Verizon note 7 photo gallery

Christopher Gilliam

Well-known member
Jul 25, 2013
What's up with the scroll/list only option in the photo gallery. Is this something Verizon has done or is this the set up across the board for note 7 also can any one recommend and good gallery apt that will let me move photos around and organize them easily from phone to SD card or can this even be done on the note 7
Dont know if it is on diff carriers, i have verizon also.

I used quick pic for years, its a really good app as soon as delete it wanting you to use cloud storage.

You can customize colors, hide folders w passwords or patterns, and set which pic u want to be the folder pic. Its free check it out.

I used it because you can set quick pic wallpapers, and make a wallpaper that doesnt shift on the home screen like motorolas do.. that always annoyed me lol
I would but I also want to be able to easily tell wants in the cloud, on the Phone, and in the memory card I find it difficult to tell what's were with Google photos

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