Verizon LG Optimus LTE2/Spectrum 2?


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May 11, 2012
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I have the Korean LG Optimus LTE 2. It is great. I got it June 6th. Pretty awesome for my first android phone.

Do i have any complaints? Not really. I've had trouble with some apps randomly having image uploading problems. The phone rocks. Quick. Responsive. I'm not a gamer so I don't need battery eating four core phone.

Multitasking is easy. Yes, I have 2GB of RAM. About a GIG is always used to preload the OS and seemingly popular apps. Every app starts quick.

I can't complain.

Issues I've had.... This is an LG phone, but I'm using SK Telecom service in Korea. As such, I can't use LG's IPTV-HD streaming ability. I know SK will roll out their own HD-IPTV ability soon enough.

Secondly, when I got the phone I could connect to SK wife hot spots automatically with WiFi on. After a few days, something went wrong. A/S decided to reinstall thinking some app messed up the ability. Well, a reinstall worked. By the way, South Korean a/s service is available everywhere and rocks for the most part.

The other issue I ran into is ubersocial and instagram refusing to upload images. these problems haven't been consistent. I think forcing gpu rendering in the "development" menu problem was responsible.

I highly recommend the phone. The screen rocks. If you are going to be some gamer or running a busy webserver off your phone then maybe you will want the four core Samsung Galaxy SIII, but for what I need, this thing rocks.

Sent from my LG-F160S


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May 11, 2012
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Oh. The images in that article aren't my phone. That may be America's LTE2, but it's not identical to my phone.

The camera on the back should be right below the on button in the top left, not the center.

Also, there should only three buttons on the front, not four. The menu button is on the right. The back button is on the left. And the "home" button in the middle. Also, any mention of 1GB of RAM makes me uncomfortable. My phone absolutely has 2GB of RAM.

Sent from my LG-F160S


Well-known member
May 11, 2012
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My phone has the exact same screen size as the galaxy S3. Except LG says it's true HD. The Samsung screens are lacking some pixels some where.

Sent from my LG-F160S, Optimus LTE 2

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