the GNex.

I would say the "slipperiness" factor is the same as the GNex, but in a different way. The GNex has the dimpled battery cover and the MAXX has the kevlar back. If I had to compare it to something I'd compare it to those old-style snap-on rubberized cases, except not quite as "sticky". It's easily slid in and out of a pocket. It's difficult to describe the MAXX's back in words so I took some pictures. It's still hard to tell, but it has a nice feel to it. Click to view bigger:


Thanks for all the info, yeah I already compared the sizes on that website but just worried how it felt. I haven't made up my mind yet, still want to play with the LG G2 also.

Tapatalk mofo


Aug 23, 2013
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Thanks for all the info. I have serious trepidation about the Maxx simply for its size as I'm coming from the iPhone 5. I'm so used to the 5 fitting into every pocket I have. It's a small thing, but pocketability is important to me. So is call quality(thanks for answering that btw) and I know Motorola has a great track record in terms of call quality. I think I have my mind made up. Was kind of on the fence between Maxx and Moto X but, it's really hard to ignore that battery!!!! I'm also a big fan of the Kevlar.


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Mar 6, 2013
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Long time lurker here, but no posts. This is my first one and it's long. I've always had an iPhone (don't bash, I just love the quality and usability of Apple products) but since last Thanksgiving I've been bored with iOS on my iPhone 5 (still love my iPad). A little background on me; I work in IT and have for many years. I also deal with all mobile devices at my place of employment and have tons of experience with everything from BlackBerry to iOS to the latest Android devices. I've been running the latest iOS7 beta on my iPhone 5 and I upgrade to the latest version every time one is released. I really like it, but still feeling bored. With me coming from the Apple ecosystem (iPhone, iPad, MacBook Air) and pretty much everyone I know having an iPhone, the Google ecosystem and Android is a huge change. I've personally tried to make the move from my iPhone 5 to the GS3, GS4, Note2, Droid DNA, and even opened a line with AT&T to try the HTC One a few months ago (I've had Verizon for over 2 years). Two months ago, the HTC was the phone for me. I freaking loved that phone. So I waited......and waited....and waited for a Verizon launch. Well, on Tuesday I had to check out the new Droids. I went into the corporate store expecting to like the Ultra more than the Maxx, and figuring I would be getting the HTC One yesterday anyway. Boy, was I wrong. I absolutely love the Maxx. The battery life is getting better after each full charge, absolutely love the active notifications (it puts me back in my comfort zone where the iPhone's screen would light up on new notifications) and the new Assist feature works really great. Still getting used to "OK Google Now" and the weight of the Maxx. Coming from the iPhone 5, to be honest it's a brick to me. Having said that, I don't necessarily think it's too heavy, just way heavier than I'm used to. As far as the software, coming from and iPhone since 2007 and trying HTC's Sense and Samsung's Touchwiz, I absolutely love the plain feeling of the Maxx's OS. It feels clean and there's almost no bloat. This phone screams with speed and I have had zero issues with lag (my S3 and S4 had just a little, but noticeable) and the HTC One had no lag that I remember. I also was concerned with the quality of the screen being 720p. Having both the HTC One and GS4, there's no doubt those screen are absolutely gorgeous. I'm am pleasantly surprised with the screen on the Maxx and I things it's great. The only thing I'm really torn on with the Maxx is the physical size of the phone (I was with the One and S4 also). Again, I'm used to a small hardware footprint with the iPhone 5. I'm very curious about the upcoming Moto X. The only reason I'd take my Maxx back is to exchange it for the Moto X due to it's physical size. I'm going by AT&T today to see and feel them side-by-side to compare. One thing I still haven't played with much is the camera, but the few pictures I've taken I've been pretty happy with. Anyway, I just thought I'd pass on my experience in hopes that it helps others with their decision.

Paul VanderKlay

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Feb 11, 2013
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I think there's a slug of us out there with the GNex that are looking for what's next on Verizon. Thanks for your review. I found it very helpful.

Talk to me about the buttons. On the Gnex we've got the soft buttons and then on certain apps the settings button appears way over to the right. I've heard that on the MAXX you get a bar across the bottom with those buttons. Also, of course, in landscape the buttons won't move. How are you finding that?

The more you can say about battery life is helpful. I've got 4 batteries for my GNex. I don't use them all every day, but if I'm on a trip I can run through them pretty quickly. Do you feel confident that you could make it through a day of heavy usage? Thanks. pvk


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Feb 12, 2011
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I think there's a slug of us out there with the GNex that are looking for what's next on Verizon. Thanks for your review. I found it very helpful.

Talk to me about the buttons. On the Gnex we've got the soft buttons and then on certain apps the settings button appears way over to the right. I've heard that on the MAXX you get a bar across the bottom with those buttons. Also, of course, in landscape the buttons won't move. How are you finding that?

