Verizon says no unlimited data on 3g Dinc to SGIII


Sep 8, 2011
I called support service to verify before pre-ordering online using my upgrade from a HTC DINC and they confirmed moving from Dinc to SGIII would be no issue with keeping unlimited data. I ordered my SGIII on 6/7/12 with the confirmation of my order stating unlimited data and email for smartphone and 4g included. All of a sudden today I received an email stating pre-order does not let me continue unlimited data and to get my phone I had to select a tiered data plan. Then after showing how I pre-ordered prior to 6/28 they changed it to you can't move from a 3g to 4g phone even with pre-order regardless of date or that my order receipt shows unlimited data. Computer error or doesn't matter they guess????? They kept saying if you move to the 2Gig share plan we will send you your phone. Talk about bait and switch. After going through three reps they finally moved me to a supervisor who is stating they are looking into the situation and I am not the only one with this issue. They are supposed to have a resolution sometime early next week according to the supervisor.

Does anyone have any suggestions or can tell me if they have upgraded from a 3g phone to SGIII and kept unlimited data? I am staying on point that I should have the unlimited plan in a calm manner but my patience is starting to run thin. Any suggestions would be appreciated.:(
Email corporate, they call you back the following business day and will have it corrected.

Google for "Dan Meade", president. They are really good at getting back to you ASAP.
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I jumped to an LTE phone awhile back, anticipating that Verizon would pull something like that. Good luck, hope you get to keep unlimited. Don't cave.
I also currently have the DINC and am upgrading to the S3. As far as I can tell, everything seems to be OK. They have already shipped my phone and should be here Monday.. email confirmation says unlimited so I would assume they are legally obligated to abide by the contract terms that I agreed upon.
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Please let me know on Monday if all goes as expected. I hope it does for you. I am happy that I have my confirmation as well stating unlimited but they are trying hard to convince me otherwise. Will this be the only phone on your account to convert from 3g to 4g?
I came from an HTC Eris. Got my phone in today...err yesterday and I still have unlimited. You should be good to go
Hope this won't be a problem, My girlfriend was gonna buy one off contract to upgrade from an 3G phone. Hope they let her keep it
I remember people being told conflicting things about this during the early pre-orders. It is always good to ask that a particular verbal statement be noted in your account. But you can also insist that they retrieve the recording of your call. Anything you can remember about the date and time of the call will be helpful in making your case. Verizon will yield on this point, but it may take some patience and tenacity of your part to find the right person at Verizon.
I called support service to verify before pre-ordering online using my upgrade from a HTC DINC and they confirmed moving from Dinc to SGIII would be no issue with keeping unlimited data. I ordered my SGIII on 6/7/12 with the confirmation of my order stating unlimited data and email for smartphone and 4g included. All of a sudden today I received an email stating pre-order does not let me continue unlimited data and to get my phone I had to select a tiered data plan. Then after showing how I pre-ordered prior to 6/28 they changed it to you can't move from a 3g to 4g phone even with pre-order regardless of date or that my order receipt shows unlimited data. Computer error or doesn't matter they guess????? They kept saying if you move to the 2Gig share plan we will send you your phone. Talk about bait and switch. After going through three reps they finally moved me to a supervisor who is stating they are looking into the situation and I am not the only one with this issue. They are supposed to have a resolution sometime early next week according to the supervisor.

Does anyone have any suggestions or can tell me if they have upgraded from a 3g phone to SGIII and kept unlimited data? I am staying on point that I should have the unlimited plan in a calm manner but my patience is starting to run thin. Any suggestions would be appreciated.:(

I pre-ordered June 6 and my phone is in transit for a 7/9 delivery. I am coming from a 3G and order says 'umlimited'.
Verizon announced that they would be killing all unlimited data plans even if your were grandfathered in. And even before that whenever anybody upgraded to a 4G device they would have to be moved to a tiered data plan

Sent from my HTC EVO 3D
I went from 3G to 4G (DXtoS3). Activated the S3 on July 5th and as of right now I still have unlimited.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Android Central Forums
Verizon announced that they would be killing all unlimited data plans even if your were grandfathered in. And even before that whenever anybody upgraded to a 4G device they would have to be moved to a tiered data plan

Sent from my HTC EVO 3D

Do you have any reference/link to this announcement?
Verizon announced that they would be killing all unlimited data plans even if your were grandfathered in. And even before that whenever anybody upgraded to a 4G device they would have to be moved to a tiered data plan

Sent from my HTC EVO 3D

Provide link to Verizon statement, please. Otherwise, don't spread misinformation. I have a 2 year contract to continue my unlimited. they can't 'kill all unlimited data plans' if you are on contract.
when i read the contract it stated verizon reserves the right to change your contract at anytime as long as they give you a 15 day notice, little nervous about this my self. We shall see come Mon.
I upgraded from the HTC incredible 3G also. I preordered online, and was able to select my unlimited data plan. My gs3 arrived yesterday and I still have unlimited. I am guessing you probably had a bad customer service rep when you placed your order over the phone.
Received S3 yesterday. My paperwork stated Unlimited Email & Web (29.99). I upgraded from the original DInc that I got back in June 2010.
I'm upgrading from the orig. HTC Inc. and I pre-ordered at a corp store and the guy assured me I would have unlimited date... my receipt states that I still do, I guess we'll see on Monday.
Verizon announced that they would be killing all unlimited data plans even if your were grandfathered in. And even before that whenever anybody upgraded to a 4G device they would have to be moved to a tiered data plan

Sent from my HTC EVO 3D

Verizon never made this announcement.

Verizon grandfathered unlimited data plans to be revoked on 4G LTE

This was the first bit of info about it.

Verizon Share Everything plan -- shared data plans now available

And the details of the shared data plans.

As of June 28th, the shared data plans and this new policy went live, even though they might try to claim June 12th, since thats when they announced the new plans and policies.

That said, you can keep your unlimited data plan as long as you like, you just won't be able to get a subsidized phone without switching. ($650 for a galaxy s3 then)

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