Using USB OTG (Android newb here)


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May 6, 2013
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So I'm looking for a solution to tide me over until that Mini MicroSD card reader on kickstarter gets built.

The HTC One is my first Android device, coming from an iPhone 4S and WebOS before that. I did some digging and I've found some info on a card reader and USB-OTG cable that should work based on another One user's recommendation-- I just want to make sure that I'm not doing something wrong with my current setup before I got spend a few more dollars on a new SD card reader.

So I downloaded ES File Explorer. When I connect my current card reader + USB OTG cable to my One, the One says "USB storage is ready" (but also gives me that "Unable to charge device" error).

When I go to ES File Explorer and browse to USB, it says the folder is empty. The SDHC card came formatted as Fat32 and I haven't changed that, and I've loaded a couple folders on there-- one with some video files / movies, and one with some photos. (I understand that if I've successfully mounted that SD card / reader that those photos should show up in the Gallery app-- correct me if I'm wrong).

My initial instinct is that this particular reader might need more power than the One provides-- am I missing something? Or do they need to be somewhere else on the card other than the root folder? (When I read the card on my Mac I see an Android folder and a LOST.DIR folder on the card as well... so it seems the phone has at least had some connectivity with the card). Am I looking in the wrong place in ES File Explorer? I even had ES do a search for part of the name of one of the video files and it didn't turn up any results.

Thanks for any insight you fellow HTC One users can offer.

p.s. don't worry about giving me grief about buying a phone with a card slot like the Galaxy series. Galaxy design just doesn't do it for me, I don't mind having external storage attached from time to time.


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Nov 11, 2010
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So I'm looking for a solution to tide me over until that Mini MicroSD card reader on kickstarter gets built.

The HTC One is my first Android device, coming from an iPhone 4S and WebOS before that. I did some digging and I've found some info on a card reader and USB-OTG cable that should work based on another One user's recommendation-- I just want to make sure that I'm not doing something wrong with my current setup before I got spend a few more dollars on a new SD card reader.

So I downloaded ES File Explorer. When I connect my current card reader + USB OTG cable to my One, the One says "USB storage is ready" (but also gives me that "Unable to charge device" error).

When I go to ES File Explorer and browse to USB, it says the folder is empty. The SDHC card came formatted as Fat32 and I haven't changed that, and I've loaded a couple folders on there-- one with some video files / movies, and one with some photos. (I understand that if I've successfully mounted that SD card / reader that those photos should show up in the Gallery app-- correct me if I'm wrong).

My initial instinct is that this particular reader might need more power than the One provides-- am I missing something? Or do they need to be somewhere else on the card other than the root folder? (When I read the card on my Mac I see an Android folder and a LOST.DIR folder on the card as well... so it seems the phone has at least had some connectivity with the card). Am I looking in the wrong place in ES File Explorer? I even had ES do a search for part of the name of one of the video files and it didn't turn up any results.

Thanks for any insight you fellow HTC One users can offer.

p.s. don't worry about giving me grief about buying a phone with a card slot like the Galaxy series. Galaxy design just doesn't do it for me, I don't mind having external storage attached from time to time.

Yes it should be in the usb folder.

I'm using a microsd to usb adapter and otg cable.

The "charge warning" will always pop up so don't worry there. Fat32 is the correct format.

My guess is it just doesn't recognize that card reader for some reason.... Sorry not I'm not more help.

Posted via Android Central App


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May 6, 2013
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Thanks for responding-- glad to hear I'm looking in the right place. Looks like I got it working-- I had to unmount the drive in the system settings and then reconnect it. After that it seemed to find the contents of the drive... I think we're in good shape! Now I just need a USB OTG cable that isn't so loose :)

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