The more you can say about battery life is helpful. I've got 4 batteries for my GNex. I don't use them all every day, but if I'm on a trip I can run through them pretty quickly. Do you feel confident that you could make it through a day of heavy usage? Thanks. pvk
My GNex will make it through the day with a Hyperion battery. I assume the Maxx will breeze through with similar capacity. I'm still on the fence. A few things bother me but they're negligible.
1) No root yet.
2) No Google Wallet yet.
3) Sounds like the buttons stay illuminated when you watch video, a slightly disappointing annoyance.

No device is perfect, but I think I might wait to let the initial hardware release run it's course. It seems like there's always revised hardware a couple of months after initial release. My GNex hasn't been acting so hot lately, but I'm a pretty heavy user.


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Aug 31, 2011
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Went and checked out the Maxx and One today at the store. I have the GNex right now.

First the One.
I don't understand why everybody loves this phone! No doubt that yes the screen is better then my phone, and the camera took better pictures in the store. But the button lay out is terrible! Not only the screen buttons but the power as well. And I have never liked the hand feel, just didn't feel right to me. Also I didn't mess with it as much as the Maxx but I can tell I wasn't crazy about Sense.

The Maxx
Having a GNex the Maxx is really easy to pick up and just use, that is a huge plus. The feel of the phone is nice, I like the back and the phone is a good size, not to big at all. Screen is crazy brighter then on the GNex and while I didn't watch any videos I can tell the 720 is not a big deal. The phone ran smooth and I didn't notice any problems.

Camera on all 3
I was really surprised here with the Maxx. Although the Maxx hasn't had great reviews on the camera in this thread everybody seemed to like it. I took 3 pictures in the store with it and the GNex and out of the 3 two from the GNex where better! It was the lighting, the Maxx pictures where really dark compared to the GNex and I was surprised. The One was hand down better then the other two.

Another shocker. I hate the radio on the GNex, one reason I want another phone. In the store I compared them all. When I compared the GNex to the Maxx I got - 92 on the GNex while the Maxx went between - 94 to - 97. Yes the GNex was showing a better connection. Then I compared the One (different area in the store) GNex was - 94 the One - 95. Another win for the GNex. Was surprised by both! But right outside the store the GNex got - 104 so it's clear the store has some kind of booster and you can't go by that.

Right now the Maxx is the best phone for me I think, but I want to wait for the LG G2 to come out before I get anything.

Tapatalk mofo


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Aug 23, 2013
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Thanks for the pics. I'm also a release day gnex buyer and the camera has been a concern. I'm an amateur photographer and like to get buy with the phone on occasion. I'm waiting for maxx preorder but don't know what I'm going to do with the 5% allocated space in my brain for worrying about battery running out everyday.


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2011
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I think there's a slug of us out there with the GNex that are looking for what's next on Verizon. Thanks for your review. I found it very helpful.

Talk to me about the buttons. On the Gnex we've got the soft buttons and then on certain apps the settings button appears way over to the right. I've heard that on the MAXX you get a bar across the bottom with those buttons. Also, of course, in landscape the buttons won't move. How are you finding that?
Honestly it hasn't even been something I've noticed. Yes, it's different than the on-screen buttons of the GNex, but it's not like they're in the way. I actually might prefer them on the right in landscape mode because I no longer have to stretch my thumb to reach them. I know a lot of people make a big deal about capacitive buttons, but it's not something that bothers me at all.

The more you can say about battery life is helpful. I've got 4 batteries for my GNex. I don't use them all every day, but if I'm on a trip I can run through them pretty quickly. Do you feel confident that you could make it through a day of heavy usage? Thanks. pvk
There is no doubt in my mind that this thing will make it through an entire day. The only way I can see you killing this phone in a day is to play videos or games for hours on end. At this moment (on phone's first charge) I am at 18H on battery with 47% screen time and 36% battery remaining. I would consider my usage today slightly above moderate (not quite heavy), which is more than I typically use it in a day. Who doesn't like playing with their new toy nonstop? :) That should equate to over 12.5 hours of on-screen time with above moderate usage, which is freaking amazing.

My answers are in bold above. I am very, very glad I went with the MAXX over the One. I'm sure the One would have been dead hours ago based on my usage today. I didn't realize how much I would appreciate the battery life in the MAXX. I'm at ease knowing that nothing I do in a day would ever be able to kill this phone.


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Jun 12, 2012
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My answers are in bold above. I am very, very glad I went with the MAXX over the One. I'm sure the One would have been dead hours ago based on my usage today. I didn't realize how much I would appreciate the battery life in the MAXX. I'm at ease knowing that nothing I do in a day would ever be able to kill this phone.

This, so much this!!

Posted via my awesome, longer lasting phone than yours aka droid MAXX

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