Verizon Note 3 Preorder w/ unlimited data KICKED OFF UNLIMITED PLAN


Feb 21, 2011
Hey guys. I took the chance with my unlimited data plan in trying to keep it while preording through VZWs glitchy system about a week ago.

I got my phone today, and my plan was reverted to the 2GB plan. I called VZW customer support and they offered me some "vzw Max" plan that the woman said was being offered to prior unlimited data customers. This plan is 6GB for $30/mo. (Note: I had to call for this to be applied. Otherwise I'd be stuck with 2GB)

I'm thinking about returning the phone to keep my unlimited data, but 6GB is actually quite reasonable for me, so I'm torn. I more so want to keep my unlimited due to the principle of it (my receipt like many others said unlimited data, etc.).

Unlimited.JPGVZW Max plan.JPG
Just call them. I had my buddy who was sitting next to me when I read about the unlimited data bug, he immediately ordered a galaxy s4. He received it and started using it for a while.. then got a notification of him being over his data limit, he called customer service and they had it all sorted out within 20-30 minutes and it was back to unlimited data.

No biggie.
Not sure what phone you used before but i used a droid incredible 1 and 2 for is say 3 years and never went over 4 gb usually 3-3.4 every month. i checked. now this phone was 3g.... with my 4g phone(htc one) iv averaged between 7.5 and 9gb..... im not sure if a 4g phone uses more data or not but just giving you a heads up...

btw-. i passed on that max plan and paid cash for my phone and am so glad i did...