USB Tether -- The old school method:

Now to make a script to change it back to get usb mass storage back.

/system/bin/netsharing net on && echo 4 > /sys/devices/platform/msm_hsusb/usb_function_switch

dont really need it, just pull down the shade and click on what you want. Even whats already selected.

good idea with the scriptor though

See what free time does for you... I haven't heard back if I passed my boards, and I can't work (officially) yet... so here you go. Its not fully functional. I'm working on getting it to install the script to /system/xbin at installation... If anyone is well versed in Javascript... I have a few ?'s Otherwise... it'll be a little bit longer until I learn some stuff.

Another teaser :P
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woohoo!! looking good! hey when i get laid off next year maybe ill have to learn a little javascript. heehee
woohoo!! looking good! hey when i get laid off next year maybe ill have to learn a little javascript. heehee

the neat stuff is that thats all built with the XML format, which is so much easier to learn than Java for me. So the graphics are done..., just need the rest.
Great find evildean. This works great on my Evo. Download Gscript Lite from the Market and create a script with super user checked. Add shortcut to Home screen and you got a one click solution. No batch files or anything needed.

/system/bin/netsharing net on && echo 4 > /sys/devices/platform/msm_hsusb/usb_function_switch

When I do this it says "/system/bin/netsharing: not found"

Could it be because of the ROM I'm using or what?
What Rom are you using?
Are you issuing the command as root?
I'm assuming you did not issue the su command first.

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